20.01.22 Origins of UPD Flashcards
What is UPD?
- Two copies of a chromosome, or part of a chromosome, from one parent and no copies from the other parent
- Requires the simultaneous occurrence of two very rare events:
1) nondisjunction of the same chromosome in gametes that join
2) trisomy followed by chromosome loss (very rare)
Clinical consequences for UPD
1) Imprinted genes on chromosome
- Parent of origin exp required
- Normally have monoallelic exp of these genes
- UPD causes both alleles either to be silenced or both to be expressed
- causing phenotype
2) Creates HOM variants (‘isozygosity’)
3) UPD resulting from somatic recombination can cause LOH or LOI (loss of imprinting)
- Somatically acquired UPD in cancer
- Pre-existing diver mutation converted to HOM which gives cell clonal advantage
4) UPD in conjunction with mosaicism for an abnormal cell line
- placental/fetal trisomy mosaicism due to trisomy rescue
Syndromes associated with UPD
- UPD(6)pat - transient neonatal diabetes
- UPD(7)mat - Russell-Silver syndrome
- UPD(11p15.5)pat - Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
- UPD(14)mat - short stature and precocious puberty with mild delay
- UPD(14)pat - distinct skeletal dysplasia with asphyxiating thorax
- UPD(15)mat - Prader-Willi syndrome
- UPD(15)pat - Angelman syndrome
Name the two different types of UPD
1) Uniparental isodisomy (UPID)
- two identical copies of one parental homologue
- Likley Meiosis II nondisjunction or mitotic error
2) Uniparental heterodisomy (UPHD)
- Both homologues from one parent (but one of each)
- Likely meiosis I nondisjunction
What is segmental UPD?
- UPD for only part of the chromosome
- Occurs by recombination during mitosis (NOT meiosis)
- Not to be confused with when you see UPD where the chromosome is partly UPID and partly UPHD (this is due to recombination during meiosis)
Name the three forms of UPD?
1) UPD for the entire chromosome complement
2) UPD for a complete chromosome
3) Segmental UPD
UPD for the entire chromosome complement - how does this arise?
1) Complete hydatidiform mole
- PAT UPD for entire diploid complement
- Caused by endoreduplication of a single 23,X sperm
2) Benign cystic ovarian teratoma
- MAT UPD for entire diploid complement
- Arises in germ cell due to failed meiotic cell division
3) Triploidy (partial hydatidiform mole)
- Can have MAT (digynic triploidy) or PAT (diandric triploidy) origin
- Most likely PAT
4) Can get mosaic UPD/triploidy
- Very rare
- Caused by 3 mechansisms:
A) Normal fertilization, then replication without division occurs of male pronucleus leading to normal biparental cell line and haploid PAT cell line, then get haploid rescue and a mosaic UPD PAT cell line
B) Egg fertilized by 2 sperm, cells divide into biparental diploid and haploid PAT cells, then get haploid rescue and a mosaic UPD PAT cell line
C) Fertilization of an empty egg, get haploid rescue and UPD PAT (at the same time also have a normal fertilization of a second egg with a normal diploid complement)
UPD for a complete chromosome - Name the 4 formation mechanisms by which this arises
1) Trisomy rescue
2) Gamete complementation
3) Monosomic rescue
4) Mitotic error
1) Trisomy rescue
- Most common mechanism
- Meiotic nondisjunction in one parent results in a disomic gamete
- This is then fertilized with a normal haploid gamete = trisomic conception
- Rescue occurs as one homologue is lost at a very early postzygotic stage causing UPD
- Meiosis I nondisjunction = UPHD
- Meiosis II nondisjunction = UPID
- Post-zygotic correction so most are mosaic (trisomy can remain only in the placenta (CPM) or affecting the fetus)
- Most common is MAT meiosis I nondisjunction (mat UPHD)
2) Gamete complementation
- Very very rare
- Meiotic nondisjunction in both parents results in a disomic gamete from one parent and a nullisomic gamete for the same chromosome from the other parent
- If these gametes form embryo then get a diploid zygote with UPD for that chromosome
3) Monosomic rescue
- Rarer than trisomy rescue
- Meiotic nondisjunction in one parent = nullisomic gamete
- If fertilized with normal haploid gamete = monosomic conception
- Get rescue event of remaining homologue = UPID
- As most nullsomic gametes occur due to MAT meiosis I nondisjunction, most UPD cases will be PAT UPID
4) Mitotic error
- Conception is normal
- Then get mitotic error (introduces monosomy or trisomy)
- This is then rescued causing UPID
Segmental UPD
- UPD of only one section of a chromosome
- Arises due to recombination
- Segmental isodisomy is assumed to be formed postzygotically by a mitotic exchange between non-sister chromatids
- Therefore each daughter cell will show UPID (one MAT and the other PAT) creating mosaicism
- Can get loss of one of these UPID cell lines (e.g. mat UPID for 11p15.5 is lethal in BWS)
- alternatively can also arise by mitotic exchange from pat and mat chromatids, followed by trisomy rescue (chr that is lost took part in the recombination)
- Segmental UPD can be mosaic (if recombination occurs after formation of inner cell mass)
What increases the chance of UPD?
- Carriers of structural rearrangements can get meiotic malsegragation causing UPD
1) Robertsonian translocations (non-identical homologues) - most commonly causes UPD by trisomy rescue after non-disjunction
2) translocations with a risk of 3:1 nondisjunction - can then get monosomy rescue
- OR can get isochromosome formation if it involves an acrocentric chromosome (derived from a single chromosome through a sister chromatid exchange or duplication event) - they have two arms that are identical to each other
- With no family history, recurrence risk of sporadic UPD is very low
When do we need test for UPD?
- The patient’s features are consistent with a UPD-related disorder
- familial chromosomal rearrangement (numerical or structural) involving imprinting-related chromosomes
- There is a rare recessive disorder or unexplainable parent-child transmission