2 - 9 - polar coordinates Flashcards
polar coordinates
(r, θ)
theta is from 0-2pi and is measured anticlockwise
r = θ graph
r = a sin pθ graph
graph with p petals starting at (0,0)
r = a cos pθ graph
graph with p petals staring at (a,0)
min/max of r
dr/dθ = 0
tangents at the pole
if r = f(θ)
the line θ = a is a tangent if f(a) = 0 but f(a) >0 on one side of the line
changing from polar to Cartesian - coordinates
(r cosθ, r sinθ)
changing from polar to Cartesian - equations
r = √x^2 + y^2
tanθ = y/x
x = r cosθ
y = r sinθ
area enclosed by a polar curve
A = 1/2 ∫ r² dθ
are between 2 curves
find intersection points
then calc part of area bounded by each curve
r = a(1+cos) graph
cartoid with point on the left
r = p + qcos graph
if p>=2q no dimple - egg
if p< 2q then a dimple
if p = q then point
r = a graph
circle radius a
θ = ⍺ graph
half line of an angle ⍺
r = a(1+sin) graph
cartoid but with the point at the top
tangents - petals
look at what angles the petals are at - will be those half lines
tangents - eggs/ cartoids
x = rcosθ
y = r sinθ
to initial line:
when perp dx/dθ = 0
when parallel dy/dθ = 0