1900-2010(4.1 WW1, race riots 1900-1919) Flashcards
What were the two options open to migrants?
Denization or Naturalisation
What is the difference between denization and naturalisation?
Act in 1905
Aliens Act
Act in 1914
Alien Registration and British Nationality Act
Act in 1947
Polish Resettlement Act
Act in 1948
British Nationality Act
Act in 1962
Commonwealth Immigration Act
Act in 1965
Race Relations Act
Act in 1973
Britain joins the EEC
Act in 1985
Schengen Agreement
Act in 1996
Asylum and Immigration Act
Act in 1999
Immigration and Asylum Act
Act in 2002
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act
Why was there such a limited control on immigration before the 1905 Aliens Act?
> Britain had an open door policy on immigration
more people were leaving Britain than coming in
Britain wanted cheap labour
What were the key terms of the 1905 Aliens Act?
> immigrants had to have enough money to support themselves
they had to show they could earn a living
not allowed entry if they had a criminal record, mental illness or contagious disease
if they could prove they were refugees for a political or religious reason they’d be allowed entry
Why did anti-foreigner feelings continue to grow after the Aliens Act?
Because of the portrayl of immigrants in the media eg bc of some immigrant robberies
What was the siege of Syndey Street in 1911?
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