#146 Management of Late-Term and Postterm Pregnancies Flashcards
What is the definition of a postterm pregnancy?
Pregnancy that has reached or extended beyond 42w0d from LMP
What is the definition of a late-term pregnancy?
Pregnancy between 41w0d and 41w6d
What is the incidence of postterm pregnancy in the US?
What are risk factors for postterm pregnancy?
Male fetus, obesity, nulliparity, prior postterm pregnancy. Certain fetal disorders: anencephaly and placental sulfatase deficiency
True or false: delivery after 42 weeks is associated with increased rate in NICU admissions?
True. Odds ratio 2.05
True or false: postterm pregnancy is associated with increased risk of neonatal convulsions?
True or false: postterm pregnancy is associated with lower risk of meconium aspiration syndrome?
False. Higher rates
True of false: Postterm pregnancy is associated with increased risk of 5-minute Apgar scores of less than 4?
True or false: postterm fetuses have a higher rate of macrosomia than term fetuses?
True. Twofold increased risk. Although most are appropriately grown
What are signs of postmaturity syndrome?
Decreased subcutaneous fat, lack vernix and lanugo, meconium staining of amniotic fluid, skin, membranes, and umbilical cord.
What percentage of postterm pregnancies are complicated by postmaturity syndrome?
True or false, rate of stillbirth increases after 41 weeks?
What are maternal risks associated with postterm pregnancies?
Increased risk of severe perineal laceration, infection, PPH, and cesarean delivery. Maternal anxiety.
What inventions (apart from IOL/CS), decrease the incidence of late-term and postterm pregnancies?
First, accurate dating (rates of postterm pregnancies decreased from 9.5% to 1.5% when dating by LMP confirmed w/ US). Membrane sweeping also decreases the incidence
Is GBS colonization a contraindication to membrane sweeping?
No, not enough clinical evidence. Use clinical judgement.