2. TL: DR - The Pharmacy Flashcards
What requirements are there regarding who can access the pharmacy at ay time?
a licensed pharmacist must have personal supervision of NOT MORE THAN 1 pharmacy at all times; if the pharmacist leaves, the prescriptions department shall be closed and no prescriptions are to be filled
How long can a pharmacist be away from the pharmacy?
no more than 3 hours daily and no more than 1.5 hours at any one time, and no more than 1 week for temporary illness
Min square footage for pharmacy
240 sq ft minimum
Aisles and floor area for pharmacy requirements
shall extend the full length of the prescription compounding counter, and it shall be clear and unobstructed for a minimum distance of 36 inches from the working side of the prescription compounding counter
how many inches from the working side of the prescription compounding counter must be unobstructed?
36 inches
what is the mimum counter space for a pharmacy
- 24 inches in width and no less than 16 sq ft unobstructed for 1 pharmacist
- 24 inches in width and no less than 24 sq ft of total working space where 2+ pharmacists are
counseling area requirements
- large enough to accomadte patients
- entirely devoting to patient outcomes (not a storage room)
- must be accessible by patient from outside of pharmacy area (cannot go through stock room/pharmacy)
- must have capability of eing private to both sounds and viewing
- must be out of traffic areas and hceckout
Security system requirements for al
must be:
1. physically enclosed
2. secured
3. locked when not open for business, except in temporary absence of pharmacist on duty
specifications on alarms in AL?
Specifications on phone/fax/internet?
Separate storage for prescription hard copies by control?
inventories and records of all controlled substances listed in schedules I and II shall be maintained separately from all other records of the pharmacy, and prescriptions for the substances shall be maintained in a separate prescription file
Separate storage for prescription drugs in CIII, CIV, and CV?
CIII, CIV, and CV shall be maintained either separately from all other records of the pharmacy or in the form that the information required is readilyretrievable from ordinary business records of the pharmacy and prescriptuions for the substances shall be maintained either in a separate prescruiption file for controlled substances listed in schedules III, IV, and V only or in the form that they are readily retrievable from other prescription records of the pharmacy
must the storage area be locked for hard copies?
all legend/controlled drugs must be stored within the prescription department or th storage room of each pharmacy.
Must storage area be on site for hard copies/drugs?
yes, within the confines of the prescription departent
Sign requirement for counseling?
Sign requirement for hours?
a sign in block letters at least 1 inch in height shall be displayed either at the main entrance of the establishment or near the prescription department in a prominent place that states the hours in which the prescription department is open each day
Sign requirement for PIC change?
the name of the supervising pharmacist shall be placed in a conspicuous place in the prescription department so that it is clearly visible to the public
Sign requirements for closures?
during the temporary absence of a pharmacist, the sign must be placed stating “Prescription Department Closed, No Pharmacist on Duty”
Where licenses displayed?
must be seen publicaly; nanme of licensed pharmacist on duty must be conspicuously displayed in the prescription department in a place observable by the public
Time to notify board of changes to ownership
any change in the control of ownership or licensed pharmacists shall be reported tot he board in writing within 10 days of such an occurrence
Time to notify board of changes to PIC
whenever a registered pharmacist assumes the duties of a supervising pharmacist, within 10 days must notify the board by complleting the notice o change of supervising pharmacist form
wheever there is a new supervising pharmacist, they shall be required to take an inventory of all controlled substances within
15 days
whenever a registered pharmacist terminates their duties as the supervising pharmacist, they will otify the board within
10 days by completing the “notice of change o fsupervising pharmacist” form
each pharmacist licensed by the board shall notify the board in wrting within ___ days of a change of eployment
10 days
when changing employment, what inormation must be disclosed to the board of pharmacy?
2. license number
3. name of pharmacy former
4. name of pharmacy current
Any person who receives a community pharmacy permit and commences to operate such an establishment shall, for the benefit of public health, keep the Rx department open for a minimum of ____ hours/week
20 hours; may apply for special waiver/circumstances
Type of prescription balance required
Running water requirements
must have running hot and cold water in the prescription area
What book ust a pharmacy have?
latest edition of facts and comparisons or equivalent
community pharmacies must have an exempt
narcotic register
in addition, all pharmacies shall have on hand any technical equipment commensurate with its level and type of practice. This mans that IV preparing pharmacies must have
what regulations exist in hospitals and skilled nursing homes using vending machines/mechanical devices for storage/dispensing of drugs
the machines or devices shall be stocked only under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist, and the drugs may be dispensed from the machine only by an individual acting in accordance with established institutional hospital pharmacy policy
Is emergency access allowed for users to retrieve drugs without an order from an automated machine?
yes, but must be permitted by written policies an dprocedures
how often must a pharmacist conduct a on-site physical inventory of the contents of the automated dispensing system
Must a pharmacist bo on-site for access to the pharmacy?
the owner of te pharmacy may designate 1 unregistered person to have a key o rother controlled access device/method to the pharmacy and still be considered to be in their possession. the supervising pharmacist must agree to this arrangement.
if after-hours in an institutional pharmacy, when unattended by a pharmacist, how can others retrieve meds?
medical staff can use a locked cabinet other enclosure constructed and located outside of the pharmacy area and, in emergency circumstances, have access to the pharmacy
What 3 things must a pharmcist ensure for after-hours access to meds?
- whenever access occurs to the cabinet, written orders and proofs areof use are provided
- all drugs therein are inventoried regularly based on institutional policy, but no less than every 30 days
- a complete audit of all activity concerning such cabinet/enclosures is conducted no less than once per month
Who has emergency access to the pharmacy?
1 supervisory nurse or physician in any given shift is responsible for obtaining drugs from the pharmacy. They must be designated in writing by the appropriate committee of the institutional facility. Removal of any drug from the pharmacy by an authorized designee must be pursuant to written orders of an authorized practitioner, and must be recorded on a suitable form and the container from which the drug was removed
what is on the form tha tdocuments drugs removed while pharmacists are away?
- patient name
- room number
- name of drug
- strength
- amount
- date
- time
- signature of designee
is mail order allowed in AL
yes, however no non-resident pharmacy shall ship, mail, or deliver prescription drugs/devices to patient n this state unless registered by SLBOP; additionally, nonresident must designate a supervising pharmacist licensed by the state board
is a license required for mail to other states?
What are the fees for a pharmacy license: in-state (resident)
What are the fees for a pharmacy license: out-of-state (non-resident
must you be a pharmacist to own a pharmacy?
any change in the control of ownership or licensed pharmacists shall be reported to the board in writing within ___ days of sch occurance
It shall be the duty of the ______ to immediately notify the board upon the termination of employment of licensed pharmacists and to cause the surrender of permits as indicated. The further operation of the pharmacy or entity where pharmacy services are performed in the absence of a licensed pharmacist is forbidden.
the owners of the pharmacy/owners of entities where pharmacy services are offered who are not licensed pharmacists
In-state pharmacy permit fee and controlled substance fee
$200 permit fee plus $30 controlled substance fee
Non-resident pharmacy permit fee and controlled substance fee
$750, $300
How long before opening and operating a pharmacy shal they apply to the board for a permit
30 days
the permit issued to each pharmacist by the board and the licensure certificates issued to the licensed pharacist employed by each pharmacy must be
conspicuously displayed in the pharmacy with the name of the licensed pharmacist on duty readily observable by the public
What is the pharmacist to tech ratio
1:4, of which 2 must be certified
What is the pharmacist to intern ratio
What is the pharmacist to clerk/delivery driver/cashier ratio?
none specified