1968 Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] [MSM] Flashcards
Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] [MSM]
Sensory memory
Sensory memory
infinite capacity
0.5 seconds duration
enters via information from the enviroment
lost via decay/ unnattended information lost
transfered to STM via paying attention to it
Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] [MSM]
Short term memory
Short Term Memory store STM
Capacity (7 +- 2) 5-9 items
Duration: 18-30sec
info enters via being paid attention too from the sensory memory to the STM
info is lost via decay/ displacment (old info replaced by new info)
transfered to LTM by maintenece rehersal (repetitive rehersal until transfer to LTM)
Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] [MSM]
Long Term Memory
Long term memory has an infinite duration and an infinite capacity
it is transfered to the LTM from the STM via Maintenence rehersal
info can only be lost via decay (lack of use)
(confusing information: memorys are sim so = confused, distorted (e.g. in Transformation in Reconstructive mem, change info thats already exists), combined or forgoten.)
and retreval failure
(retreived to STM then info displaced so cant transfer it back)
the only way to use LTM info is to retreve it from the LTM back to the STM
then reherse it and transfer it again to store it back in the LTM
Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] [MSM]
Compared with the Working memory model the Multi store model is largley out matched esspecialy in detail and depth as WMM fully explores different areas of STM that stores different types of information such as visual (visio-spacial sketchpad) and auditory info (phonological loop)
whereas the MSM’s explenation in comparison is severly limited not even specifing types of information passing through it and having a large reliance on rehersal, making WMM be more in depth and usefull for studdying STM, However overall it in the argued that MSM is a more rounded explanation of memory overall as it also includes the long-term memory something that the wmm only touches on slightly and therefore the MSM is more valuable overall to psychologists studying memory as a whole making it the better explenation of memory.
Where as WMM is a better explenation of STM as it is more detailed and less reliant on rehersal, and therefore highly valuable to Psychologists studying STM
Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] [MSM]
Evidence +
The case study of HM is supporting evidence of the multi-store model of memory
In an attempt to cure HM’S epilepsy he had his hippocampus removed he could access older LTM and had a complete STM how the heat not create new LTM this proves that there is a difference between LTM and STM thus acting as evidence to support the theory
Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] [MSM]
Evidence -
The case study of Clive wearing criticizes the multi-store model of memory for being too simple as he could access some older lcms but could not make new ones however he could remember how to play the piano (procedural) but could not remember his own children (eposodic) this evidence suggests that the LTM may be more complex than MSM makes it out to be [and is much better explained by Tulving’s long-term memory in which he divides into episodic semantic and procedural memories] and therefore clive wearing is evidence against MSM
Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] [MSM]
How good is the research?
The use of case studies to support the Multi store model of memory is a weakness this is because case studies are really specific and quite rare down to the individual which is what makes them so useful full studying certain areas of the brain or certain Concepts by singularing them out via the use of for example Clive wearing and HMs brain damage however this individuality also means that they are so unique it is impossible to generalize them to the entire population therefore using case studies as research to support the multi-store model of memory is considered bad research.
Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] [MSM]
Aplication to irl
The multi store model memory Theory benefits students as they are able to learn from its and revise effectively as it is said that rehearsal is extremely important from transferring information from the short-term memory stored of a long-term memory store as it has been shown in Peterson and Peterson (1959)[he used an interference task to prevent rehersal of triagrams (3 constenents and had to count backwards from a random number in threes for intervals between 3, 6,9 ,12,15,18 secs, performence in this task dropped rappidly after 15-18 sec (when STM duration ends the studdy proved rehersal was essential for the transfer between STM and LTM and it showed the duration of STM] this means that students according to the multi-store model of memory should excessively rehearse information to ensure that it reaches the long-term memory store this is how the multi-store model of memory can be used as an effective revision strategy
Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] MSM
Peterson and Peterson 1959
evidence +
Peterson and Peterson (1959)[he used an interference task to prevent rehersal of triagrams (3 constenents and had to count backwards from a random number in threes for intervals between 3, 6,9 ,12,15,18 secs, performence in this task dropped rappidly after 15-18 sec (when STM duration ends the studdy proved rehersal was essential for the transfer between STM and LTM and it showed the duration of STM
Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] [MSM]
Murdock 1962 and free recal experements
In free recall experiments participants are given a number of words in a chain to remember and event asked to record them in any order
Results of this reliably fall into a pattern known as the
serial position Curve [Murdock 1962]
The curve consists of:
Primary effect:
Participants tend to recall the first words of the list well [as it has entered LTM]
Asymptote: middle portion of the list is remembered the least [neither in the LTM or STM as it’s either been displaced when rehersing the first words or just being displaced as new words are said]
Recency effect:
Participants usually record those items from the end of the list first and tend to get more of these correct on average than the earlier items
this effect persists even if the list is made longer
[Due to all other words being displaced and the items at the end of the list are still fresh in the STM]
This supports the multi store model of memory as it demonstrates there are sepperate stores and that if information is rehearsed it will transfer into the long-term memory store
Multi-Store Model Of Memory [Atkinson–Shiffrin] [MSM]
Evaluation Order
Intro state diff stores of memory
sensory > HM evidence +
STM > case study bad research
LTM > compare to WMM [MSM>WMM]
limited in detail of indivisual stores but does show full overal memory model and how this is usefull in real like… > aplication