1MST: medieval medicine Flashcards
causes of illness:
- God as punishment- prayer, flagellatiom, pilgrimage and repentance as cures
- witches and evil spirits (like exorcisms)
- astrology
- miasma
- Doctrine Of Signatures
- Zodiac Charts
- Urine Charts
- Herbal Cures
- Blood letting
medieval doctor is called?
give credentials and treatments
barber surgeon
no medical training- learnt through word of mouth and personal experience
bloodletting and amputations were common
also cut hair
different medical care
- barber surgeon
- apothecaries
- wise women
- physicians- trained in Galen and Hippocractic methods- rare & expensive
- hospitals set up by the church- did not always treat those with spreadable disease
doctors were trained in..?
universities set up by the Church- usually in Italy eg Padua University or Bologna
Lots of Galen was taught
dissection was allowed..?
only for executed criminals- slowed progress as Galen’s ideas could not be disproven
Church influence on health: yay or nay?
theme: religion
* christian duty led to helping the sick
* monasteries were hygienic, had clean water, good sewage facilities and access to herbs
* hospitals were set up but were led by priests not doctors
* monks recorded knowledge from the Crusades
* stopped dissection
* stopped discussion of Galen’s works- arrested Roger Bacon in 1200s bc he encouraged personal investigation
* reduced Islamic influence in medicine bc of religious differences
* emphasised palliative care rather than coming up with new cures
* enabled lassez faire government style through intervention?- set up 700 in england
* hospitals turned away the very sick
OVERALL: cared for, not cured, the sick