2016-02-08 Flashcards
He came up against the glass ceiling and he decided to jump ship.
glass ceiling - limit that is unfair and has nothing to do with your ability.
jump ship - to quit job and go to another one
I didn’t know he was bucking for promotion.
to buck for (a) promotion - to work hard to get promoted
Other people have been promoted over him.
to be promoted over someone
I was aware of the wage disparities within the company and the gender pay gap within each department, but this is news to me.
wage disparity - wage difference
People who take extended leave to have children or try for some type of work- life balance are passed over for plum assignments, raises, and promotions? There are definite limits to advancement.
extended leave - longer than normal
I thought it was just favoritism on the part of the bosses.
favoritism - ri is silent; sounds like favor-tism
That’s only part of the story.