2014 Flashcards
Which structure enters the pharynx between the superior and middle constrictor muscles?
A. auditory tube
B. recurrent laryngeal n.
C. glossopharyngeal n.
C. glossopharyngeal n.
The maxillary nerve gives branches to which ganglia? A. submandibular B. optic C. sphenopalatine D. pterygopalatine
D. pterygopalatine ganglion
Which movement takes place at the superior compartment of the TMJ? A. protrusion B. elevation C. depression D. retraction
A. protrusion, retrusion, translation
What is the origin of the superior parathyroid gland?
4th pharyngeal arch
What forms the primary palate?
A. mandibular prominence
B. maxillary prominence
Submandibular duct opens into: A. vestibule of upper molars B. vestibule of lower molars C. lower oral cavity proper D. opposite to incisor teeth
C. lower oral cavity proper
What supplies blood to the posterior part of the inferior concha and meatus? A. anterior ethmoidal A. B. posterior ethmoidal A. C. sphenopalatine A. D. facial A.
C. sphenopalatine A.
What supplies the anterosuperior part of the nasal septum?
A. infraorbital n.
B. lacrimal n.
C. ethmoidal n.
What is not an opening to the pterygopalatine fossa?
foramen ovale
What is true regarding the lateral pterygoid muscle?
inserted into the fovea and TMJ capsule
Which structure is the main depressant of the mandible?
lateral pterygoid
Which muscle does the 4th CN supply?
superior oblique
Which LNs drain lymph from tongue?
Jugulodigastric nodes
Thoracic duct drains into:
left venous angle
Which of the following nerves form the nerve to pterygoid canal?
greater and deep petrosal nerve
development of auditory tube?
A. 1st pharyngeal pouch
B. 1st pharyngeal cleft
A. 1st pharyngeal pouch
best location to block inferior alveolar nerve?
mandibular nerve
Which ganglia supply the lacrimal gland?
A. ciliary ganglia
B. pterygopalatine ganglia
B. pterygopalatine ganglia
What is the nerve supply to tensor palate muscle?
mandibular n.
Nerve supply to styloglossus muscle?
glossopharyngeal n.
Nerve supply to genioglossus muscle?
hypoglossal n.
Inferior alveolar nerve branches
Sensory fibers of cough reflex
internal laryngeal n.
Sensory component of gag reflex
glossopharyngeal n.
Which muscle will be paralyzed if there was damage to the parasympathetic fibers of ciliary ganglia?
A. constrictor papillae
B. dilator papillae
C. medial rectus
A. constrictor papillae
what prevents anterior dislocation of TMJ?
A. articular disc
B. articular tubercle
B. articular tubercle
damage to inferior alveolar nerve will result in paralysis of which suprahyoid muscle?
innervation of larynx above vocal folds:
internal laryngeal n.
muscle used when you say ahh
development of posterior 1/3 of tongue:
cranial part of hypoeminence
Muscle that abducts the vocal cords:
posterior cricothyroid
CN-IV injury affects:
superior oblique muscle
what causes hoarseness of voice?
inferior laryngeal n.