2. kafli - Physiology, Psychophysics, and the Science of Mind Flashcards
Hver var Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723)?
He was from Holland and was the one who created lenses of sufficient magnification to see neurons.
What is a fMRI?
fMRI or functional magnetic resonance imager, a device that provides images of blood flow or other metabolic changes in an intact, functioning brain in a conscious human subject.
What was Cortical Localization?
Pierre Flourens (1794–1867) who set out to test the claims of the phrenologists (Gall).
Hann gerði allskonar skurði í heilann sem sýndu að kenningar Gall voru rangar. Að það væru ekki 27 svæði í heilanum / höfðinum. En Flourens taldi sig hafa komist að því að t.d. hegðun byggi víða í heilanum en það reyndist ekki rétt.
Within the scientific community, the work of Flourens and others nailed the lid shut on phrenology’s false claims as science.
Hverjir voru Jean‐Baptiste Bouillaud (1796–1881) og Simon Ernest Aubertin (1825–1893), the son‐in‐law of Bouillaud?
þeir voru soldið á því að heilanum væri skipt upp í svæði sem stjórnuðu ákveðnum hlutum
Hver var Paul Broca (1824–1880), a French neurophysiologist?
Hann er maðurinn sem Broca-svæðið í heilnum er nefnt eftir, svæðið sem stjórnar málinu, að tala.
Broca Aphasia.
Leborgne hét maðurinn / sjúklingurinn
Hvar er Broca-svæðið í heilanum?
í vinstra heilahveli, í framheila. it is known to be associated with the production of speech (expressive aphasia)
Hvar er Wernicke-svæðið í heilanum?
það er í vinstra heilahveli, (gagnaugablaði?) in the left temporal–parietal cortex. Associated with understanding of language (receptive aphasia).
What is the Bell‐Magendie law?
specifity in the nerves.
Bell fyrstur en gaf út um það fá eintök, að mænan væri með tvennskonar taugar, motor og sensory.
APA: the principle that the ventral roots of the spinal cord are motor in function and the dorsal roots are sensory. [Charles Bell (1774–1842), Scottish surgeon and anatomist; François Magendie (1783–1855), French physiologist]
Úr bók: afferent information from the senses to the brain is carried in the dorsal part of the spinal cord; efferent information from the brain to the motor effectors is carried in the ventral part of the cord. This discovery of separate neural systems for sensory and motor functions would prove important for many areas of neurophysiology and much later for a scientific psychology grounded in stimulus–response (S–R) experiments.
Hvað er S-R experiment?
What is the law of specific nerve energies?
the belief that each sensory nerve carries only one kind of sensory information, regardless of how the nerve is stimulated.
Who was Johannes Müller (1801–1858), a German physiologist?
ólíkar taugar styðja ólíka skynjun, t.d. sjóntaug.
law of specific nerve energies 1826
each sensory nerve carries only one kind of sensory information, regardless of how the nerve is stimulated.
hversu hratt ferðast taugaboð?
Hvað gerðu Edward Hitzig og Eduard Fritsch um 1870?
Og Robert Bartholow 1874
David Ferrier 1876
rannsóknir á electrical stimulation of nerves.
hundar - stimulus framkölluð hreyfingu og andlitshreyfingar.
RB setti rafboð í heila á manneskju og sagði hafa hreyft sig
DF gaf út bók Function of the Brain. rannsakaði apa. > cortical localization of function.
Herman von Helmholtz (1821-1894)
nemandi Johannesar Muller
opthalomometer - mælir sveig á auga
theory of colour
theory of pitch perfection
law of conservation of energy in physics
musical theory
workable telephone (á undan Bell!)
vann með froskafót, stimulating nerves, taugaboð 90 feet á sec
basis for mesurement of reaction time
kennari Wundts
1852 - trichromatic theory or Young-Helmholtz theory
= þrjár tegundir af fibres in the retina sem að eru mis sensitive to red, green anf blue light. framhald af kenningu muller um specific nerve energies.
skyrði þó ekki color afterimages, complementary colors, black-white perception (achromatic colors) eða mikilvægi guls litar sem grunnlitar.
Ewald Hering (1834-1918)
theory of color vision 1874
opponent process theory - Hering theory
proposed the existance of three color receptors in this case, three different chemicals substances in the retina that can be either built up or broken down (a catabolic process) blue-yellow / black-white / yellow primary color (með red, blue og green) og group colors via complementary pairs.
1960 þá kom í ljós að young-helmholtz kenningin skýrði litasjón á retina level en opponent process thoery skýrði betur hvering upplýsingar um was processed in lateral geniculate body of the thalamus, a major relay station from the eye to the visual cortex of the brain.
Ernst Weber (1795-1878)
sensory physiology
two-point threshold
perceived difference between the physical and psycholological world > WEBER’S LAW
touch perception - mismunandi snertiskyn á húð
kompás / sirkil tilraun á húð > two point threshold
> fjarlægð milli punkta sem snertir eru til að greina á milli einnar eða tveggja snertinga.
pressure on skin > difference threshold or
just noticeable difference JND
er breytilegt eftir magnitude of the stimulus
WEBER’S LAW > amount of change necessary for the subject to perceive a stimulus as different
not a perfect law. worked well in midrange,
Gustav Fechner (1801-1889)
Fechner dagurinn - 22 oktober (1850)
hægt að mæla nákvæmlega samband the physical and psychological world.
pund af fiðri eða pund af blýi?
það sem er er ekki endilega það sem við skynjum, t.d. kvikmynd, stillimyndir á ofsahraða.
JND var ekki bara quantitative munur heldur represented a psychological difference.
perceived difference
physical og psychological heimar ekki eins en tengjast, in a meaningful and lawful way.
Fechners Law eða Weber-Fechners law
psychophysisc : measuring the relationship between stimuli in the external world (physical events) and the person’s perseption and experience of those stimuli (psychological events).
Helmholtz Pitch perfection
resonace theory - place theory
hann rannsakaði eyrað nákvæmlega
Ernerst Rutherford (1861-1937)b
Frequency theory
physiological psychology
Wundt rannsakaði mjög mikið sensation of perception, 50% af því sem var rannsakaði í rannsóknarstofunni hans.
Fechner > absolute threshold
(smæsta value of stimulis that can be detected)
Fechner > difference thershold
smallest difference between two stimuli that can be detected
Fechner > method of average error / method of adjustment
to mesure difference thresholds
Fechner > method of limits
I hear the tone (lágt hækkað þar til þú heyrir) > decending trial.
Fechner > method of limits
I hear the tone (lágt hækkað þar til þú heyrir) > decending trial.
light intensity
sound intensity
what set the stage for experimental psychology?
neurophysiology and psychophysics of the 19th century