1st Quarter, LESSON 2: Earth's Internal Structure Flashcards
It is the first layer in the Earth’s structure.
The thinnest, outer-layer of the Earth.
What is the deepest hole in Russia?
Kola Superdeep Borehole
Earth’s Crust is divided into two, what are those called?
Continental and Oceanic
It is the landform in where we stand. It covers 40% of the Earth’s surface, has less density, thicker and made up of Granite.
What are the characteristics of Oceanic Crust
It is the crust underneath the water, consists of rock made up of Basalt, thinner and younger.
What is the Mantle?
It is the largest internal structure and makes up two thirds of the Earth’s mass.
_____ is involved in Plate-Tectonic movement.
This is the movement of materials which transfers energy from one place to another.
Convection Current
This core has a liquid form and has high temperature with low temperature. (Iron & Nickel)
Outer Core
This core has a solid form and has high temperature with high pressure. (Iron and Nickel)
Inner Core
This core is responsible for the magnetic field.
Inner Core
How did Science learn about the Layers of the Earth?
Rocks expelled by Volcanism
Clues from Meteorites
Earth’s Magnetic field from lava flow
Reversal of magnetic polarity of the Earth
Behavior of Seismic Waves
Who proposed the Continental Drift Theory?
Alfred Wegener (1880-1930)
What is the Continental Drift Theory?
Alfred Wegner said that there was once a one big continent that is now called Pangaea.
What was the name of the supercontinent before Pangaea?
What is the Panthalassic Ocean?
This was what used to be the Atlantic Ocean
What are the evidences of Continental Drift Theory?
- Shapes of the continents
- Fossil Distribution
- Geological Features
- Ancient Climates
Who proposed Sea Floor Spreading?
Harry Hess
What is the Seafloor spreading?
The sea floor splits and moves apart. It forms new crustal materials, usually from Volcanic Action.