195 Ch4 Flashcards
Common Pool Resource Definition
Numerous users share a common resource making it hard to manage the resource in a way that would maximize its long-term yield.
Negative Externality
When an individual or firm engages in some activity that imposes a cost on society that does not have to be paid by the party generating the externality.
-Challange: When actor does ‘too much’ of activity from standpoint of society
Positive Externality
When a private activity generates a benefit that spills over to other members of society.
- Challange: When private actor does too little of things w/ broader social benefits
Property rights
legal right to exercise control over some resources
Transaction Costs
cost of conducting a transaction
Coase Theorem
Externalities will be corrected by the market without gov intervention if:
1) Property rights are clearly defined
2) Transaction costs are nonexistent
Prisoner’s Dilemma
depicts how 2 rational agenties, each trying
Dominate Strategy (Pris Dil)
Strategy that best benifits the respective prisoner (Ratting the other out)
Iterated Game
Pris Del game that repeats and allows players to experment w/ certian kinds of behavior, and build trust/predictablity
Arms Race
variation on the prisoners dilemma model
-When both countries spend more on weapons, neither is safer, and both are poorer
Zero sum game
Fixed pay off
Positive sum games
pay off that can get larger under some circumstances
negative sum games
pay off that gets smaller as time goes on
negative feedback loop
(Vicious cycle) some incident or behavior that leads to a bad outcome which induces behavior that makes the situation even worse
Positive feedback loop
some behavior that causes a positive outcomewhich induces additional positive behavior
some relatively stable outcome even in the face of changing behavior or circumstances
Collective action problems
whien each individual in a group pursues a rational strategy, yet the collective outcome is bad for all of those same individuals creating “collective irrationality”
Free Riders
Those who enjoythe benifits of group action without contributing to the effort
Common pool resources
Resources which more than one individual has access but where one persons consumption reduces the potential value of the resource. to others (Tragity of the commons)