(17) Limbic System Flashcards
(Limbic System)
- Limbic refers to the fact that the cortical structures which compirse the system form a what?
- these structures are involved in what?
- these structures along with what were collectively called the limbic system?
- border around the brainstem
- emotion
- components of the hypthalamus, thalamus, and epithalamus
1-2. In domestic animals the limbic system is concerned with what two things?
(emotions of importance to survival)
- escape, defense, and feeding are examples of what?
- territorial defense, courtship, mating, etc examples of what?
- emotions of importance to survival
- processes involved in learning and memory
- emotions associated with self-preservation
- emotions associated with species-preservation
1-3. What are the three criteria for being included in the limbic system?
- rich innervation by axons containing indoleamine (i.e. serotonin) and/or catecholamine (i.e. dopamine or epinephrine) NT
- low threshold for seizure activity
- direct or indirect connections to the hypothalamus
1-7. What are the seven components of the Limbic System?
- hippocampus
- cingulate gyrus
- amygdala
- septal area
- portions of the thalamus
- piriform lobe
- mamillary bodies of the hypothalamus
(Individual Limbic Structures and Possible Functions)
(Part I)
- Some areas of the brain are neither purely sensory nor purely motor but instead are what?
- Do the limbic system components represent one of these modulatory systems?
- but the limbic system components are nevertheless what?
- Complex behaviors are often directed toward filling a primary need such as what three things?
- Are different types of emotions and emotional responses withing the limbic realm?
Read the rest of the first paragraph!!!
- modulatory
- yes
- essential components of the neural circuitry underlying complex behaviors
- hunger, thirst, or sleep
- yes
(Individual Limbic Structures and Possible Functions)
(Part II)
- In general the neocortex has what kind of effect on emotional behavior?
- This is illustrated by a type of rage reaction that occurs following the removeal of the cerebral cortex from a cat or a dog?
- It is characterized by what?
- Why is it called sham rage rather than genuine rage?
- dampening effect
sham rage
* 3.* lashing of tail, arching of back, clawing and attempts to bite, autonomic responses - anger occurs spontaneously or can be triggered by mild tacticle or non-noxious stimuli
(Individual Limbic Structures and Possible Functions)
- structure?
- long been thought to be an important cortical region for what? particularly what?
- Both amnesia patients and animals with hippocampal damage exhibit what behavioral tasks? generally described as what in nature?
- Does this area of brain have low or high seizure threshold?
- simple, three layered cortical structure (archicortex)
- associative learning and memory; particularly memory acquisition or short term memory
- time-dependent impairments; associative or retinal in nature
- low
(Individual Limbic Structures and Possible Functions)
1-4. a small but conspicuous cortical area that is involved in a variety of physiological and behavioral processes inculding what four things?
- stimulation induces what type of behavior and can suppress what responses?
- Lesions result in what? can trigger what?
- emotions
- relief of fear
- docile behavior and stress
- autonomic regulation (water/food intake, hibernation, etc)
- induce docile behavior and suppress many autonomic responses
- rage and aggressive behavior; many autonomic responses
(Individual Limbic Structures and Possible Functions)
- a highly differentiated region near what pole of the mammalian cerebral hemisphere?
- It is a basal nucleus that is implicated in what functions?
- include what?
- Many amygdala effects appear same or opposite to those of the septum?
- lesions result in what? stimulation produces what?
- temporal pole
- a bewildering variety of behavioral and regulatory functions
- emotion, memory, social behaviors like reproduction, fear and agression, and modulation of the autonomic and neuroendocrine systems
- opposite
- docile behavior; rage and aggressive behavior
(Individual Limbic Structures and Possible Functions)
- the functions of this have been noted previously
- Because of its interconnections with other limbic structures - stimulation of the hypothalamus produces what?
- stimulation reveals what sites as well as sites that produce what kinds of behavior?
- pigs exposed to acute immobilzation stress show dramiatic increase in what in the hypothalamus?
- -
- many of the behaviors seen with stimulation of other limbic sites
- stimulation reveals rage and aggression sites as well as sites that produce cowering or docile behavior
- noradrenaline and adrenaline
(Individual Limbic Structures and Possible Functions)
- links the what to the what?
- provides a means by which sensory information can do what>?
- limbic system to the neocortex
- gain access to the limbic system
(key concept)
- each of the above limbic structures has been assigned certain functions, however it is important to appreciate what?
- that these strucutres work together to ultimately give rise to behavior that the animal exhibits
Clinical Signs Associated with Damage to Limbic Strucutres
10 of them
- dullness
- irrability or aggressiveness
- propulsive pacing or circling
- sleepiness
- inability to learn
- destructive behavior
- lethargy
- stupor or semicoma
- dementia
- failure to recognize owners or familiar environment