2015 Flashcards
what is the source of cells for development of superior parathyroid? A. 1st pharyngeal pouch B. 2nd pharyngeal pouch C. 3rd pharyngeal pouch D. 4th pharyngeal pouch
which of the following contribute to development of auditory tube?
A. 1st pharyngeal cleft
B. 1st pharyngeal pouch
Which of the following contributes to development of incus and malleus of middle ear? A. Meckel's cartilage B. fibrous sheath of Meckel's cartilage C. Reichert's cartilage D. 3rd pouch E. 4th pouch
Meckel’s cartilage = cartilage of 1st pharyngeal arch (forms incus, malleus, anterior ligament of malleus, sphenomandibular lig.)
Mandible is derived from fibrous capsule of Meckel’s cartilage
Reichert’s cartilage = cartilage of 2nd pharyngeal arch
Muscles of facial expression develop from: A. 1st pharyngeal arch B. 2nd pharyngeal arch C. 3rd pharyngeal arch D. 4th pharyngeal arch
What is the nerve of 3rd pharyngeal arch?
A. facial n.
B. glossopharyngeal n.
C. mandibular n.
From which of these does the upper lip philtrum develop?
A. merging of medial and lateral nasal prominence
B. maxillary process
C. merging of medial nasal prominences
Which of the following contributes to developing palate? A. maxillary prominence B. mandibular prominence C. intermaxillary segment D. frontonasal prominence
From which sturcture does the epithelium of posterior 1/3 of tongue develop?
A. lingual swellings
B. cranial part of hypobranchial eminence
C. caudal part of hypobranchial eminence
Where does the posterior 2/3 of tongue develops from?
A. cranial half of hypobranchial eminence
B. lingual swellings and tuberculum impar
Which of the following is responsible for development of cranial rib?
A. growth of costal element
B. defect in notochord
C. failure of ossification of 1/2 of vertebral column
D. absence of 2o ossification centre in body of vertebrae
Which of the following is responsible for taste sensation in anterior 2/3 of tongue?
A. chorda tympani
Which of the following nerves supply genioglossus muscle?
A. hypoglossal nerve
What nerve is related to submandibular ganglia? A. lingual B. hypoglossal C. glossopharyngeal D. inferior alveolar nerve
The submandibular duct opens into: A. vestibule opposite to 2nd molar B. vestibule of lower molars C. oral cavity proper and floor of mouth D. opposite to incisor teeth
What structure is least likely to be affected by pathology of parotid gland gland? A. retromandibular vein B. maxillary A. C. internal carotid A. D. superficial temporal A. E. auriculotemporal n.
During a surgical procedure on the parotid gland, which nerve might be injured?
A. facial n.
What muscle divides the submandibular gland into superficial and deeper parts?
What nerve is closely related to submandibular gland?
Lingual n.
Where does the frontal sinus open? A. superior meatus B. middle meatus C. inferior meatus D. vestibule of nasal cavity
What artery supplies inferior nasal meatus and inferior concha?
A. sphenopalatine
B. greater palatine
Which one of these sinuses opens into semilar hiatus?
A. maxillary air sinus
B. frontal air sinus
C. posterior ethmoidal air sinus
Which of the following structures enters the pharynx btwn superior and middle constrictor muscles? A. superior laryngeal n. B. glossopharyngeal n. C. recurrent laryngeal n. D. vagus n. E. auditory tube
What innervates the stylopahryngeus muscle? A. external laryngeal n. B. glossopharyngeal n. C. hypoglossal n. D. vagus n. E. pharyngeal plexus
What is responsible for sensation of larynx above vocal folds? A. internal laryngeal n. B. external laryngeal n. C. inferior laryngeal n. D. pharyngeal plexus E. vagus n.
Which of the following nerves supplies the anterosuperior part of the nasal septum?
A. Ethmoidal nerve
Ethmoidal n.
Which of the following structures enters pharynx below inferior constrictor muscle?
A. recurrent laryngeal n.
B. external laryngeal n.
C. glossopharyngeal n.
Which of the following muscles abducts vocal folds?
A. lateral cricoarytenoid
B. posterior cricoarytenoid
C. transverse artytenoid
Injury in which of the following structures leads to hoarseness of the voice?
A. Transverse cervical nerve
B. Inferior laryngeal nerve
C. Glossopharyngeal nerve
D. Internal laryngeal nerve e. Sympathetic chain
Which of the following structures prevents the anterior dislocation of the head of mandible in TMJ? A. Articular disc B. Lateral ligament of TMJ C. Capsular ligament of TMJ D. Articular tubercle E. Sphenomandibular ligament
Which of the following muscles is the main depressor of the mandible? a. Medial pterygoid
b. Lateral pterygoid
c. Geniohyoid
d. Temporalis e. Masseter
Which movement takes place in the superior compartment of the temporomandibular joint? A. Protrusion B. Depression C. Elevation D. Adduction
What vein carries infection from the orbit to the cavernous sinus?
Ophthalmic vein
What is true about lateral pterygoid muscle?
A. Inserts into the mandibular fovea
B. Inserts into the mandibular fovea and TMJ capsule
What is correct about the middle meningeal artery?
A. It is a branch of the 3rd part of the maxillary artery
B. It passes between branches of the facial nerve (Not sure if it was the facial nerve or not but it wasn’t auriculotemporal nerve)
C. It originates deep to the neck of the mandible
35) Which lymph nodes does the tongue drain into? A. Jugulodigastric lymph nodes B. Inferior deep cervical lymph nodes C. parotid lymph nodes D. mastoid lymph nodes
The middle meningeal artery passes between the branches of which of the following nerves?
Auriculotemporal n.
The post ganglionic sympathetic neurons in the head region are located in the:
A. Superior cervical ganglion
B. Middle cervical ganglion
C. Inferior cervical ganglion D. Superior vagal ganglion
E. Trigeminal ganglion
Which cranial nerve gives preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the ciliary ganglion? A. Optic B. Oculomotor C. Facial D. Vagus E. Glossopharyngeal
Which of the following gives post ganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the lacrimal gland? A. Otic ganglia B. Submandibular ganglia C. Ciliary ganglia D. Sphenopalatine ganglia
Which muscle is most likely to be affected by a lesion of parasympathetic part of the oculomotor nerve?
A. Constrictor pupilli
B. Dilator pupilli
C. Levator palpebrae superioris
In abscess drainage, cheek area local anesthesia is injected to which of the following?
A. Inferior alveolar
B. Buccal nerve (facial)
C. Buccal nerve (V3)
To anaesthetize mandibular molars, which nerve would be injected?
Inferior alveolar nerve
If there was a metastatic tumor and intense hemorrhage in infratemporal fossa, which artery of the following the surgeon should clamp? A. Maxillary B. Internal carotid C. Superficial temporal D. Posterior auricular
Failure to protrude mandible, which muscle is responsible? A. Lateral pterygoid B. Buccinator C. Mylohyoid D. Temporalis E. Anterior belly of digastric
Which muscle will be paralyzed if inferior alveolar nerve is severed at its origin? A. Stylohyoid B. Posterior belly of digastric C. Mylohyoid D. Geniohyoid E. Hyoglossus
A dentist injects an anesthetic between the medial pterygoid muscle and the mandible (at the lingula). What do you expect to be anesthetized other than the mandibular teeth?
The skin over the chin
The maxillary nerve gives branches to which ganglia? A. Submandibular B. Ciliary C. Otic D. Sphenopalatine (pterygopalatine)
The maxillary nerve gives branches to which of the following ganglia? A. Otic B. Ciliary C. Submandibular D. Pterygopalatine E. Geniculate ganglia
Which of the following is not contained in the infratemporal fossa?
A. Lower part of the temporalis medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
B. Maxillary artery
C. Pterygoid venous plexus
D. Mandibular nerve, inferior alveolar nerve and buccal nerve
E. Pterygopalatine ganglion
Which of the following is correct about the third part of the maxillary artery?
A. Infraorbital … maxillary molars and premolars maxillary sinus and gingiva
B. Posterior superior alveolar … lower eyelid, side of nose
C. Artery of pterygoid canal … upper part of pharynx, auditory tube, and tympanic cavity
D. Pharyngeal artery … hard and soft palate
E. Descending palatine … posterior part of pharynx sphenoidal air sinus and inferior part of auditory tube
What is an incorrect distribution?
Chorda tympani = motor fibers to tensor tympani
What is NOT true about the sphenopalatine nerve? This was artery not nerve and the answer had something to do with paranasal sinuses I think it was the answer
It passes through the incisive foramen
What is TRUE about the otic ganglion?
A. Presynaptic parasympathetic fibers are transmitted by the facial nerve
B. It’s in the infratemporal fossa under foramen rotundum
C. Carries postganglionic fibers to the parotid gland
Which of these doesn’t open into the pterygopalatine fossa? A. Pterygoid canal B. Foramen rotundum C. Pteygomaxillary fissure D. Foramen ovale
What nerves form the nerve of pterygoid canal?
A. Greater petrosal and deep petrosal
B. Greater petrosal and lesser petrosal
C. Lesser petrosal and deep petrosal
Anesthesia for the inferior alveolar is applied where?
A. Mental foramen
B. Mandibular foramen
What is false about the vestibulocochlear nerve?
Related to the geniculate ganglion
Which of the following is correct regarding the underlying structures of the middle ear wall?
A. Tegmental wall… cochlea
B. Floor… superior bulb of internal jugular vein
C. Medial wall… dura matter of middle cranial fossa
D. Anterior wall… mastoid cells and facial nerve
E. Posterior wall… carotid canal
Which one of the following is NOT one of the contents of the middle ear? A. Ear ossicles B. Tympanic plexus C. Chorda tympani D. Greater petrosal nerve E. Tensor tympani and stapedius muscle
The thoracic duct drains into:
Left venous angle
Chorda tympani goes to the infratemporal fossa after it exits the:
A. Stylomastoid foramen
B. Petrotympanic fissure
Which of these structures lies in the digastric (submandibular) triangle?
A. Glossopharyngeal nerve
B. Hypoglossal nerve
C. Lingual nerve
Damage to the lingual nerve before it joins chorda tympani would lead to:
A. Loss of taste sensation of anterior 2/3 of the tongue
B. Loss of salivary secretion from the submandibular gland
C. Loss of general sensation of anterior 2/3 of the tongue
D. Loss of salivary secretion from the parotid gland
Which one of these nerves goes to the pterygopalatine ganglion?
Greater petrosal nerve carrying preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
A question about 4th cranial nerve and which muscle would be affected?
Superior oblique m.
What is incorrect regarding the pharyngotympanic tube?
A. Salpingopharyngeus muscle closes the tube
B. It opens into the nasopharynx posterior to the inferior concha
C. It equalizes the middle ear pressure with the atmospheric pressure
D. Tensor veli palatini and levator veli palatini open the tube
E. It is supplied by ascending pharyngeal, middle meningeal and artery to the pterygoid canal
What best describes the facial vein?
A. It is more tortuous than the facial artery
B. It drains into the external jugular vein
C. It lies anterior to the facial artery
D. It opens posteriorly into the sphenopalatine vein
A tickling sensation in the nasal cavity is sensed before a sneeze. It is mostly likely carried by which nerve? A. Facial B. Maxillary branch of V C. Mandibular branch of V D. Glossopharyngeal
When you ask the patient to protrude his tongue and say ahh. What muscle is mainly being tested? A. Geniohyoid B. Styloglossus C. Genioglossus D. Palatoglossus
What is the sensory nerve of the cough reflex?
A. Glossopharyngeal nerve
B. Internal laryngeal nerve
C. Oculomotor nerve
If the sensation of the tip of the nose is lost. What nerve is injured?
A. Infraorbital
B. Infratrochlear
C. External nasal
What is the sensory nerve to ethmoidal sinus?
A. Maxillary
B. Nasociliary
C. Frontal
What is pierced by nerve to mylohyoid?
Sphenomandibular lig.
Infection in which facial space that results from dental infection particularly related to the third mandibular molars and occurs upon removal of suspension wires following fixation of facial fractures?
A. submandibular space
B. Masticatory space
C. Parotid space
Acoustic neuroma involves the 8th cranial nerve as it exits the cranium. This tumor can affect the surrounding structures, so the patient can present with:
A. Facial paralysis
B. Tongue paralysis
C. Ptosis
When you stroke the oropharynx of your patient, gag reflex was elicited. Like any reflex, it has both sensory and motor components. What is the sensory component of gag reflex? A. Internal laryngeal nerve B. Glossopharyngeal nerve C. Vagus nerve D. Oculomotor nerve
Extension of the peritonsillar abscess would extend to which fascial space? A. Retropharyngeal B. Danger C. Parapharyngeal D. Pretracheal E. Prevertebral