20.03.19 Abnormal phenotypes in balanced karyotypes Flashcards
Can arrays detect balanced changes?
Can karyotyping detect balanced changes?
List 8 reasons why a balanced rearrangement may show an abnormal phenotype
1) Disruption of a gene by breakpoints
2) Cryptic imbalance
3) Position effect
4) Disruption of imprinting
5) UPD
6) Balanced rearrangements involving the X chromosome
7) Mosaicism
8) Co-incidental findings
1) Disruption of a gene by breakpoints
- Can cause truncated or no protein/RNA to be produced
- Dominant gene - if its function is disrupted by a breakpoint - usually occurs de novo
- Recessive gene - the non-disrupted gene carries a recessive pathogenic variant and the other copy of the gene is disrupted by a rearrangement breakpoint, resulting in a recessive condition being unmasked
- FISH is normally helpful
- NGS (paired end reads) can map breakpoints
- Also get fusion genes in HODs
2) Cryptic imbalance
- 37% of balanced rearrangements by karyotype were found to be unbalanced by array
- Often occur at breakpoints (but can be coincidental at other locations)
- Can be complex (inv, inser, del)
- Dels more common than dups
- Most de novo changes arise on PAT allele - ?spermatogeneis is more susceptible to changes than oogensis?
3) Position effect
- Deleterious change in the level of gene expression brought about by a change in the position of the gene relative to its normal chromosomal environment, but not associated with an intragenic pathogenic variant or deletion
- important for dosage sensitive genes
- Some specific DNA elements are required in cis to affect transcription
- Thereby by translocation changing location of gene, it’s gene expression can also be affected
Examples of position effects
1) Genes moves away from enhancer = reducing expression
2) Gene moves away from inhibitor/silencer element = inappropriate activation and expression
3) Gene moves closer to enhancer of another gene = inappropriate activation and expression
4) Gene and regulatory elements move close to another gene causing competition for the regulatory element = changes in expression for both genes
5) Position effect variegation (PEV) - silencing of a gene in some cells through its abnormal juxtaposition with heterochromatin via rearrangement or transposition. It is also associated with changes in chromatin conformation
4) Disruption of imprinting
- A breakpoint removes a chromosome region which is subject to imprinting away from its imprinting centre (IC)
5) UPD
- Robertsonian and reciprocal translocation carriers can have offspring with UPD
- Clinically relevant when chromosome involved has imprinted genes on or when it carriers an AR pathogenic variant
- Both are rare
6) Balanced rearrangements involving the X chromosome
- inv(X) - if breakpoint is in the critical region (Xq13-q22 or Xq22-q26) then can cause infertility and gonadal dysfunction
- t(Y;autosome) - carriers usually infertile (but some exceptions)
- t(X;autosome)
Translocations involving X and autosome - are males and females both in fertile?
1) males normally infertile
2) Female carriers very variable:
- 75% have random X inactivation but only functionally balanced cells survive - so cells where normal X is inactivated survive to protect the autosomal genes from being inactivated and to maintain normal dosage
- 25% of cases have some functionally disomic cells survive leading to abnormal phenotype
Translocations involving X and autosome - what happens is XIC is on the derivative X?
If XIC is on der X and it is inactivated, then autosomal material on der X will also be inactivated and X material on der A will not be inactivated - can lead to abnormal phenotype (or lethal if regions are too large)
Translocations involving X and autosome - what happens is XIC is on the derivative autosome?
If XIC is present on der A then part of the autosome can become inactivated and the der X remains active - can get functional disomy for some of the X chromosome and loss of autosome function - can also cause abnormal phenotype
7) Mosaicism
- Can be balanced in blood, but mosaic for unbalanced in other tissues (i.e. Pallister-Killian)
- Can occur due to 3:1 segregation at meiosis - results in interchange trisomy (two derivative and one normal chromosome)
- Then get post zygotic loss of normal chromosome leading to mosaicism
8) Co-incidental findings
- The balanced rearrangement is a co-incidental finding and the abnormal phenotype is caused by a point mutation in a gene, environmental factors etc