(2) Lesson 7: Personnel Management Flashcards
concerned with the engagement
Personnel Management
effective utilization of manpower
Personnel management
optimum efficiency of human resources
Personnel management
consists of series of activities
Personnel program
personnel policies of the laboratory
Personnel program
purpose of realizing objectives of the organization
Personnel program
___ is a pre-determined selected course established as a guide towards accepted goals and objectives; according to ___
Personnel policies
Dale Yoder
the statement of intention
Personnel policies
commits the laboratory manager
Personnel policies
general course of action
Personnel policies
to accomplish a specific purpose
Personnel policies
Functions of personnel manager:
- Create recruitment strategies (Internal/External)
- Screen and interview job applicants
- Administer employment tests to job applicants
- Selection and Hiring
Recruitment, selection, employment
Functions of personnel manager:
- Indoctrinate new employees on laboratory history, objectives, policies and rules
- Introduce the new employees to his supervisor, the officers of the organization, his associates and subordinates
Orientation of new staff
Functions of personnel manager:
Establish Total Compensation Package (Competitive Salary, benefits, incentives)
Wage and salary administration
Functions of personnel manager:
- 201 Files (Personal, Memos, etc.)
- Training Certificates/ CPD records/Certifications
- Ensure updated licenses/ professional registrations
Keep employee records
Functions of personnel manager:
- Spearhead Annual Performance Evaluation
- Oversee Job Evaluation and Appraisal
Employee rating and promotion
Functions of personnel manager:
- Training Needs Assessments
- Provide Soft Skills training (Time Management, Professional Image, Service Architecture Trainings)
Professional growth and development
Functions of personnel manager:
- Assist in transferring, promoting, demoting, discharging, or retiring employees.
- Handle complaints: grievances and disciplinary action cases.
- Motivate employees to do better
Corrective action/employee discipline
Functions of personnel manager:
- Negotiate with the labor unions or union officials
- Townhall Meetings
Employees integration
Functions of personnel manager:
Provide personnel services, medical, social, and recreational. (Family Day, Sportsfest, Teambuilding Activities)
Services for employees
Source of labor:
refer to the employees actively working in the laboratory
Internal sources
Source of labor:
include persons who apply in person, who answer advertisement and who are recommended by schools
External sources
necessary in order to increase the accuracy of prediction on the applicant
Pre-employment interview
the introduction of the employee to this new environment
Personnel orientation
consists of periodic written reports on employees’ performance
Personnel evaluation
The most frequently measured attributes are quantity of work (___), judgment, knowledge, adaptability, initiative, personal relations (___), work habits (attendance, compliance with rules and regulations, orderliness), communication (___ __ ___ expression), creativity, quality of work and other factors.
interaction with others
oral or written
the advancement of an employee to better job in terms of greater responsibility, more prestige, or “status”, greater skill, and especially increase rate of pay or salary
___ is a factor only when there is more than one candidate of equal capabilities
Requires documented facts sufficient to support the contemplated action
Discipline and dismissal (discharging)
T/F: when an employee becomes a liability, rather than an asset, he should be dismissed
Provides a ready references to an employee, job description, education, experience, qualifications, length of employment, job references, written reprimands, comments and personal list
Personnel record
___ should be centralized with accessibility limits to appropriate supervisor and employee in order to maintain confidentiality of information.
Medical laboratories should maintain ___ that contain information integral to their laboratory-related work
employee records
The personnel file should be kept in a secure site to protect confidentiality
a process to provide and develop knowledge, skills, and behaviors to meet requirements
an educational program that brings employees up- to-date in a particular area of knowledge or skills
Continuing education
When organizing internal continuing education programs, local resources available from the health care community should be considered
Local resources
External continuing education programs can also be presented by topic experts
External resources
Conflict Mediation Techniques:
The mediator must therefore guide both parties into perceiving their disagreement as the problem rather than each other
Phase 1: clarifying the problem
Conflict Mediation Techniques:
The mediator must ask both parties exactly what they want from one another. By writing down the wants of both sides, the mediator shows that they have been heard
Phase 2: Finding out what each side wants from the other
Conflict Mediation Techniques:
The supervisor asks each party what items on the list of wants they can agree upon
Phase 3: Reaching an agreement
a general term applying to drives, desires, needs and wishes of an individual in order to perform
involves a chain reaction starting out with felt needs, resulting in wants or goals sought which gives rise to tensions (that is unfulfilled desires), then causing action toward achieving goals and finally satisfying wants
Job enlargement/Job enrichment:
Is the process of increasing job scope
Job enlargement
Job enlargement/Job enrichment:
a system of job rotation may be initiated, so that workers move from one job to a completely different one
Job enlargement
Job enlargement/Job enrichment:
the process of increasing job depth
Job enrichment
Job enlargement/Job enrichment:
Individual employees maybe given responsibility for setting their own work space, for correcting their own errors, and/or for deciding on the best way to perform in a particular task
Job enrichment
Employees should have a periodic formal appraisal of their overall performance
Job performance appraisal
Filling out the information sheet or the application blanks or sending the information sheets or application blanks by mail and returning the same to the laboratory
In the selection process, ___/___ will set a criteria for selection
Interviewers/ Direct managers
Job offer/ Hiring consists of ___ and ___
Medical examination
Contract signing
T/F: job applicants who fall short of the required qualifications for the job in question or who may be overqualified may be rejected
Basics in the interview
Establish rapport
Respect individuality
Obtain as much information as you can
Close the interview
Process in the interview:
Set the stage in advance so the interview will be in control and not be interrupted by other visitors
Process in the interview:
Asking general questions to set the applicant at ease
Establish rapport
How to close the interview?
Give the applicant a chance to ask questions they may have
The final caution in interviews
“Do not jump into conclusion”
Three things about impressions
*Sometimes close to truth
*Sometimes dangerous
*Always based on limited information
T/F: An applicant who has held 3-4 jobs within the past five years is not high risk
T/F: An applicant who has held 3-4 jobs within the past five years could be a job hopper
T/F: Emotional instability can be rooted from recent emotional crises of an individual
If the writing of the applicant is sloppy, it may indicate a generally ___ attitude
Unanswered items in the application form indicate ___ or ___
T/F: You may check if the reference is a close friend or relative of the applicant
T/F: If the medical history is lengthy or ambiguous, there is a good chance that the applicant is healthy and goes to regular check up
F (in poor health or somewhat neurotic)
T/F: Hiring relatives or close friends is encouraged to make the working environment more comfortable to everyone
F (discouraged)
T/F: If other things are equal, hire people you instinctively like
T/F: The person who works for financial reasons is likely to be more stable than the person who is economically independent
It is a good policy to have a probation of usually about __ months
Provides basis for counseling interview with the employee
Personnel Evaluation
Provides a resource document for appraisal for promotion, transfer, separation, and references
Personnel Evaluation
A way to summarize day-to-day and week-to-week evaluation
Personnel Evaluation
Qualities considered in promotion
Common sense
Communicative ability
Steps before dismissal
Awareness»_space; Troubleshooting»_space; Verbal Warning»_space; Written warning»_space; Suspension»_space; Dismissal
Where should the personnel file be kept to protect confidentiality?
Secure site; within the laboratory and/or the HRD
Considerations for training or CPE
*Identification of training needs
*Design of training
*Provision of training
*Evaluation of training results
Local resources for training
*Quality assurance committee
*Infection control personnel
*Epidemiologists/ Surveillance officers
*External assessors
Associated with proficiency testing services, manufacturers, scientific societies, WHO, USCDCP, NGO
External resources
T/F: In solving conflicts, you may nod if an employee has a logical argument about the issue
F (do not nod in agreement)
According to Herzber, Job satisfaction is influenced by ___ factors, while job dissatisfaction is influenced by ___ factors
Two motivational theories
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Herzberg’s two-factor principles
Performance may be affected by
*Financial problems
*Excessive workloads
*Insufficient initial orientation or training
*Resistance to change
“We’ve always done it this way, why change” is ___
Resistance to change