2021 Past Paper (Higher) Flashcards
Which equation links energy transferred (E), power (P) and time (t)?
energy transferred = power × time
Which equation links current (I), potential difference (V) and resistance (R)?
V = I × R
Nuclear fusion is the joining together of________
During nuclear fusion the total mass of the particles________
The idea of obtaining power from nuclear fusion was investigated using models. box
The models were tested before starting to build the first commercial nuclear fusion
power station.
Suggest two reasons why models were tested.
- to make sure the fusion
process is possible - to develop an understanding
of the process - to make adaptations to the
process - to assess the efficiency of the
process - to make predictions
- assess safety risks
- to assess environmental
impact - set-up cost is lower (for small
scale experiments)
Explain one environmental effect of generating electricity using fossil fuels.
releases carbon dioxide
which causes global warming
releases particulates
which causes global dimming
releases sulfur dioxide
which causes acid rain
Student A investigated how the current in resistor R at constant temperature varied
with the potential difference across the resistor.
Describe a method that Student A could use for this investigation.
- measure the current in R using the ammeter
- measure the p.d. across R using the voltmeter
- vary the resistance of the variable resistor
(or vary the number of cells or use a variable power supply) - record a range of values of current and p.d.
- ensure current is low to avoid temperature increase
- switch circuit off between readings
- reverse connection of R to power supply
- repeat measurements of I and V in negative direction
- plot a graph of current against p.d.
Explain how the increased temperature of resistor R would have affected
Student results.
current and p.d. would not be directly proportional
(because) resistance of R would increase
The digital ammeter has a higher resolution than the moving coil ammeter.
Give one other reason why it would have been better to use a digital ammeter
throughout an investigation.
- less chance of misreading
- no parallax error
- it can give a reading closer to
the true value
The student determined the volume of each fruit using a displacement can and a
measuring cylinder.
What other piece of equipment would the student need to determine the density of
each fruit?
balance / scales
Write down the equation which links density (ρ), mass (m) and volume (V). box
density = mass/
The student only measured the volume of each fruit once.
The volume measurements cannot be used to show that the method to measure
volume gives precise readings.
Give the reason why
repeat readings (of volume)
need taking (of each fruit) to
show that the readings are close
It is unlikely that all of the electricity that the UK needs can be generated by solar
power systems.
Explain why
a really large area of land would need to be covered with solar cells
due to the low useful power output of the solar cells
What is meant by the ‘random nature of radioactive decay’?
can’t predict which nucleus will decay next
A polonium (Po) nucleus decays by emitting an alpha particle and forming a box
lead (Pb) nucleus.
The lead (Pb) nucleus then decays by emitting a beta particle and forms a bismuth (Bi) nucleus.
The bismuth (Bi) nucleus then decays by emitting a beta particle and forms a
polonium (Po) nucleus.
Explain how these three decays result in a nucleus of the original element, polonium.
one alpha decay would
decrease proton number by 2
two beta decays would increase
proton number by 2
so the proton / atomic number of
the final nucleus is the same as
the proton / atomic number of
the original nucleus
Explain how closing the switch would affect the current in the variable resistor in a parallel cicuit
current would be (almost) zero
(in the variable resistor)
(because) the switch has
(effectively) zero resistance
what can be considered a closed system of a and b
The total energy of a and b is constant
At position C the car’s gravitational potential energy is 0.20 J greater than at
position B.
How much kinetic energy does the car need at position B to complete the loop of
the track?
more than 0.20 J
(because) the car needs to be
moving at the top of the loop
When the volume of gas in the syringe increased, the pressure on the inside walls of the syringe decreased.
Explain why
there are less frequent collisions
between the particles and the walls of the syringe
(causing) a lower (average)
force on the walls of the syringe
(and) pressure is the total force per unit area
Explain the advantage of transmitting electricity at a very high potential difference.
very low currents
which means less (thermal)
energy is transferred to
which increases the efficiency of
power transmission
While flying a kite, The person could receive a fatal electric shock if the kite was very close to, but not touching the power cable.
Explain why
electric field strength is very
causing the air to become
(the kite / string) conducts
charge to the person / earth
A 1 metre length of a single aluminium wire is a better conductor than a 1 metre
length of the steel wire.
The individual wires behave as if they are resistors connected in parallel.
Explain why the current in the steel wire is different to the current in a single
aluminium wire.
the potential difference across
the wires/cable is the same
(but) the resistance of the steel
wire is greater (and so less
current in the steel)
The specific heat capacity of ice is less than the specific heat capacity of water.
Explain how Figure 17 shows this.
the gradient for ice is steeper
than the gradient for water
which means that less energy is
needed to increase the
temperature by a fixed amount
The specific latent heat of fusion of ice is less than the specific latent heat of box
vaporisation of water.
Explain how Figure 17 shows this.
water took more time to
vaporise than the ice took to
which means that less energy is
needed to change the state from
solid to liquid (than from liquid to
In the second student’s investigation of specific latent heat, more thermal energy was transferred to
the surroundings.
Describe two ways the results of the experiment in a diagram would have been
- ice/water would take more
time to increase in
temperature - ice/water would take more
time to change state - the change in temperature
with time would not be linear