2018 sem2 revision Flashcards
It is two or more atoms connected together to make a small particle
A small structure in our cells that has a special function to do
It is the smallest unit of life, it is the blocking blocks of all living things. They come in different size and shape it can also be a one-celled organisation
It is a group of cells that perform the same function
A group of organs working together to perform a function
cellular respiration
It is the process in which the chemical reaction of the oxygen is moving the energy from glucose into the compound ATP, the body can be able to use the energy from ATP
respiratory system
It is the lungs taking in oxygen and supplying the blood with oxygen to deliver it to the cells, it then goes around and supplies the different organs with oxygen. It performs gas exchange by taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
circulatory system
The body circulates the oxygen in the blood around the cells of the body, it contains the heart that pumps the blood, blood vessels are used to carry the blood in and out of the heart
blood cells
It is cells in the blood that have special functions
blood vessels
It contains the veins, arties and capillaries, it is how the blood flows throughout the body
It is minute tubes that carry blood to the diffrernt body cells, every cell that go through capillaries are suppled with blood
It is hollow tubes that carry blood from the heart to the different organs in the body
It is a muscluar organ that pumps blood throught the body, it pumps blood so that oxygen and nutrients can be transported throughout the body and takes away waste
They are small tubes contaning valves and thinner walls then arties that takes blood back to the heart
digestive system
it is a complex system that takes in food and brakes it down to take the nutrients so that the body can have it
excretory system
It is a group of organs that removes waste form the body
Musculoskeletal system
It consists of the skeletal system that contains the set of bones and joints. The skeletal muscle system works together with the skeletal system to protect the internal organs, enables the body to move
reproductive system
It is a body system that involves the reproductive organs and it is different from male and female
endocrine system
It is a system that contains glands to produce secrete hormones into the bloodstream to regulate processes in different organs
nervous system
It is a system of nerves that carry out messages throughout the body
braking down food so that the nutrients can be absorbed
mechanical digestion
It is digesting the food that uses physical factors, e.g chewing with the teeth
chemical digestions
It is a chemical reaction changing food into smaller substances so it is absorbed into the bloodstream to be used in other parts of the body
alimentary canal
It is the passage from the mouth to the anus, food digests as it moves through the canal
They are chemicals that speed up reactions but are not used in the reaction
It is a watery substance in the mouth that helps break down food before swallowing
salivary glands
It is glands that produce saliva in the mouth
It is a round chewed up ball made in the mouth to help sallow better
It is part of the digestive system, it is a tube connecting the mouth with the stomach
It is a process of moving the food down the esophagus by a action of muscles
A waxy, whitish, flexible substance that lines or connects bone joints or, in some animals such as sharks, replaces bone as the supporting skeletal tissue. The ears and tips of noses of people are shaped by
bone marrow
A substance inside the bone in which blood is made
Pieces of hard tissues that make up the skeleton or vertebrate
The bones or shell of an animal to support it as well as allowing movement
skeletal muscle system
Voluntary or striated muscle
skeletal system
Consists of the bones and joints
An element occurring in limestone, chalk, also present in vertebrates and other animals as a component of bone, shell etc. It is necessary for nerve conduction, heartbeat, muscle contraction and many other physiological functions.
A substance that plays an important role in almost every chemical reaction in the body. Together with calcium, it is required by the body to maintain healthy bones and teeth.
Any of the inorganic elements that are essential to the functioning of the human body and are obtained from foods
Hardening the bones
Breaks easily into many pieces
Band of tough tissue that connects the ends of bones or keeps an organ in place
synovial fluid
The liquid inside the cavity surrounding a joint that helps bones to slide freely over each other
pivot joint
Joint that allows a twisting movement
hinge joints
Joints in which two bones are connected so that movement occurs in one plane only
ball and socket joints
Joints where the rounded end of one bone fits into the hollow end of another
immovable joints
Joints that allow no movement except when absorbing a hard blow
Tissue consisting of cells that can shorten
involuntary muscles
Muscles not under the control of the will; they contract slowly and rhythmically. These muscles are at work in the heart, intestines and lungs.
voluntary muscles
Muscle attached to bones; it moves the bones by contracting and is controlled by an animal’s thoughts
Tough rope-like tissue connecting a muscle to a bone
greenstick fracture
A break that is not completely through the bone, often seen in children
A break in a bone
stem cells
Undeveloped cells found in blood and bone marrow
Loss of bone mass that causes bones to become lighter, more fragile and easily broken
Injury caused by tearing a ligament
A condition in which inflammation of the joints causes them to swell and become painful
red blood cells
white blood cells
The yellowish, liquid part of blood that contains water, minerals, food and wastes from cells
red blood cells
Living cells in the blood that transport oxygen to all other living cells in the body
The red pigment in red blood cells that carries oxygen
Hemoglobin with oxygen molecules attached
white blood cells
Living cells that fight bacteria and viruses as part of the human body’s immune system
Small bodies involved in blood clotting. They are responsible for healing by clumping together around a wound.
oxygenated blood
Describes the bright red blood that has been supplied with oxygen in the lungs
deoxygenated blood
Describes blood from which some oxygen has been removed
vena cava
Large vein leading into the top right chamber of the