2: Ocular trauma Flashcards
Where do the majority of eye injuries occur?
At work
What are some mechanisms of eye injury?
Blunt force trauma
Penetrating injuries
What must be recorded before examining the eyes of someone with an injury?
Visual acuity
How is the eye examined?
Front to back
lids, conjunctiva, cornea, anterior segment, pupils, fundus
What dye is used to examine the eyes?
What colour does it turn under blue light?
- History is key
- Visual acuity
- Fluorescein
What type of fracture can be caused by orbital trauma?
Orbital blowout fracture
What sign is produced on a CT head by an orbital blowout fracture?
Tear drop sign
prolapse of fat into maxillary sinus
Which walls of the orbit are most commonly damaged by orbital blowout fractures?
Which muscle is commonly trapped?
Medial and inferior walls
Inferior rectus
What sign is caused by inferior rectus entrapment in an orbital blowout fracture?
What symptom does this cause?
Inability to ELEVATE affected eye because muscle is trapped (contracted)
What type of bleeding is caused by blunt force trauma?
Subconjunctival haemorrhage
What should you be suspicious of in all traumatic eye injuries involving significant force?
Globe rupture
What is traumatic uveitis?
Inflammation caused by proteins released by traumatic injury
think also: sympathetic ophthalmia
What is blood in the anterior chamber called?
What does it indicate?
What is pus in the anterior chamber called?
Significant intraocular injury
What’s this?
Dislocated lens