20. Privilege Flashcards
what are the 3 types of privilege available?
- privilege against self-incrimination
- legal advice
- litigation privilege
general principles of privilege?
- person entitled to claim priv can refuse to answer question or disclose doc
- person can waive privilege
- party who is seeking to prove matter to which someone claims priv can prove by other evidence
- no adverse inference from claiming priv
who can claim privilege against self-incrim?
- called witness
- accused
can you ask a question to someone that would incriminate?
yes in X-exam but they can refuse to answer
what is self-incrimination scope?
no witness is bound to answer questions in court (or to produce documents or things at trial) if to do so would, in the opinion of the judge, have a tendency to expose the witness to any criminal charge, penalty or forfeiture (of property) which the judge regards as reasonably likely to be preferred or sued for
when can person not claim privilege of self-incrim?
on basis of exposure to civil liability
exposure of criminal liability under foreign law.
can you claim privilege from self-incrim of someone else?
no incrimination must be of the person claiming privilege.
what does legal advice priv relate to?
communications between client and legal adviser where dominant purpose is of obtaining legal advice
extends to instructions given by client to sol or by sol to barrister and even counsel’s opinion taken by sol
what does litigation priv relate to?
communications between client and legal adviser for sole or dominant purpose of enabling action in relation to litigation (pending or in contemplation of client).
this includes third party communications
does privilege extend to items enclosed or referred to in communications?
yes if brought into existence:
* in connection with giving legal advice or
* in connection with or in contemplation of legal proc for purposes of such proceedings.
how does court determine whether something is privileged or not?
consider evidence supporting claim that shows purpose of creation was for something privileged.
who bears burden of proving priv?
party seeking to claim it.
when should the court inspect privileged documents to prove privilege?
last resort - only if there is evidence that those claiming have misunderstood their duty OR no reasonably practical alternative.
when does legal advice privilege apply to corporate clients?
only communications with those designated to act as client
when is litigation privilege engaged?
when litigation is in reasonable contemplation (includes deciding whether to litigate and settle)
what does litigation priv cover?
communications beyween parties sols and 3rd parties for obtaining info / advice in connection with conduct of litigation. (Has to be sole/dom purpose).
does litigaiton priv extend to witnesses?
extends to identity and other details of witnesses intended to be called in adversarial litigation.
what documents are covered by litigation privilege?
documents created by a party for the purpose of instructing the lawyer and obtaining advice in the conduct of the litigation
what documents aren’t covered by litigation priv?
documents obtained by a party or the party’s adviser for the purpose of litigation that were not created for that purpose.
when will privilege attach to copy of document?
privilege will attach to a copy of an unprivileged document if the copy was made for the purpose of litigation and the original is not, and has not at any time been, in the control of the party claiming privilege
what is an exception to Legal professional privilege?
communications in furtherance of crime or fraud
how does privilege work with a s.34 adverse inference?
if accused gives legal advise as reason - not waived
if accused asks for adverse inference not to be drawn then it might be necessary to go furhter and state basis or reason for advice - might be waived
If defence reveal basis/reason for sols advice to no comment, amounts to a waiver of priv
if accused states that they told solicitor a fact is that a waiver of privilege?
no, if it is the solicitor to whom the fact was communicated.