1b Vestibular Systems Flashcards
What are the mechanical sensors of the vestibular system?
Canals and otoliths
What is the input signal for the vestibular system?
movement and Gravity
What are the outputs of the vestibular system?
ocular reflex
Postural control
Where are the utricle and the saccule located?
in the vestibule, joined by a conduit
What are the three semi-circular canals on each ear called?
Anterior, posterior and lateral
What do the semicircular canals have on one side and what are they connected to?
They have an ampulla and connected to the utricle
What are the two otolith organs?
The utricle and the saccule
Where are the hair cells located on otolith organs?
How are the maculae placed on the saccule?
How are the maculae placed on the utricle?
What type of movements do the utricles detect?
horizontal movements
What type of movements do the saccule detect
up and down linear movements
What does the maculae contain?
Hair cells, gelatinous matrix and the otoliths
What are otoliths?
Carbonate crystals that help the deflection of hair
What detects linear movement and tilt?
otolith movement
Where are the hair cells of the canals located?
At the ampulla
What does the rest of the vestibular canal contain?
endolymph which is high in potassium
What is the crista of the ampulla?
where the hair cells are located
What is the cupula?
Structure which surrounds the hair cells of the ampullary crista which helps the hair cell movement