1900 - Present (Jess) Flashcards
Tehran Conference
A 1943 meeting of leaders of the United States, Great Britain, and USSR; it agreed on the opening of a second front in France
Potsdam Conference
A 1945 meeting of the leader of Great Britain, the United States, and the USSR in which it was agreed that the Soviet Union would be given control of Eastern Europe and that Germany would be divided into zones of occupation
Geneva Conference
A 1954 conference that divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel
Helsinki Accords
A 1974 political and human rights agreement signed in Helsinki, Finland, by Western European countries and the USSR
May Fourth Movement
A 1919 protest in China against the Treaty of Versailles and FOREIGN INFLUENCE
Cultural Revolution
A Chinese movement from 1966 to 1976 intended to establish an egalitarian society of peasants and workers
European Economic Community
A common market organized in 1958 which reduced tariffs among member nations and create a common tariff polity for other world nations
Spanish civil war
A conflict from 1936 to 1939 that resulted in the installation of fascist dictator Francisco Franco as a ruler of Spain; Franco’s forces were backed by Germany and Italy, whereas the Soviet Union supported the opposing republic forces
Kabuki theater
A form of Japanese theater developed in the seventeenth century that features colorful scenery and costumes and an exaggerated style of acting
A government based in temporary alliances of several political parties
Yalta Conference
A meeting of the leaders of the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States in 1945; the Soviet Union agreed to enter the war against Japan in exchange for influence in the Eastern European states. The Yalta Conference also made plans for the establishment of a new international organization.
Iron Curtain
Metaphorical description of divide between Communist East and Democratic Western Europe
Welfare State
A nation in which the government plays an active role in providing services such as social security to its citizens
British Commonwealth
A political community consisting of the United Kingdom, its dependencies, and the former colonies of Great Britain that are now sovereign nations; currently called the Commonwealth of Nations
A political movement that is characterized by extreme nationalism, one-party rule, and the denial of individual rights
Alliance for progress
A program of economic aid for Latin America in exchange for a pledge to establish democratic institutions; part of US President Kennedy’s international program
Pan-Slavic movement
Russian attempt to unite all Slavic nations into a commonwealth relationship under the influence of Russia
A school of art in which persons and objects are represented geometric
Terrorist group based in Afghanistan in the late 20th-early 21st centuries
A traditional Muslim religious leader
A tsarist program that required non-Russians to speak only Russian and provided education only for those groups loyal to Russia
A type of colony in which the government is overseen by another nation, as in the Middle Eastern mandates placed under European control after World War I
Marshall Plan
A U.S. plan to support the recovery and reconstruction of Western Europe after World War II
International space station
A vehicle sponsored by sixteen nations that circles the earth while carrying out experiments