2. Introduction and Anatomy of Lungs Airways and Blood Supply Flashcards
What are the functions of the respiratory system?
Gas exchange Acid base balance - regulation of body pH (7.4 average pH) Protection of infection Communication via speech
Why is gas exchange essential?
Oxygen is essential for releasing energy Removing carbon dioxide, the waste product.
What is the cardiovascular system responsible for?
Transporting oxygen to tissues Transporting carbon dioxide away from tissue
What is meant by external respiration?
Movement of gases between the air and the bodies cells
Where does the pulmonary artery take blood? (Only artery that takes deoxygenated blood)
Away from the heart
Where does the pulmonary vein take blood? (Only vein that takes oxygenated blood)
Towards the heart
How does pulmonary circulation differ from systemic circulation?
Opposite in function - It delivers CO2 to the lungs and picks up O2
What changes occur in the respiratory system and cardiovascular system when E demand increases by working muscle?
Respiratory - Rate & Depth of Breathing.
Speeds up: - Substrate (O2) acquisition - Waste disposal (CO2) Cardiovascular- Heart Rate & Force of Contraction.
Speeds up: - Substrate delivery to muscle via blood - Waste removal via blood
What is the movement of O2 during gas exchange?
O2 moves from inspired air to blood (at lungs) O2 moves from blood to cells (at the systemic capillaries)
What is the movement of CO2 during gas exchange?
CO2 moves from blood to air which is then expired (at Lungs) CO2 moves from cells to blood (at the systemic capillaries)
What is the relationship between the volume of oxygen exchanged in the lungs per unit time and that of the net volume exchanged in the tissues
EQUAL Same applies for carbon dioxide
What is the purpose of this equal exchange between the lungs and the tissues?
This prevents gas build up in the circulation which would hamper gas exchange. Helps to ensure supply = demand
What are the average volumes exchanged per minute?
250 ml oxygen exchanged (consumed) 200 ml carbon dioxide exchanged (produced)
What are breathing rates at rest? And maximum breathing rate?
Breathing rate is 10-20 breaths/min at rest, 40 - 45 at maximum exercise in adults
What portion of the respiratory system is shared with the digestive system?
The pharynx - From your nose, oxygen moves into the pharynx or throat
What helpful roles does the nose have in the respiratory system?
Air enters the body through nose. Cilia and mucus trap particles Warms and moistens air
What is the function of trachea?
Transports oxygen from the pharynx to the lungs
What protective structural component exists in the trachea?
Stiff rings of cartilage - supports and protects
What are lungs spongy?
Lots of hollow sacs that compose them