10. B2B E-Commerce Flashcards
B2B Commerce
B2B E-Commerce
B2B Commerce = all types of inter-firm trade including CRM, order fulfillment, manufacturing management, product development
→ B2B E-Commerce = the portion of B2B commerce enabled by the internet
Potential Benefits of B2B E-Commerce
- lower adminsitrative- / search-/ inventory costs
- lower transaction costs through automation
- increased production flexiblity by ensuring just-in-time delivery
- increased cooperation among buyers and sellers for improved quality
- greater price transparency
- Increased visibility with real-time information
⇔ RISK = unexpected supplier failure and disruption to the supply chain due to failing to provide visbility into the supply chain because of lack of data
Procurrement process
= means of purchasing goods needed to produce goods for customers
→ information- and labor-intensive
→ information among many corporate systems
(trend in Supply chain management)
production = a method of inventory cost management that seeks to reduce excess inventory
Lean production
(trend in scm)
production = a set of production methods that focuses on the elimination of waste throughout the customer value chain
(trend in scm)
= reducing the size of the SC and working more closely with a smaller group of strategic suppliers to reduce product and admnistrative costs
Adaptive SC
= reacting to disruptions in the SC in a particular region by moving production to a different region and threfore reducing centralization
Accountable SC
= labor conditions in low-wage, underdeveloped producer countries are visible and morally acceptable
Sustainable SC
= using the mostefficient environment-regarding means of production and distribution
Cloud B2B
= cloud-based B2B- platforms integrate a firm’s customer data, business and partners into cloud-based system
Four types of net marketplaces
E-Distributor (Hofmann Group)
= providing one online catalog representing products of manufacturers
⇒ owned by one company seeking to serve many customers
→ Sales of Goods
Four types of net marketplaces
E-Procurrement (Alibaba)
= independently owned intermediary that connects suppliers offering maintenance and repair parts to business firms who pay fees to join the market
→ application service providers
→ service fees and fulfillment serevices
Four types of net marketplaces
Exchanges (Wine&Spirits)
= independently owned vertical marketplace for direct inputs
→ transaction and comission fees
→ powerful competition between suppliers
Four types of net marketplaces
Industry Consortia
= industry-owned vertical market that enables the industry to purchase direct inputs
→ long-term supply relationships optimization
→ participation fees from industry members
Private industrial networks
= small number of strategic business partners that collaborate to develop highly efficient supply chains
→ Relationship based
→ Many-to-one or many-to-few
- private trading exchanges
- web-enabled networks for coordination of trans-organizational business processes
→ collaborative commerce
Private industrial networks
- efficient purchasing and selling industry-wide
- Industry-wide resource planning
- increasing supply chain visibility
- closer buyer-supplier relationships
- reducing industry risk by preventing imbalances of supply and demand