2-5-10 Flashcards
When performing a time resistance test on a cable, the Megohmmeter Test usually runs for __?__ depending on the meter manufacture and voltage applied.
1 to 10 minutes
The guard lead from a megohmmeter reads the voltage leakage that might be present when checking a cable.
When calculating the resistance of a circuit, __?__ law applies.
One of the things maintenance testing of cable indicates is the __?__.
remaining life of the cable
Most megohmmeters are rated at __?__ DC or higher.
Megohmmeter tests are extensive; a simple pass/fail test is not available when using a megohmmeter.
During a megohmmeter cable test, leakage current can take two forms; current through the insulation, and current __?__.
along the surface of the insulation
A megohmmeter uses a high __?__ voltage to perform an insulation test on a cable.
One reason to perform a Megohmmeter Test would be if there was suspected damage to the insulation by a __?__.
related component failure
A Megohmmeter Test is a nondestructive test, this means that a setting of __?__ should be used on a secondary cable rated up to __?__.
500/600 volts
When using a megohmmeter to test a faulted section of cable, before the test is conducted the cable must be __?__.
grounded to drain any compacitance
When preparing for a Megohmmeter Test on a section of underground cable, both ends of the concentric neutral must be __?__.
isolated from ground
A cable is considered good if it reads one megohm for each kilovolt of cable rating.
While performing a megohmmeter cable test if the meter shows 0, it is probably a __?__ fault.
A Megohmmeter Test on a section of faulted underground cable can pinpoint the area of the fault.
A megohm is equal to __?__
1,000,000 ohm’s
OSHA 1910.268(o) calls for safe work practices to be in place when doing high-voltage testing.
Insulation resistance opposes __?__ current either through or over the surface of the insulation when voltage is applied.
A factor that can cause insulation to degrade is __?__.
mechanical stress, electrical stress, and thermal stress
A megohmmeter can only be used to test the insulation of cables