2013 Flashcards
What is the nerve of the third pharyngeal pouch?
Glossopharyngeal n.
The postganglionic sympathetic neurons in head region are located in: A. superior cervical ganglion B. middle cervical ganglion C. inferior cervical ganglion D. superior vagal ganglion E. trigeminal ganglion
Hemorrhage in infratemporal fossa
Maxillary A.
Least structure related to parotid gland: A. internal carotid A. B. retromandibular v. C. auriculotemporal n. D. superficial temporal vessels
A. internal carotid A.
Injury to parasympathetic postganglionic part of oculomotor affects which muscle?
Constrictor pupillae
Which infrahyoid muscle will be paralyzed when the inferior alveolar nerve is severed at its origin?
Incus and malleus develop from: A. Meckel's cartilage B. Fibrous sheath of Meckel's cartilage C. Reichart's cartilage D. 3rd pouch
A. Meckel’s cartilage
Development of anterior 2/3 of tongue:
Lingual swelling
Development of cervical rib is caused by:
The growth of costal element
Pterygopalatine ganglia
lacrimal gland
Auditory tube
1st pharyngeal pouch
Middle meningeal artery
deep to neck of mandible
Nerve supply to anterior superior nasal septum
Ethmoidal nerve
Sensory to cough reflex
Internal laryngeal nerve
Greater petrosal nerve carries preganglionic parasympathetic to which ganglion:
Pterygopalatine ganglion
What prevents anterior dislocation of TMJ? A. lateral ligament of TMJ B. capsular ligament C. sphenomandibular ligament D. articular process
D. articular process
Posterior part of tongue develops from:
Pharyngeal part
Thoracic duct drains into:
Left venous angle
Which of these sinuses opens into hiatus semilunaris:
Maxillary sinus
Which of the following best describes a branch of 3rd part of maxillary A. with its distribution:
A. posterior superior alveolar artery to posterior maxillary teeth
B. pharyngeal artery to hard & soft palate
C. descending palatine A. to upper pharynx & auditory tube
D. artery to pterygoid canal to upper pharynx & auditory tube
A. posterior superior alveolar artery to posterior maxillary teeth
Which is NOT found in infratemporal fossa:
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Upper lip philtrum develops from:
Medial nasal prominences merge
Nerve to mylohyoid pierces:
Sphenomandibular ligament
Chorda tympani goes to infratemporal fossa after it exists:
Pterygotympanic fissure
Development of palate:
Lateral palate processes from the maxilla
Which of the following is incorrect regarding the pharyngotympanic tube?
A. salpinogpharyngeus muscle closes the tube
B. it opens into the nasopharynx posterior to inferior concha
C. it equalizes middle ear pressure w/ atmospheric pressure
D. tensor veli palatini and levator veli palatini open the tube
E. it’s supplied by ascending pharyngeal, middle meningeal, and artery to pterygoid canal
A. salpinogpharyngeus muscle closes the tube
Which nerve is related to the submandibular ganglia? A. lingual n. B. hypoglossal n. C. glossopharyngeal n. D. inferior alveolar n.
A. lingual n.
Which cranial nerve carries preganglionic fibers to ciliary ganglion?
Oculomotor n.
A dentist injects anesthetic between the medial pterygoid muscle and mandible at lingula what do you expect to be anesthetized other than mandibular teeth?
skin around chin
Nerve to tip of nose?
infraorbital n. and external nasal n.
Hoarseness of voice is bc :
A. vagus n.
B. internal laryngeal n.
C. inferior laryngeal n.
C. inferior laryngeal n.
When you ask patient to say ahh which muscle is responsible for opening of mouth?
Genioglossus muscle
Nerve to mylohyoid pierces:
Sphenomandibular lig.
Directly involved in lateral extension of peritonsillar abscess:
Parapharyngeal space
Infection in this area may result in dental infection, particularly 3rd molar, and may occur from removal of suspension wires following reduction and fixation of facial fracture:
Masticator facial space
Gag reflex sensory nerve
Glossopharyngeal n.
Acoustic neuroma is vestibulococchlear nerve may compress adjacent structures leading to:
A. unilateral facial paralysis
B. tongue paralysis
C. ptosis
A. unilateral facial paralysis
What is false about the vestibulococchlear nerve?
it’s related to the geniculate ganglion