2 - ICH - Water Flashcards
Why is water a dipole?
Has both positive and negative regions
When water molecules are attracted to each other
When water molecules are attracted to other molecules, groups and ions
Hydrophilic = Water loving
Hydrophobic = Water fearing
What happens with a compound that is soluble is placed into water.
Use an example?
It dissociates into it’s ions
NaCl would dissociate into Na+ and Cl- ions in water and each ion is surrounded by a shell of water
Name the reaction to use water to break up a molecule
Heat capacity and water
Water has a high heat capacity = You need a large amount of energy to increase the temperature of water by 1ºC.
At what temperature is water densest?
Example of when water is used as a lubricant (2)
Elbow, knee, hip and shoulder joints are called synovial joints.
Between the bonus there is a sac of synovial fluid which stops the bones from rubbing against each other and help the joints to move smoothly.
Organs are surrounded by fluid so they can move easily against each other without damage.
Water and light
Water is transparent.
It allows light through so aquatic animals can see, underwater plants can also photosynthesise
Water for support
Plant cells being turgid since they’re inflated with water.
Lower invertebrate animals e.g. earthworms have a hydrostatic skeleton. They rely on the pressure from their body fluids.
Water moving through narrow spaces?
Capillarity or or capillary action.
E.G. Water moving up a xylem vessel
Latent heat of vaporisation
Water has a high latent heat of vaporisation since a lot of energy is required to break the hydrogen bonds
Water gives support to organisms.
Whales would not be able to grow to their size without buoyancy