18: Tumours Flashcards
When do dogs usually eat after mandibulectomy or maxillectomy?
The next day
How long do you place a gastrotomy or oesophagostomy tube in cats after mandibulectomy/maxillectomy?
2-4 weeks
How do you ensure a tension-free closure in the mouth?
Flap should be 2-4mm larger than defect
What is the blood supply to the mandible?
Mandibular alveolar artery
What must you remember to do in a bilateral rostral mandibulectomy?
Ligate sublingual salivary ducts and resect redundant lip folds
What must you inform the owner of in nasal planectomy?
Post-op appearance, check coags first
What should you leave during a nasal planectomy clip?
What margins do you aim for in a nasal planectomy?
Which nerve block can you do for nasal planectomy?
Infraorbital to maxillary nerve (lasts 8 hours)
How long do cats need soft food for following a nasal planectomy?
4-6 weeks, or a tube
What is the prognosis in planectomy if margins aren’t clean?
Can be curative, doesn’t always recur
What margins do you need in a high grade MCT?
What do you give at the start of MCT surgery?
Which technique should you avoid if unsure of margins in MCT?
Axial flap
What are some good biological margins?
Fascia, cartilage, ligaments, muscle, tendon, bone
What margins for a soft tissue sarcoma?
What can you try if you can’t get the margins in soft tissue sarcoma?
Amputation, radiotherapy (palliative)