#205 Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery Flashcards
What was the US c section rate in 1970?
What was the US c section rate in 2016?
What are the benefits of VBAC compared to scheduled repeat cesarean section?
Avoid major abdominal surgery, lower rates of hemorrhage, thromboembolism, and infection, shorter recovery period. Decrease risk related to multiple CS (hyst, bowel bladder injury, abnormal placentation, infection)
When does most maternal morbidity occur related to TOLAC?
When repeat cesarean section becomes necessary
Put in order from least to most maternal morbidity/mortality risk: repeat cesarean section, VBAC, repeat CS after TOLAC
VBAC, repeat CS, repeat CS after TOLAC
What is the risk of uterine rupture during TOLAC with one prior lower transverse uterine incision?
What is the vaginal delivery rate in a general population of TOLACs?
True or false: women with prior cesarean section are more likely to have successful VBAC if they are induced rather than spontaneous labor?
False, less likely to achieve VBAC than spontaneous labor
Does maternal age affect success rate of VBAC?
Yes, decreasing success rate with increasing age
Does gestation age at time of delivery affect rate of VBAC success?
Yes, advanced GA (>40 wks), associated with lower success
Does short interval pregnancy affect chances of successful VBAC?
Decreases success rate
Does preeclampsia affect the chances of successful VBAC?
Yes, decreases chances
How does BMI affect chances of successful VBAC
Lower chance with higher BMI
How does a prior vaginal delivery affect success rate of VBAC?
Increases it
Do VBAC prediction models (success calculators) improve patient outcomes?
Has not been shown to
Women with < what % chance of successful VBAC are more likely to experience morbidity than women with elective repeat cesarean delivery?
Women with what prior uterine scar(s) are candidates for VBAC?
Low transverse (up to 2), low vertical, unknown scar (unless high clinical suspicion for prior classical incision)
What is the risk of uterine rupture for TOLAC with two prior LTCS?
Is suspected macrosomia a contraindication to TOLAC?
Is gestational age >40wks a contraindication to TOLAC?
No, but success rate of VBAC is lower after 40wks