2. Infrastructure for E-Commerce Flashcards
Intranet, Extranet, Internet
- Intranet = A private network within a single company using internet standards to enable employees to access and share information using web publishing technology
- Extranet = controlled private network of single company that is extended to partners, suppliers and an authorized set of customers
- Internet = physical network that links computers worldwide through network servers and communucation links to hold and to transport information between client pcs and web servers
Fundaments of the Internet
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
TCP = Stellt Verbindung zur Datenübertragung her
- handels assembly of packets
IP = Vereinbarung wie die Daten auszusehen haben
Packet switching
- TCP/IP slices digital message into packets
- sends packets along different communication paths (using routers = special computers that interconnect the computer networks)
- reassambles packets once they arrive at destination
Client/server computing
Sender (Server) → TCP/IP breaks data into packets → the packets travel from router to router over the Internet → TCP/IP reassambles the packets into the original whole → Recipient (Client)
Internet governance
= control of the operation and use of the Internet
→ physical space comprising individual countries in which their own laws hold
→ Internet service providers (ISPs) that are the connections between the physical and virtual world
BUT: the Internet’s three virtues:
- nobody owns it
- everbody can use it
- anyone can improve it
Net Neutrality
= principe that ISPs treat all data on the Internet equally and not discriminate by user, content, platform or application
→ net neutrality prohibits speeding up, slowing down or blocking Internet traffic based on its source, ownership or destination
- Consume ris changed only once for Internet acces
- No content is favoured over another
- Content provider is not changed for sending information (=Upstream)
Two different forces threaten net neutrality:
- Telecommuncation companies and ISPs offer tiered acces to particular internet services based on a paid fee
- Governements or other bodies blocking access to certain services or content (China)