18.) Origins, Structure and Powers of the Core Executive Flashcards
Who gets first chance to form a government if no party in Parliament has the majority?
The largest party
What are the functions of the core executive?
-Making policy: set on priorities and policy in Cabinet meetings, Civil Service implement
-Passing legislation: major bills discussed in Cabinet before being sent to Parliament to be voted on
-Finance: Make decisions on government spending (Chancellor/Treasury) Cabinet is where it’s discussed and agreed on between departments
-Responding to emergencies first during crises
Give reasons why the executive enjoys significant powers?
-Control of the UK armed forces, doesn’t have to seek Parliamentary approval
-PMs can choose anyone to join their government (contrast: US pres needing Senate to approve appointments)
-Times of crisis, executive sole organisation who delivers broadcasts to reassure public
-Executive negotiates treaties without needing Parliament approval
Give reasons why the executive doesn’t have significant powers?
-Recent convention gives Parliament a say in military action (Gulf War, air strikes on Iraq/Syria)
-PM must choose cabinet with breadth of experiences across their party’s spectrum
-PM must rely on Parliament to pass legislation, opposition will be quick to critique
-Other branches can influence executive (Supreme Court - Brexit)
What is the core executive?
A network consisting of the PM, Cabinet and top civil servants who make policy
What does primus inter pares mean?
First among equals
What did former NI secretary Mo Mowlam say about cabinet in the documentary Cabinet Confidential?
“Cabinet itself is dead, it doesn’t have a function to play…”
What was the term for Tony Blair’s style of government?
Sofa government - informal chats with ministers
What was the term given to supporters and detractors of Thatcher’s government within her Cabinet?
-Dries (supporters)
-Wets (detractors)
Give reasons why the role of PM has changed in recent times?
-Recent PMs like Thatcher and Blair criticised for being presidential: bypassing cabinet instead for smaller meetings with ministers
-Growth in use of special advisors instead of civil service
-Celebrity culture has led to rise in style over substance PMs: E.G televised leaders debates
-Increased scrutiny/opportunities leads PMs to use popular media - chat shows etc
Give reasons why the role of PM has NOT changed in modern times
-No formal change in PMs powers, if anything they’ve decreased (FTPA until repeal)
-“Predominant premierships” of Blair and Thatcher should be assessed alongside weaker PMs like Major, May and Cameron’s coalition
-Special advisor influence exaggerated, Civil Service still looked to for guidance: COVID-19 and chief medical officer, Chris Whitty
-Image aware PMs will want to portray selves as collaborative E.G joint covid briefings between Johnson and Patrick Vallance
Name different ways how policy is made?
-Manifesto pledges
-Personal ideals of PM
-Results of deals with coalition
-National crises dictating policy
-Media pressure
-Changing societal attitudes
Name an example of a policy being implemented as it was in a manifesto?
Extending free childcare, 2017 - Tories
What was the purpose of the childcare bill?
To get parents back into work and paying tax
Name an example of a policy being implemented due to a PM’s personal beliefs?
Right to buy council houses, 1979 - Tories, PM Thatcher
What was the purpose of PM Thatcher doing this?
A desire to shrink the state and strong belief in property owning democracies, also tax change in 1987 Tory manifesto
What was the decrease in housing stock between 1979-1991?
900,000 houses less by 1991 - 5.4 million available council houses down to 4.5 million
Name an example of a policy implemented due to a referendum?
Who agreed to hold the Brexit referendum?
2015 election, Tory PM David Cameron
Why was the outcome of the Brexit vote unusual?
The result was opposed by the MPs and the leader of the Tories
What was the result of the Brexit referendum?
52-48% in favour of leave
Name a result of a policy coming from a deal with other parties?
The 2011 AV referendum
What party did the Tories agree to hold the AV referendum for?
The Lib Dems
What was the result of the AV referendum?
67.9-32.1% on a turnout of 41%
What do the results of the AV referendum imply?
That the public has little interest in voting reform
Name an example of responses to national crises and emergencies?
The Covid 19 pandemic
What did the government do during the covid-19 pandemic?
Pass the Coronavirus Act (2020)
Name an issue with the Coronavirus legislation?
Confusion was evident about the extent of the legislation
Name an example of a policy change brought on by public pressure?
Climate change policy
What did the government do as a result of Extinction Rebellion and others?
Pledge to reduce carbon emissions to 0% by 2050, and not reduce them by 80% as agreed under the Climate Change Act (2008)
In addition to the shift in public opinion, what else caused the change?
The Committee on Climate Change’s findings
Name a policy change brought on by changing societal attitudes?
Abortion being legalised, homosexuality being legalised
Who was mainly responsible for this?
Harold Wilson - Labour, 1964-1970
What else can influence policy?
-If the government of the day has a majority
-Personality and values of the PM
Name three circumstances where the PM and Cabinet have dictated policy and events?
-Poll Tax introduction (1990) PM Thatcher
-Invasion of Iraq (2003) PM Blair
-Theresa May calling early election (2017)
Name similarities between the three events?
-Each case involved decisions taken independently by the PM
-Each case appeared to make sense when first implemented
-None had to be done, but were done due as a risk
-PM in each case failed to listen to other party members about potential issues
-Each event was a significant contributor to their resignation
Name differences between the three events?
-Poll Tax was about PM’s beliefs, early election political considerations, and Iraq was due to American pressure
-Poll Tax at end of Margaret Thatcher’s premiership, elections at the start of May’s and Iraq War in the middle of Blair’s
-Poll Tax led to riots and destruction, Iraq War claimed many British and Iraqi lives
-2017 election was direct test of PM’s abilities compared to Iraq War and Poll Tax
-Unlike Poll Tax, early election, Iraq War didn’t end or injure Blair’s leadership too much, even if the majority shrunk to 66 in 2005
Why did the Poll tax fail?
-Difficult to collect as it was based on people, not property
-Duke and dustman analogy, widely parodied tax
-Disobedience campaign to avoid paying
-Poll Tax riots
-Led to leadership challenge and Thatcher’s resignation
Why did Thatcher fail to listen?
The tax was initial tried in Scotland in 1989 before being rolled out across the UK the next year, proving very unpopular
Why is it important policies directly associated with PM do well?
If they fail the PM can’t deflect the criticism I.E poll tax failure leading to Thatcher leadership challenge and resignation
Why is the Iraq War considered illegal by many?
It was justified through discredited intelligence of WMDs which has never been found
What did opinion polls show about Blair after the Iraq War began?
His opinion polling was heavily damahed
Why was the war a sign of PM Blair being able to dictate policy?
-He did it to cement his friendship with US president Bush
-He was able to selectively restrict access to certain papers and prevent ministers viewing the others
-Due to sofa government, no ability to collectively decide things and make decisions
-Intelligence ignored + resignations and the suicide of Dr David Kelly weakened Blair
When WMDs were revealed to not exist as stated, what was the issue for Blair?
He couldn’t hide behind others as the war was his personal choice
Why were the 2017 early elections dictated by the PM?
-May wanted a mandate as she wasn’t directly elected
-May wanted increased majority due to risk of Tory remainer revolt and an election could guarantee this
-Opinion polls looked favourable (20% leader over Labour and Corbyn)
-Controversial care plan “dementia tax”
-Criticism of May’s weak public persona - strong and stable, “Dalek messaging”
-Overconfident, didn’t visit marginal seats often (20% of time only) and relied heavily on advisors not wider segments of the party