2018 (4) Flashcards
Which drugs are highly prohibited in case of parasitic dermatitis?
Fipronil and Amitraz
What do you use for puritis management in rodents and rabbits?
Glucocorticoids, antihistamines, lidocaine gel and skin hydration
What are the ear mites, pathogens and treament?
Psoroptes caniculs, Ivermectin
What are the symptoms of C-hypovitaminosis?
Hyperkeratosis on lips, salivation, pathological fractures, slow wound healing, abnormal
dentin formation, periarthritis and myositis
What are the causes of pododermatitis?
Obesitites, age and weak immune system, hard bedding, contamination with urine or
Which animals is pododeratitis primarily a disese off?
Guinea pigs and rabbits
What is the treatment of pododermatitis?
Change in bedding, diet and cream for epithelisation, prolonged: betadine, cream and
bandage and NSAID for the pain
When is the breeding season of ferrets?
Spring, controlled by photoperiod
Is the ferrets polyestrus or monoestrus?
Seasonally polyestrus, induced ovulation
What are the signs of hyperoestrogenism?
Anaemia and alopecia, death if not treated
What causes the special odour of a male ferrets?
The sebaeccous glands
What is appropriate feed for ferrets?
Mice and day-old chickens, ferret and cat food, meat, egg and cheese
What is the danger of giving vegetables and fruits to a ferret?
What is the danger of giving food rich in sugar to ferrets?
What is the criteria for blood transfusion in ferrets?
Healthy male above 1,5 kg
Which vaccinations are obligatory and which are recommended?
None are obligatory, distemper and rabies are recommended
What is the cause and consequences of distemper?
Paramyxovirus in non-vaccinated animals, CNS symptoms
What can be seen and done in case of vaccine reactions?
Symptoms: Puritus, salivation, vomiting, diarrhoea, shock and death
Treatment: Fluid therapy, antihistamines and corticosteroids
How much and what to give to ferrets as fluid therapy?
Average 50 ml/kg ringer (lactate) + glucose
In which ferret are enrofloxacin contraindicated?
Young and pregnant
Which bacteria are enrofloxacin active against?
G+/-, but not anaerobes
Which bacteria are Amoxicillin+clavulinic acid active against?
G-, anaerobes, some G+
Contraindications for Amoxicillin+clavulinic acid?
Spectrum and contraindications of metronidazole?
Narrow spectrum (anaerobes), no contraindications
Which analgesics are safe to use in ferrets?
Buterphenol, against abdominal pain: Ketoprofen
What are the indications for blood transfusion?
Severe anaemia
How many blood type groups exisit in the ferret?
What ferret is good for being a blood donor?
1,5 kg healthy male ferret, 5-10ml of blood
Indications for castrating a male ferret?
Smell and aggression
Symptoms and incidene of GI foreign bodies?
Common in young ferrets, lethargy, anorexia, salivation, fierce rubbing, vomiting,
diarrheae and dehydration
Aetheology and pathogenesis of hydronephrosis?
Obstruction of ureter, urin retention, distension and dilation of renal pelvis, progessive
What is the most common tumor in ferrets?
Symptoms of insulinoma?
Acute: Hypoglycaemia, adrenal symptoms
Chronic: Lethargy, weakness, anorexia
What is the physiological glucose concentration in ferrets?
5-11,5 mmol/l
What is the problem with hematology in birds?
Small species, venipuncture causes stress and fast haemolysis
What can be used as anticoagulent if you want a blood smear, blood sample for hematology and biochem?
Blood smear: None
Haematology: EDTA
Biochemistry: Heparin
Which sites can be used for venipuncture in birds?
Vena jugularis, cutanea ulnaris, caudalis tibialis, sinus venosus occipitalis, heart, nail
What can cause blood loss anaemia in birds?
Trauma, ulcer, ecto/endo paratsites and coagulation disorders
What can cause haemolytic anaemia in birds?
Haemoparasites: Plasmodium, Haemoproteins, Leukocytes
Bacteria: Salmonella
Toxicosis: Aflatoxin
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
What can cause aplastic anaemia in birds?
Chronic infections: tuberculosis, chlamydophilosis aspergillosis
Chronic renal disease
Toxicosis: Mycotoxin
Are haematological machines useful for counting avian blood?
In which cases can basophilia be observed in birds?
Inflammation of skin or muscle, parasites, chlamydophilosis, respiratory disease,
severe tissue damage, starvation and mycotoxicosis
Non-infectious causes for feather plucking?
Malnutrition, genetic feather disorder, allergies, tumors, heavy metal toxicosis, pain,
hepatopathy and proventricular dilation disease
Infectious causes of feather plucking?
Chlamydophilosis, endo/ectoparasites, folliculitis, air sacculitis and puritus
Social causes of feather plucking?
Separation, attention seeking, stress, reproduction related, failure to learn, proening
behaviora and poor socialisation
What are the non-infectious causes of bumble foot, and in which birds is it more common?
Inadequate perches, poor hygiene, obesity and inactivity Raptors and parrots
Treatment of bumblefoot in birds?
Topical anitmicrobials, hydrophilic dressing and pedding of the feet, anti-inflammatory
and analgesics, devridement and suturing, consider systemic antibiotic, long term: alter
or pad peches, exercise, altered diet to control obesity and supply enough vitamin A
Incidence and causes of bone fractures?
Wild birds: Gun shot or car accidents
Pet: Improper handling, cage
Causes and incidence of rachitis in birds?
Ca deficiency, vitamin D or UV light deficiency in young birds
Symptoms and treatment of rachitis in young birds?
Painfull malformation, mostly untreatable and sugery in case of malformated
Treatment of band and ring injuries in birds?
Remove band with minimal tissues damage, assess distal feet viability, hydroscopic dressing, antibiotic and prevent trauma
What is the incidence and aethology of beak deformities?
Captive birds, improper abression of the beak and beak damage
How can you treat and prevent beak deformities?
Correction, prevention with proper toys and proper food
Is it good to measure ALT, LDH, ALP and AST for detecting liver disease in birds?
ALT, LDH, and ALP are not sensitive or specific for liver disorders in birds
AST is sensitive, but not specific for hepatocytes
What can increase bile acids suggest in birds?
Hepatic insufficiency and deacreased liver function
Is endoscopic examand biopsy recommended as diagnostic tools in liver disease?
Risky, liver failure, reults of biopsy usually not conclusive except in cases of tumor,
mycobacterial infections and conditions unresponsive to therapy
How could you treat a liver disease in birds?
Fluid therapy: Non-lactated every 24 hour
- Secondary infections
- Nutrional support and blood transfusion
- Treat hepatic encephalopathy
Protein restriction
- Treat ascites
Fluid removal in case of severe dyspnoea
Sodium restriction
- Hepatoprotectants: Ursodeoxycholic acid and vitamin E
Treatment time for chlamydia in birds?
45 days
Drugs for chlamydiosis?
Enrofloxacine, Doxycydine, Chlortetracyline
What are the guinea pig mites?
Glincola porcelli, Glyropus ovalis, Chirodiscoides caniae, Trixocarus caniae
When was the ferret domesticated?
2000 years ago
What is protected contact?
Contact through a secure barrier
What can be conservative medicine?
Hyperol, betadine, anti-septic creams, bandages and NSAIDs
How long is the pregnancy if ferrets?
41-43 days
Puberty in ferrets occurs around?
6-12 months
Treatment of Scabies in rabbits?
Treatment time for salmonella in birds?
14-21 days
Antibiotics which shouldn’t be given for rodents?
Penicollin, Amoxycillin
What is the most precise diagnostic testing for kidney disease in birds?
Endoscopic exam and biopsy
Non-infectious causes of liver diease?
Vitamin deficiency, starving, toxicosis and tumor
Which species are easy to intubate?
Swan (birds)
Which of the following species belongs to medium sized parrots?
Which of the following species has a true winter sleep?
At what temperature cannot hedgehogs be kept in captivity?
8-16 ºC (will be lethargic)
How many times a day do you feed hedgehogs in captivity?
Once a day (evening)
What is true for hand reared birds?
Bond to people
Animal which prefers sunflower seeds?
Large and medium parrots
Animal which prefers millet seeds?
What vitamin deficiency is common in turtles?
Vitamin A deficiency
Animal which is fed mainly rapeseed?
What is French moult?
Loss of flight feathers
Soft food mix, to whom do you add it?
Parrots and Finches
Which adult reptile is omnivorous?
Red eared slider (young is carnivore, adult is omnivore)
When to neuter the ferret?
If general state allows surgery
Can you give Ivermectin to turtles?
What is megabacteria?
It is a fungus
Where to take blood or give fluid in bird?
Blood sampling: Juglar vein, cutaneous ulnar vein
Fluids: In small birds ! subcutaenous in different places, IV catheter in large birds !
intraosseal (ulnar or tibiotarsal)
Which species is real herbivores?
Rabbit, Chinchilla, Degu and Guinea Pig
Which species is real omnivores?
Hamsters, Gerbil, Squirrels, Rat and Mouse (need more animal protein e.g. eggs,
cheese and insects)
Pulsioxymeter measures what?
it is a non-invasive method to measure O2 saturation during anasthesia
How can you treat feather plucking in birds?
Eliminate the cause, enviromental enrichment, psychiatric treatment and medical
What are the mycobacterium species in reptiles?
Mycobacterium marinum, Mycobacterium chelonae, Mycobacterium tamnopheos
Non-infectious causes of kidney disease in birds?
vitamin A deficiency, toxicosis and tumors
What are the symptoms of kidney disease in birds?
Dehydration, lameness, weakness, vomiting, regurgitation, weight loss, anorexia and
How would you treat kidney disease in birds?
Fluid therapy, antibiotic, colchicin for fibrosis, omega 3 and vitamin A
What can cause crop inpation?
Too much feed and foreign bodies, swelling, dilation and atony
What is the cause of crop burn?
Too hot feeding formulars to hand reared chicks
What are the symptoms and treatment of foreign bodies in the GI tract of birds?
Symptoms: Poor appetite, regurgitation, depression and lethargy
Treatment: Fluids, antibiotics, paraffin oil and surgery
What are the symptoms of moulting disorders in birds?
Lenghtened moulting period, malformation of the feathers and discoloration of
In which birds are feather cysts a genetic problem?
Causes of moulting disorders in birds?
Protein deficiency, vitamin deficiency and chronic diseases
Pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment of feather cysts?
Feathers cannot grow, forms a cyst beneath the skin (yellow pea-sized firm mass) and
surgery is the only option
Incidence, aethology and treatment of egg binding?
In parrots, absolute or relative big egg, systemic diseases, remove egg or surgery
Aethology, symptoms and treatment of mycotoxicosis?
From mouldy feeds, black blood diarrhoea and general symptoms, changing of the
feed is the treatment
Incidence, aethology, symptoms and treatment of lead toxicosis?
Mostly in parrots, by ingestion of things containing lead, general symptoms, CNS
symptoms, treat with Ca EDTA and D-penicillamine
Symptoms and treatment of crop burn?
Local necrosis, hole and dehydration, surgical treatment (debridement and closure of
Incidence, aetiology and treatment of cloacal prolapse?
Mostly in parrots (in egg laying females), surgical treatment (surgical attachment of
ventral cloaca to the abdominal wall)
Diagnostic testing for feather plucking?
Blood analyisis, x-ray, seeing, fecal exam, skin scraping, feather pulp cytology,
chlamydophila test and skin biopsy
Can propofol be used as a pain regulator?
No (has no analgesic effect, just anasthetic effect)
What are the general zoonotic diseases?
Snakes: Pentastomida, Entamoeba, Toxoplasma, Salmonella
Birds: Psittacosis, Mycobacterium
What is blister disease in reptiles?
Sudden in snales, due to high humidity and poor cage hygiene, fluid filled blistes
ventrally and secondary bacterial infections
What can cause diptheric membrane in mouth of birds?
Avipoxvirus, vitamin A deficiency, trichomonas and conidia
What can cause myxomatosis in rabbits, and what are the symptoms?
Lepori Poxvirus
Letargy, anorexia, skin hemorrhages, seizures, edematous nodules on the face and
perineum, and mucosal form (respiratory signs are common)
Often things on how to treat parasites in different exotic animals?
Eimeria: Sulfonamids
Giardia, Amoeba, Cilia: Metronidazole
Praziquantel: Tapeworm
Liver disease specific symptoms?
Green or yellow urates, abdominal swelling (ascites), coagulopathies, melena,
abnormal beak/nails and discoloured feathers
Infectious agents of liver diseases?
Viral: Herpes, Adeno, Polyoma
Bacterial: Salmonella, E. coli, Klebsiella, Chlamydophila, Mycobacterium and
Fungal: Aspergillus, Candida
Protozoal: Toxoplasma, Histomonas and Trichomonas
What are causes of metabolic bone disease?
Deficiency of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3, poor husbandry and lack of UVBlight
What are the symptoms of metabolic bone disease?
Lethargy, reluctance of movement, difficulty in lifting body off the ground, ataxia,
paresis and paralysis of hindlimbs, weight loss and softening, swelling and deformities of
bones (e.g. soft mandibles)
According to CITES, what appendix does tortoise belong to?
Appendix II (or B)
How to sex determine grey parrot?
Endoscopy and DNA
Which mite is found on the beak of the bird?
Knemidocoptes pilae (Scaly face mites)
Which statement is true regarding the scent glands?
Castration greatly reduces the smell
What is atheroma?
Reversible accumulation of degenerative material in the inner layer of an artery wall
How can you treat atheroma?
Only surgery is possible
Why is Xylazine contraindicated in rabbits?
It decreases the motility of the gut, and do not give in case of heart disease (causes
higher heart rate)
What are other consequence of long hibernation?
Exication, severe weight loss, frost Injuries and bite injuries in rats and mice
How to reduce the smell of the ferrets?
Castration or neutering
How to diagnose Encephalitozoonosis?
With the clinical signs (neurological, renal and opthalmologic signs)
What is usually contraindicated in birds during x-ray?
A grid
When can you see seeds in faeces of parrot?
When there is lack of grit
Ferrent enzymes (ALT, AST) liver specific, or not?
Liver specific
How to open a lizard for a coeliotomy?
Paramedian incision
What are the signs of stomatitis in snake and gecko?
Excessive salivation, anorexia, weight loss, lethargy, lower respiratory tract disease
and blocked nasolacrimal ducts
When do you need to do a liver biopsy?
In case of Mycobacterium infection and conditions unresponsive to therapy
What are the wrong statement regarding Epizootic catarrhal enteritis?
High mortality and low morbidity
What is the perfect cage size for a bird?
The bigger the better, minimum x 3 the wingspan. Smoke free, not windy, never next to
household appliances, uncovered stainless steel and wire thickness (for Macaw 2-4
mm), and density (finches) is important
What are the anatomy parts of the turtle shell?
Keratinised, hard shell (living bone tissue), lower shell (Plastron), upper shell (carapax),
spinal column, shoulder blades, ribs, hipbone, scales and shields
Which bone part is missing from the turtles?
No breastbone
What is the cause of proventriculcus dilation syndrome?
Bornavirus (damages the nerves of the proventriculus)
What are the clinical signs of proventriculus dilation syndrome?
Anorexia, weight loss, delayed crop emptying and CNS signs (ataxia and seizures)
What is the most important parameter to check in a bird?
Respiratory rate incase they have dyspnoea
Diagnosis of rabbit hemorrhagic disease?
Calicivirus after 4-5 weeks of age, systemic disease with fast progression, high
morbidity and mortality, fever, lethargy, respiratory signs and sudden death. Pulmonary
hemorrhages and catharral enteritis with paler liver due to hepatocyte necrosis.
Vaccinate against it, diagnosis: mainly with autopsy for the pale friable liver and black
speen, plus diffuse hemorrhages, also reverse trascriptase polymerase chain reaction,
ELISA and Western blot
C-section is contraindicated in which rodent?
Guinea pig (preventing dystocia)
How to handle a frog?
By washing your hands thoroughly before and after and if you have to wear gloves,
wear latex free and powder free (basically everything free as their skin absorbs
everything), or use a wet sponge or wet rag to hold the animal
Penis prolaps is most common in which species?
Turtle and degu/chinchilla
With a suspected shoulder injury what tests should you do?
Physical examination and x-ray
Parameter of blood to measure regarding uricosis in birds?
Check for uric acid level in blood twice in fasted and dehydrated bird
Which are the blood parameters of the ferret?
Venipuncture sites: V. cava cranialis, V. jugularis and V. Cephalica
Haematology (EDTA tube)
Clinical chemistry: (Li-heparin tube), AST, CK, ALT, GGT, bilirubin, amylase, glucose, urea, creatinin, Ca and P
Which drug to maintain pain relief intra-opertive?
Fentanyl, Tiletamin, Ketamin, Medetomidine, Droperidol and Fluanison
How to not sedate a reptile?
Put the reptiles in the refrigerator