2-4 - Troubleshoot BGP Flashcards
Describe the characteristics of BGP (Border Gateway Protocol).
- path-vector routing protocol
- sends updates to its neighbors using reliable transport (TCP)
- highly scalable protocol for the “Internet”
- establishes neighborships
- each administrative domain has a unique AS number
What is iBGP (internal BGP)?
when both neighbors are in the same AS
What is eBGP (external BGP)?
when both neighbors are in different AS
What are the 3 basic parts of BGP configuration?
- Define the BGP process
- Establish the neighbor relationship
- Advertise the networks into BGP
IOS-XR command:
show bgp summary
shows the list of BGP neighborships, their current states, amount of received prefixes, and other info
IOS-XE command:
show ip bgp summary
shows the list of BGP neighborships, their current states, amount of received prefixes, and other info
Describe these fields of the BGP summary table:
BGP route identifier
BGP route identifier: IP address that all other BGP speakers recognize as the address of this router
Neighbor: IP address of the remote neighbor
AS: AS number of the listed neighbor
MsgRcvd: Number of BGP messages received from neighbor
MsgSent: Number of BGP messages sent to neighbor
TblVer: BGP table version
InQ: number of messages waiting to process from this neighbor
OutQ: number of messages that are queued and waiting to transmit to this neighbor; TCP flow control prevents this router from overwhelming a neighbor with a large update
Up/Down: length of time this neighbor has been in its current state
State: the BGP state; could be established, active, idle, open sent, open confirm, or idle (admin)
PfxRcd: amount of prefixes being received from that neighbor (when session is established)
IOS-XR command:
in BGP subconfig mode, advertise a network into BGP
IOS/IOS-XE command:
in BGP subconfig mode, advertise a network into BGP
IOS-XR command:
route-policy [route-policy name] [in|out]
in neighbor subconfig mode, applies a route policy to a neighbor in a particular direction
IOS-XR command:
show bgp
shows the BGP table and all known prefixes, along with other details
IOS/IOS-XE command:
show ip bgp
shows the BGP table and all known prefixes, along with other details
Explain the following BGP prefix status codes:
s: suppressed (e.g. summarization)
d: dampening (route is penalized for going up and down too often, so its not advertised until the penalty expires)
h: history (route is unavailable and probably down, but historic info of the route exists)
r: rib failure (route did not install in the RIB)
S: stale (appears in the NSF-aware router if a route is stale)
IOS-XR command:
update-source [interface]
in the neighbor subconfig mode, set the local update-source address to be used for the neighborships
IOS/IOS-XE command:
neighbor [x.x.x.x] update-source [interface]
in the BGP subconfig mode, set the local update-source address to be used for the neighborships