1.PTA 220-Introduction to Therapeutic Exercise Flashcards
Therapeutic exercise interventions involve the application of carefully graded physical stresses and forces that are imposed on impaired body systems, specific tissues, or individual structures in a controlled, progressive, safely executed manner to reduce physical impairments and improve function.
What do therapeutic exercise interventions involve?
1.) Muscle performance, 2.)cardiopulmonary/endurance, 3.)mobility/flexibility, 4.)neuromuscular control/coordination, 5.)stability, 6.)balance/postural equilibrium
What are the Six Aspects of Physical Function?
*See Box 6.4; pg 170-177
Alignment, Duration, Stabilization , Mode, Intensity, Velocity, Volume, Periodization, Exercise order, Functional Integration, Frequency
What are Determinants of All Therapeutic Interventions?
Patient and therapist safety, Patient education, Protocols, Stage of healing, Current impairments, Current functional limitations, Patient priorities, Patient goals, Positioning, Mode for intervention
What are considerations for all Therapeutic Interventions?
0/5 MMT grade when AROM/AAROM is contraindicated, maintain joint and muscle mobility, pain control, Demonstration, examination, proprioception, preceding stretching
What are Indications for PROM?
1/5 to 2/5 MMT grade, progressive strengthening of a weak muscle, Proprioception, Pain control, Motor learning, Stretching Assist in achieving full ROM
What are indications for AAROM?
3/5 MMT or better, beginning strengthening activity once have full ROM, Aerobic conditioning, Mobilization of segments above/below injury site,
Stimulate circulation and bone growth, Proprioception, Motor learning
What are indications for AROM?
when strengthening is the objective, orders for immobilization, causes increased pain.
When to not use PROM
when patient has full AROM, orders for immobilization, causes increased pain, cannot be performed without proper alignment and stabilization.
When to not use AAROM
*MMT of less than 3/5, orders for immobilization, increased pain, cannot be performed with proper alignment and stabilization
When to not use AROM
Gravity assisted, Gravity neutralized, Gravity resisted, Body weight resisted, Lever arm length
Comorbidities, Physical area needed to perform, Patient comfort, Therapist body mechanics
Provide examples for each patient positioning consideration
patient/family input
what we did today (or since last note) that will help meet the goals set by the PT/patient
how the patient responded to what we did today (or since last note). What GOALS have been met or addressed. Why is skilled therapy still required?
What do we do next (modify or maintain) to continue to see progression toward goals, or are all goals met? If so, D/C or alert PT to set new goals.