18. SOLAS and MARPOL Flashcards
SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea)
An international maritime treaty ensuring ships comply with minimum safety standards in construction, equipment, and operation.
MARPOL (Marine Pollution)
The main international convention aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from ships both accidental pollution and that from routine operations.
Certificate of Compliance
A document certifying that a ship has been inspected and found to comply with all applicable MARPOL and SOLAS regulations.
ISM Code (International Safety Management Code)
A framework for managing safety and preventing pollution in the shipping industry, including safety management systems that ships and shipping companies must follow.
Safety Management Certificate
A certificate issued to a ship that signifies compliance with the ISM Code for the safe operation of ships and pollution prevention.
Document of Compliance
A certificate issued to shipping companies operating ships that comply with the ISM Code.
Annex I (MARPOL)
Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil from operational measures and accidental discharges.
Controls pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk.
Prevention of pollution by harmful substances carried by sea in packaged form.
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships.
Annex V (MARPOL)
Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships.
Regulations for the prevention of air pollution from ships.
IOPP Certificate (International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate)
A certificate showing that a ship is equipped to prevent oil pollution and complies with MARPOL Annex I.
IGS (Inert Gas System)
A system on tankers which prevents the atmosphere in cargo tanks from coming into the explosive range by filling the space with inert gas.
Load Line Certificate
A certificate that denotes the ship’s legal loading limit in accordance with its built-in waterline.
Ballast Water Management Plan
A plan that addresses the handling of ship ballast water to prevent the spread of invasive species.
Emergency Towing Arrangement
Plans required on ships for emergency towing, one set forward and one aft, providing a means of safe and effective towing.
Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)
A record that provides an on-going account of a ship’s history concerning safety and registration.
Garbage Management Plan
A required plan aboard vessels that outlines proper disposal of ship-generated waste.
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)
A plan required on oil-carrying ships to respond to oil pollution incidents.
Fire Safety Operational Booklet
A manual specific to each vessel outlining procedures for the operation of fire safety systems and equipment.
Minimum Safe Manning Document
A document issued by the flag state detailing the minimum number of officers and crew required on board for safe operation.
HSC Code (High-Speed Craft Code)
Safety code for high-speed vessels based on the type of craft and its operations.