1450 - 1750 (Hena) Flashcards
Period 4 Acronym
GERMS: Gunpowder empires, Exchange and Exploration, Rennaisance and Reformation, Ming, Sugar/slavery/silver
A European economic policy of the 16th century thru the 18th that held that there was a limited amount of wealth available and that each country must adopt policies to maintain as much wealth as possible; attain wealth from colonies
A document whose purchase was said to grant the bearer the forgiveness of sins
Scientific revolution
A European intellectual movement in the seventeenth century that established the basis for modern science
Parliamentary Monarchy
A govt with a king and queen whose power is limited by the power of the parliament
Northwest Passage
A passage thru North America Continent that was sought early by explorers to N. america as a route to trade with the east
Political unit ruled by a viceroys was the basis of organization of the Spanish colonies
A practice in Spanish colonies that granted land and the labor of Native Americans on that land to European Colonists
A practice of the Ottoman empire to take christian boys from their home communities to serve as Janissaries
Protestant Reformation
A religious movement began by Martin Luther in 1517 that attempted to reform the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church; resulted in the formation of new Christian denominations
A small easily steerable ship used by the Spanish and Portugese in exploration
Nation state
A sovereign state whose people share a common culture and national identity
A term used in colonial Spanish America to describe a person born in the americas of European parents
Empirical Research
A way of gaining knowledge by a means of direct observation or experience
Taj Mahal
A white marble mausoleum built in Agra, India, by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his fav wife
An agent with trade privileges in early Russia
Laissez Faire
Govt. should not interfere with or regulate businesses and industries
Based on private ownership and opportunity to profit making
Northern Renaissance
An extension of the Italian Renaissance to the nations of N. Europe took a more religious nature than in Italy
French enlightenment social thinkers
In the Spanish and Portugese colonies a person who is mixed African and European descent
In spanish colonies ; replacement of encomienda system that limited the number of working hours for laborers and provided fair wages
In spanish colonies, mixed European and native descent
Spanish colonies, born in Europe
Qing dynasty
Manchurian rule of China started in 1644 and until 1914
Members of Ottoman army, often slaves, taken from Christian lands
Ppl from NE Asia who founded Qing dynasty
Members of the society of jesus, a roman catholic missionary and education order founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1534
Natural Laws
Principles that govern nature
Absolute monarchy
Rule by king and queen whose power is jot limited by a constitution
Rulers who controlled most of India in 16th and 17th century
Russian nobility
Russians who conquered and settled Siberia in 16th and 17th centuries
Treaty of Tordesillas
The 1494 treaty in which the pope divided unexplored territories between spain and portugal
Divine Right
The belief of absolute rulers that their right to govern is granted by god
Belief that Protestant reformation John Calvin that God has chosen some people for heaven and hell
Glorious Rev
The bloodless overthrow English king james I and placement of william and mary on english throne
Hagia sophia
The church in Constantinople that was converted to a mosque after the Ottoman Conquest
The concept of God common to scientific rev; god was believed to set up the world in motion and allowed it to operate by natural laws
Heliocentric theory
Concept that sun is the center of the solar system
Triangular Trade
The 18th century trade network b/w europe, africa, and the americas
Columbian exhange
Exchange of food, crops, livestock, and disease between and Eastern and Western hemispheres after voyages of Columbus
Commercial Revolution
Expansion of trade and commerce in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries
Tokugawa shogunate
The feudal rulers of japan moved capital to edo, ruled from 1603 and 1668
The hindu custom of secluding women
Practice of RCC of prohibiting participation in the sacraments to those who dont comply with church practices
Divine Right
Belief of absolite rulers that their right to govern is granted by God
Belief of protestant reformer John Calvin that God has chosen some people for heaven or hell
Glorious Revolution
bloodless overthrow English King James I and the placement of William and Mary on the English throne
Hagia Sophia
Church in constantinople that was converted to a mosque after the Ottoman conquest
Concept that God (in scientif revolutions); god set the world in motion and allowed it to operate by natural laws (clockmaker) (doesn’t interfere)
Heliocentric Revolution
Concept that sun is center of solar system
Triangular Trade
18th Century trade betwork b/w Europe, Africa, and the Americas
Columbian Exchange
exchnage of food, crops, livestock, and disease b/w Eastern and Western hemispheres after voyages of Columbus
Commerical Revolution
Expanision of trade and commerce in Europe in 16th and 17th centuries
Tokugawa Shogunate
The feudal rulers of Japan who moved the capital to EDO; Ruled form 1603 to 1868
hindu custom of secluding women
Middle Passage
portion of the trans-atlantic trade that involved passage of Africans from Africa to the Americas
practice of Roman Catholic and Christain chuches of prohibiting participation in sacraments to those who dont comply with teachings and practices
Recapture of Muslim-led lands in Spain by Christain forces; complete in 1492
Catholic Reformation
religious reform movement within the RCC that occured in repsone to Protestant Reformation; reaffirmed Catholic beliefs and promoted education
Traditional legislative body of France
Dutch learning
Western learning embraces by some Japanese in 18th Century
95 Theses
Work my Martin Luther where he laid out his arguments against the RCC