20. Mechanism of disease Flashcards
Food insecurity - undernutrition
Lack of/not enough food = lowered immunity = increase susceptibility to communicable diseases e.g. TB, measles, cholera, influenza
Food insecurity - malnutrition
Imbalance of nutrient intake…
- e.g. Vitamin C deficiency = lowered immunity = increased susceptibility to communicable diseases e.g. cholera OR
- e.g. low iron intake = iron deficiency anaemia = low levels of red blood cells (haemoglobin) in the blood which is responsible for carrying oxygen to the cells = fatigue OR
- e.g. calcium deficiency = osteoporosis = brittle bones = increase risk of fracture (injury)
Male - injuries
Higher levels of hormone testosterone = increased risk taking behaviours e.g. driving while intoxicated = injuries e.g. head and/or spinal injury
Post-menopausal female - CVD and osteoporosis
Lower levels of hormone oestrogen (compared to pre-menopausal levels) = protective factor for women against CVD and osteoporosis up until menopause therefore increased risk after menopause
Smoking - CVD
Inhalation of dangerous chemicals from tobacco smoke = increases the rate of atherosclerosis = sticky plaque build up on blood vessel walls causing hardening and potential blockages resulting in…
- heart attack (coronary heart disease - reduced oxygen flow to heart) AND/OR
- stroke (reduced oxygen flow to the brain)
Smoking - lung cancer
Inhalation of dangerous chemicals in tobacco smoke into the lungs = increased risk of abnormal cell growth in the lungs
Smoking - asthma
Inhalation of dangerous chemicals in tobacco smoke into the lungs = narrowing and inflammation of airways reducing oxygen flow
Smoking - COPD
Inhalation of dangerous chemicals in tobacco smoke into the lungs = progressive, long term lung damage = obstruction of oxygen intake = making breathing difficult = e.g. emphysema, bronchitis
Alcohol - obesity
Alcohol is energy dense = increase risk of positive energy balance = weight gain/excess adipose tissue storage = high BMI/obesity
Alcohol - CVD
Alcohol is energy dense = increase risk of positive energy balance = weight gain/excess adipose tissue storage = high BMI/obesity = strain on the heart = increase risk heart attack (coronary heart disease)
Alcohol - Type 2 diabetes
Alcohol is energy dense = increase risk of positive energy balance = weight gain/excess adipose tissue storage = high BMI/obesity = strain on pancreas = inability to release insulin effectively to regulate blood glucose levels
Alcohol - liver diseases
Alcohol is filtered by the liver = excess consumption places strain on the liver to perform this function = liver damage/cirrhosis/disease/failure AND/OR abnormal cell growth in the liver = liver cancer
Alcohol - mental health disturbances e.g. depression
Alcohol is a depressant drug = slowing down messages within central nervous system and altering behaviour = which may result in…
- regrettable actions e.g. drink driving fatality
- strain on relationships e.g. fight with friend when intoxicated AND/OR
- addiction e.g. causing financial stress
= mental health disturbances e.g. depression
Alcohol - injuries
Alcohol is a depressant drug = slowing down messages within central nervous system and slowing down reaction time, also can increase risk taking behaviours e.g. driving while intoxicated, swimming while intoxicated, jumping off balcony, etc. = injuries such as broken leg, head and/or spinal injury, etc.
High BMI - CVD
Excess adipose tissue = strain on the heart = increase risk of heart attack/ischaemic heart disease/coronary heart disease (reduced oxygen flow to the heart)
High BMI - cancer
Excess adipose tissue = increase risk of a range of cancers (abnormal and uncontrollable cell growth) e.g. stomach cancer, kidney cancer
High BMI - osteoarthritis
Excess adipose tissue = increase strain on joints e.g. knee = increase risk of osteoarthritis (wearing down of cartilage between the joints causing inflammation, pain, stiffness)
High BMI - Type 2 diabetes
Excess adipose tissue = increase strain on the strain on pancreas = inability to release insulin effectively to regulate blood glucose levels
Low fruit and vegetable intake - obesity
Low intake of fibre = reduced satiety = more likely to overeat/snack on energy dense foods = increase risk of positive energy balance = weight gain/excess adipose tissue = High BMI
Low fruit and vegetable intake - colorectal cancer
Low intake of insoluble fibre = less bulk added to faeces = cancer causing agents can linger in the bowel = increased increased risk of polyps which may turn cancerous = abnormal and uncontrollable cell growth in colon/bowel and rectum
Low fruit and vegetable intake - cancer (in general)
Low intake of antioxidants = antioxidants help to neutralise free radicals so without these increased risk of abnormal and uncontrollable cell growth e.g. kidney cancer, stomach cancer
Low fruit and vegetable intake - communicable diseases
Low intake of Vitamin C = lowered efficiency of immune system = increase susceptibility to communicable diseases e.g. TB, measles, whooping cough, cholera, influenza
Low dairy intake - osteoporosis
Low intake of calcium = less efficient ossification of bones = more porous and weak bone structure = osteoporosis (increase risk of fractures)
Low dairy intake - dental carries
Low intake of calcium = more porous/weaker tooth enamel = increase risk of dental carries/tooth decay
High intake of fat - CVD
Excess saturated and trans fat consumption = increase cholesterol production = excess deposited on artery walls as plaque = atherosclerosis = hardening of blood vessels increase risk of…
- heart attack (reduced oxygen flow/blockage to heart) OR
- stroke (reduced oxygen flow/blockage to brain)
High intake of fat - Type 2 diabetes
Fat is energy dense = excess consumption can result in positive energy balance = weight gain/excess adipose tissue = increase strain on pancreas = inability to release insulin effectively to regulate blood glucose levels
High intake of fat - obesity
Fat is energy dense = excess consumption can result in positive energy balance = weight gain/excess adipose tissue = high BMI
High intake of salt - CVD
Excess salt consumption = water is drawn from the cells = increase blood volume = increased risk hypertension/high blood pressure
High intake of salt - osteoporosis
Excess salt consumption = as excess salt is excreted from the body in urine = calcium excreted also lowering stores of calcium in bones = porous bones = osteoporosis (increase risk of fractures)
High intake of sugar - obesity
Sugar is energy dense = excess consumption can result in positive energy balance = weight gain/excess adipose tissue = high BMI
High intake of sugar - Type 2 diabetes
- Sugar is energy dense = excess consumption can result in positive energy balance = weight gain/excess adipose tissue = increase strain on the strain on pancreas = inability to release insulin effectively to regulate blood glucose levels OR
- Excess sugar consumption = increased stress on pancreas to constantly release insulin to regulate blood glucose levels = overtime the body can develop insulin resistance
High intake of sugar - dental carries
Excess sugar consumption = excess bacteria in the mouth = tooth decay
Low intake of fibre - colorectal cancer
Low intake of insoluble fibre = less bulk added to faeces = cancer causing agents can linger in the bowel = increased risk of polyps which may turn cancerous = abnormal and uncontrollable cell growth in colon/bowel and rectum
Low intake of fibre - obesity
Low intake of fibre = reduced satiety = more likely to overeat/snack on energy dense foods = increase risk of positive energy balance = weight gain/excess adipose tissue = High BMI
Low intake of fibre - CVD
Low soluble fibre intake = less removal of plaque/cholesterol build up from arteries, higher levels of (lethal) low density lipoproteins = increased risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of blood vessels)
Low intake of iron - iron deficiency anaemia
Low iron intake = lower red blood cell count = lower haemoglobin (oxygen carrying component of blood) = tiredness, weakness, etc.
Low intake of water - colorectal cancer
Low water intake = harder/dry stools = cancer causing agents can linger in bowel for longer = abnormal and uncontrollable cell growth
Low intake of water - obesity
Low water intake may indicate fluid intake/hydration coming from energy dense alternatives e.g. energy or soft drinks, flavoured milks, etc = increased risk of positive energy balance = weight gain/excess adipose tissue
Low access to safe water - communicable, waterborne diseases
Unsafe water = water contaminated with pathogens, bacteria, viruses, etc - increase risk of waterborne diseases e.g. cholera, typhoid, dysentery
*Note: also pollution e.g. lead pollution can cause e.g. lead poisoning
Low access to sanitation - communicable, waterborne diseases
Inadequate/poor quality sanitation = exposure to waste products e.g. human faeces from lack of flushing toilet or inadequate hand washing hygiene stations = communicable diseases e.g. cholera, typhoid, dysentery
Poor quality housing e.g. poor ventilation - communicable disease
Inadequate ventilation = spread of communicable diseases e.g. influenza or TB which are contagious and passed on through droplets e.g. cough, sneeze
Overcrowded housing - Measles
Inadequate spacing within a home = increase spread of communicable diseases e.g. coughing or sneezing = increase risk of measles
Humid weather conditions, stagnant water - malaria
Increases breeding amongst mosquitoes = increase in risk of vector borne diseases such as malaria (parasitic infection that attacks red blood cells resulting in high fever, sweating, chills)
Poor quality housing/shelter - NTDs (Neglected Tropical Diseases)
Lack of safe, private, protective shelter = increase risk of animal attacks e.g. dog bites with rabies (rabies is an NTD)