11. kafli - Cognitive Psychology Flashcards
Hvað er phi phenomenon?
Hver var Max Wertheimer?
Hvað er stroboscope?
Hvað er phi movement?
Hvað er principle of grouping (Gestalt)?
Hver var Erward Tolman?
What is the Zegarnik effect?
greater memory for incompleted tasks versus completed tasks
Who was Frederic C. Bartlett?
What is schema (according to Bartlett)?
cognitive framework that organizes past experiences related to particular concepts.
What was the Hixon Symposium on Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior (1948)?
Hver var Karl Spencer Lashley (1890 - 1958)?
Hver var Donald Broadbent?
Hvað er model of selective attention?
Hvað er A flow‐chart model that is better known to most psychology students is the information‐processing model of memory or multiple‐store memory model?
Who was Roger Brown (1925 - 1997)?
Who is Noam Chomsky (1928 - )?
What is Light Pulp Memory?
Who was David McNeill?
What is Tip of the tounge phenomenon (TOT)?
What is according to Noam Chomsky surface structure and deep structure of a sentence?
What is transformational grammar?
What is language acquisition device?
Who was George A. Miller (1920 - 2012)?
Cognative psychology vs. Behaviorism?
What is the magical number 7 plus or minus 2?
What is chunking?