2012 Flashcards
Which one of these sinuses opens into the semilunar hiatus?
Maxillary sinus
Which one of these structures does the nasolacrimal duct open into?
Inferior nasal meatus
Which one of these structures provides the blood supply to posterior area of the inferior nasal meatus & concha?
Where is the pulse of facial artery best felt?
A. anterior border of masseter
B. angle of mandible
C. superficial to buccinator
A. anterior border of masseter
In case of pathology of parotid gland, which structure will be least involved?
Which of these structures lies in digastric / submandibular triangle?
Hypoglossal nerve
What is the nerve supply to tensor veli palatine muscle?
Mandibular nerve
Where does the parotid duct open?
Vestibule of oral cavity opposite to upper 2nd molar
Which nerve carries the preganglionic parasympatheti c secretomotor fibers to submandibular gland?
Chorda tympani
Whcih muscle is affected if the sixth CN is damaged?
Lateral rectus m.
Which LN does the thoracic duct drain into?
Left venous angle
Which LN does the tongue drain into:
Jugulodigastric LN
Injury to what structure causes the hoarseness of voice? A. vagus n. B. internal jugular n. C. external laryngeal n. D. inferior laryngeal n. E. sympathetic chain
A. vagus n.
What prevents anterior dislocation of TMJ? A. lateral ligament of TMJ B. capsular ligament C. sphenomandibular ligament D. articular process
What structure is the main depressor of mandible?
lateral pterygoid
If the parasympathetic postganglionic part of oculomotor was injured, which muscle will be mainly affected? A. lateral rectus B. medial rectus C. dilator pupillae D. constrictor pupillae E. levator palpebri superiosis
D. constrictor pupillae
Which nerve is blocked if the dentist wants to administer anesthesia to cheek? A. buccal V3 B. buccal V2 C. inferior alveolar D. mental E. lingual
A. buccal V3
Which nerve will the dentist block if he wants to administer anesthesia to mandibular molar? A. buccal B. lingual C. nerve to mylohyoid D. mental E. inferior alveolar
E. inferior alveolar
Which nerve may be injured during surgical procedures involving parotid gland?
Facial n.
Which muscle divides the submandibular gland into deep and superficial parts?
Which of the following is correct regarding underlying structures of middle ear wall?
A. tegmental wall - cochlea
B. floor - superior bulb of IJV
C. medial wall - dura mater of middle cranial fossa
D. anterior wall - mastoid cells & facial n.
E. posterior wall - carotid canal
B. floor - superior bulb of IJV
Which one of the following is incorrect regarding the pharyngotympanic tube?
A. salpingopharyngeus muscle closes the tube
B. it opens into the nasopharynx posterior to inferior concha
C. it equalizes middle ear pressure w/ atmospheric pressure
D. tensor veli palatini and levator veli palatini open the tube
E. it is supplied by ascending pharyngeal, middle meningeal, and artery to pterygoid
Which of the following is not one of the content of the middle ear? A. ear ossicles B. tympanic plexus C. chorda tympani D. greater petrosal nerve E. tensor tympani & stapedius muscle
D. greater petrosal nerve
Greater petrosal nerve carries preganglionic parasympathetic to which ganglion?
pterygopalatine ganglion
Chorda tympani goes to infratemporal fossa after it exits the:
petrotympanic fissure
Damage of lingual nerve before it joins chorda tympani leads to
loss of general sensation of anterior 2/3 of tongue
What is the nerve of 2nd pharyngeal arch?
facial nerve
Which structure forms the ala of the nose?
lateral nasal prominences
Infection in which facial space that results from dental infection particularly related to 3rd mandibular molars and occurred from removal of suspension wires following fixation of facial structures?
A. submandibular space
B. masticatory space
C. parotid gland
B. masticatory space
Acoustic neuroma involving 8th CN as it exits the cranium, this tumor is affecting the surrounding structures so the patient presents with:
A. facial paralysis
B. tongue paralysis
C. ptosis
A. facial paralysis
Which infrahyoid muscle will be paralyzed when the inferior alveolar nerve is severed at its origin?
mylohyoid muscle
During the removal of a metastatic tumor in infratemporal fossa, severe hemorrhage resulted. Which arterial source should the surgeoun clamp?
maxillary A.
Loss of mandible protrusion indicates dysfunction of which muscle?
Lateral pterygoid
Which one of these statements is true regarding the lateral pterygoid muscle?
A. inserted into the fovea
B. inserted into the fovea & TMJ capsule
C. elevates the mandible
B. inserted into the fovea & TMJ capsule
What is the nerve supply of the anterior superior part of nasal septum?
ethmoidal n.
Which one of the following muscles abducts the vocal folds?
posterior cricoarytenoid
Which one of the following supplies tip of nose?
external nasal
Middle meningeal A.
deep to neck of mandible
Numbness of inferior alveolar nerve results in
numbness of skin of chin
Which is responsible of tickling of nose before sneezing? A. facial nerve B. maxillary nerve of CN V C. mandibular nerve of CN V D. CN IX
B. maxillary nerve of CN V
Which of the following is true about MMA?
it passes between 2 branches of the auriculotemporal nerve
What passes inferior to pharyngeal constrictor muscle?
recurrent laryngeal nerve
What are the nerves that form the nerve to pterygoid canal?
deep petrosal and greater petrosal nerves
Which of the following openings doesn’t lead to pterygopalatine fossa?
A. foramen ovale
B. foramen rotundum
C. pterygomaxillary fissure
A. foramen ovale
What is the best area to anesthetize the inferior alveolar nerve?
A. mental foramen
B. mandibular foramen
B. mandibular foramen
What conveys the sensory information of gag reflex?
glossopharyngeal nerve
Lateral extension of tonsil will compress which of the following spaces?
What innervates the TMJ?
What vein carries infection from orbit to cavernous sinus?
ophthalmic vein
What is not true about the sphenopalatine nerve?
it passes through incisive foramen
What is true about the otic ganglion?
A. presynaptic parasympathetic fibers are transmitted by facial n.
B. in infratemporal fossa immediately under the foramen rotundum
C. carries postganglionic fibers to parotid gland
C. carries postganglionic fibers to parotid gland
What is not correct about the distribution of the nerves?
chorda tympani is a motor to the tensor veli palatini
What is the origin of muscles of mastication?
1st pharyngeal arch
What is the origin of inferior parathyroid?
3rd pharyngeal pouch
What forms the epithelium of the posterior 1/3 of tongue?
caudal part of the hypobranchial eminence
What forms the middle ear cavity?
1st pharyngeal pouch
What forms the external auditory meatus?
1st pharyngeal cleft
What is the origin of the lower part of body of hyoid bone and greater horn?
3rd pharyngeal arch
What is the innervation of the stylopharyngeus muscle?
glossopharyngeal n.
What provides the sensory innervation of the lower part of the larynx below the vocal cords? A. recurrent laryngeal n. B. inferior laryngeal n. C. superior laryngeal n. D. external laryngeal n. E. internal laryngeal n. F. vagus n.
A. recurrent laryngeal n.
What passes superior to the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle? A. recurrent laryngeal n. B. inferior laryngeal n. C. external laryngeal n. E. internal laryngeal n. F. vagus n. G. auditory tube
G. auditory tube
What mediates the cough reflex?
internal laryngeal nerve
What is true about the 3rd or 1st part of the maxillary A.?
Which of the following is responsible for pain in the ethmoidal sinus?
nasociliary nerve
What is the cause of spina bifida?
failure of fusion of vertebral arches
What is the innervation of tensor tympani muscles?
mandibular n.
What is true about the facial vein? A. it more tortuous than the facial A. B. drains into external jugular vein C. anterior to facial artery D. opens superiorly to sphenopalatine vein
Injury to the facial nerve when it exits the stylomastoid?
paralysis of stapedius and inability to whistle
Lingual nerve injury?
loss of general sensation of tongue
Innervation of tip of nose?
A. infratrochlear
B. infraorbital
What is false about the vestibulococchlear nerve?
related to the geniculate ganglion
During its course, the mylohyoid nerve pierces which of the following?
sphenomandibular ligament
When you ask patient to say ah, which muscle is involved?