19 Flashcards
Bi cupis is…
Mitra valve
Myocardium – heart muscle
Epi means on top
Endocardium- blood tocuhes it
Visceral – covers the
Double-layered serous membrane redudes
Epi means
on top
Pericarditis – inflammory of the
parietal pericaridium usally happens after a virus and PT witll complain of Fatigue Acute
Acute - triad of symptoms
Chest pain
friction rub
ECG changes
Pericardial Effusion
accumulation of fluid in pericardial cavity
Pulsus Paradoxus
30-50ml in sac is normal
Tamponade - increased pressure r/t fluid in pericardial sac so dec cardiac output
Pulsus Paradoxus - exaggerated decrease in systolic BP
Constrictive pericarditis
Fibrous scar tissue
Reduced diastolic As are not filling
Reduced cardiac output
Coronary Circulation
Left Main Anterior descending Circumflex Right main SA node-PACEMAKER* Posterior descending
Coronary Heart Disease
- Atherosclerosis
- Fixed
- Unstable
-Atherosclerosis - most common cause of CHD,Vessel hardening
- Fixed - stable - plaques - chronic ischemia-thick
- Unstable –thin- vulnerable - platelet adhesion-marathon perff health runner fall death
Acute Coronary Heart Disease
Unstable Angina / Non-ST-MI
ST Segmental Elevation - AMI – acute heart attack
Can case tissue death
Infactrion – O too low to suply mussle so die
Diagnostic Signs of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)
ElectroCaridoGram changes T-wave inversion ST-segment elevation Abnormal Q wave Serum marker changes- mark MI Troponin assays CK-MB
ST elevation explain
Fluid cant go through tissue cuz of cell death STMI
Positive QT
Taking longer to travel thro tissue death problem
Positive Q wave
- tissue death
ST-elevation MI (AMI)
-Infarction - tissue death
-severe crushing pain, radiating into Left arm
Immediate complications: death r/t arrhythmias
-Recovery complications: heart failure, cardiogenic shock, pericarditis-inflamation and -Dressler’s syndrome, thromboemboli, heart rupture
-Pathologic changes depends on extent of infarct
Unstable Angina / Non-ST-MI
Syndrome of ischemia between angina and MI Difference is severity Pain severity – less but last longer Tissue damage is evident ECG changes possible as ST depression
Non-ST-MI, ECG Look normal
ST depression
Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease
Ischemia - blood flow insufficient to meet need
Stable angina - chronic
Angina pectoris (choke) (chest)
Variant angina - Prinzmetal’s - vasospastic - occurs at rest
Silent ischemia - no anginal pain
__AnGINa- choking in chest to feel pain
Vasospastic Can go into arrhythmia Might have fatigue during the day
Silent ischemia - no anginal pain, might lead to silent MI more in women with diabetes
Cardiomyopathies –
unknown origin
*Dilated - progressive ventricular thinning r/t hypertrophy of both ventricles and all four chambers are affected – infections, etoh, and 20% familial
PT has fatigue , can be from infection, alcohol
Acquired Cardiomyopathy
Myocarditis - Inflammation of the heart muscle
!Viral! etiology – Coxsackie, AIDs
Sx – asymptomatic, flu like or death
Prognosis – resolves in 1-2 months
Peripartum cardiomyopathy- prego! New mother might not recognize – cause Heart Failure
Infective Endocarditis
Bacterial infection of heart valves
Risk factors: valve replacements, prosthetics, IV drug users
Sx: fever, petechial hemorrhages
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Bacteria - group A beta hemolytic streptococcus
immune mediated multisystem inflammatory reaction
Occurs in children
Type 3 A+A complex
-Rheumatic Heart Disease
Antigen + antibody mediated
group A beta hemolytic streptococcus – causes strep throat
Have hypersensitivity
Valvular Disease
Stenosis - narrowing
Incompetence(not doing job) – regurgitant
Decrease CO fatigue
Mitral Valve Disorders
Mitral Valve Stenosis
MV Regurgitation
MV Prolapse
Mitral Valve Stenosis(narrow) - L atria distends with L vent impaired filling
MV Regurgitation - stroke volume divided between aorta and blood back into L atrium
MV Prolapse - floppy syndrome – leaflets enlarge and prolapse back into atria
Aortic Valve Disorders
- AV Regurgitation
- AV Stenosis
AV Stenosis - asymptomatic unless <25% fx
AV Regurgitation - blood flow backwards into L ventricle - adequate Cardio Output until late in disease
Congenital Heart Disorders
Shunting and Cyanosis
Shunting and Cyanosis
arterialLEFT to venousRIGHT (left to right) - oxygenated
venous to arterial(right to left) - unoxygenated
Shun – directing blood in the wrong way
R to left shunt is not getting o to the lungs