(16) Diencephalon & Hypothalamus Flashcards
1-4. What are the four subdivision of the Diencephalon?
- Epithalamus
- Subthalamus
- Thalamus
- Hypthalamus
- What part of the diencephalon? What does it form over the thalamus?
- largest or smallest (part of the diencephalon); oldest or newest?
- What three things is it composed of?
- the most dorsal part; a caplike covering
- . smallest and oldest
- pineal body, habenular nuclei, and the caudal commisure
(Epithalamus Function)
- functionall and anatomically linked to what ?
- involved in reulating what?
- What is secreted by the pineal gland at night is concerned with biological timing including sleep induction?
- the limbic system
- reproducive functions (mating behavior; postpartum maternal behavior)
- melatonin
- Located where relative to thalamus and hypothalamus?
- Plays a movement focusing function that does what? Involved in the generation of what?
- Stimulation of the subthalamus provides most effective treatment for what?
- ventral to thalamus, lateral to hypothalamus (only present in mammals)
- selects wanted and suppresses unwanted movements; rythmic movements
- late-stage Parkinsons’s disease in humans
- Largest or smallest component of diencephalon?
- Comprise of a large number of nuclei; what two do we need to know?
- Serves as a great what? receives sensory input from all sensory pathways except what? relays sensory information to what?
- largest
- lateral geniculate (vision) and medial geniculate (hearing)
- sensory receiving area; olfaction; the cerebral cortex
- where is it located in the diencephalon?
- it is the most ventral part of the diencephalon
- While there are four parts of he diencephalon - what is the most significant from a clinical standpoint?
- Why is this?
- the hypothalamus
- lesions of this area can cause abnormalities in endocrine, limbic or autonomic function
(Hypothalamus - Functions)
- Most important job is to do what?
2-4. Does so by regulating what three things?
- maintain homeostasis
- endocrine secretion
- autonomic function
- emotions and drives
(Hypothalamus Functions)
- endocrine secretion does what?
- autonomic function does what?
- emotions and drives consist of what?
- controls hormone release by pituitary gland
- integrates autonomic functions via direct projections to preganglionic autonomic neurons located in the brain-stem and spinal cord
- numerous interconnections with limbic system - generates behaviors involved in rage, aggression, escape, etc…
(Subdivisions and Nuclei of the Hypothalamus)
- How big is it? Are there large scale anatomical variations in different vertebrate species?
- It has how many basic subdivisions? What are they? Each of which contains what?
- small; no
- three; supraoptic, tuberal, and mammillary; various nuclei
(Hypothalamus - Subdivisions and Nuclei)
- What is the most important division in veterinary medicine?
- It lies where and contains what?
3-5. What three important nuclei does it contain?
- supraoptic region
- lies above the optic chiasm; contains 3 important nuclei
- supraopitc nucleus
- paraventricular nucleus
- suprachiasmatic nucleus
(Three nuclei of the supraoptic region)
(Supraoptic nucleus)
- contain neurons that produce what?
- their axons project to where? where what is released into what?
(Paraventricular Nucleus)
- contains neurons that produce predominantly what?
(Suprachiasmatic Nucleus)
- what role?
- antidiuretic hormone (ADH or vasopressin)
- to posterior pituitary gland (neurohypophysis); where ADH is released and enters the blood
- oxytocin
- circadian rhythm role
(Hypothalamus - subdivision)
(tuberal region)
- lies where?
- contains cells that produce what that do what?
- What have a mutation in the orexin receptor gene?
- directly above the pituitary gland
- orexins (hypocretins) that control sleep
- dogs with narcolepsy
(Hypothalamus - subdivision)
(mamillary region)
- where in hypothalamus? comprised primarily of what?
- plays a role in what?
- most caudal portion; mamillary bodles
- memory
- While there are a number of regions that comporse the hypothalamus - which is by far the most important?
- damage to this area can result in problems in what three things?
- supraoptic region
- urination (damage to ADH cells or fibers), circadian rhythms (sleep wake cycle), and temp regulation
(Afferent Inputs to the Hypothalamus - fiber coming from other brain regions)
- In order to maintain homeostasis the hypothalamus must receive what?
2-5. What are the four major things that convey this info?
- inputs about the state of the body
- nucleus of the solitary tract
- limbic system (via the fornix)
4 retina
- blood
(Afferent Inputs to the Hypothalamus - fiber coming from other brain regions)
(Nucleus of the solitary tract)
- this nucleus collects all of the what from what?
(Limbic sytem)
- via the what?
- Structures such as what and what project to the hypothalamus and help regulate eating and reproduction?
- visceral sensory info from vagus nerve
- fornix
- amygdala and olfactory cortex
(Afferent Inputs to the Hypothalamus - fiber coming from other brain regions)
- via what? that go to what?
2. hypothalamus has intrinsic receptors including what two receptors that monitor what?
- in addition hypothalamic cells are sensitive to what?
- direct branches of the optic nerve; go to suprachiasmatic nucleus
2. thermoreceptors and osmoreceptors; monitor temperature and ionic balance
- hormone concentrations and glucose levels, etc.
(Major Efferent Projections from the hypothalamus)
Once the hypothalamus is aware of a problem, it fiexes the problem via the following routes of communication…
there are three…
4. Ultimately through these connections the hypothalamus can control every what gland?
5. Hypothalamus can alter what three things to maintain homeostasis?
- neural singals to the ANS via projections to the brain stem vagal nuclei and to preganglionic nuclei in the spinal cord
- neural signals to limbic system
- endocrine signals to/through the pituitary gland
4. endocrine gland
5. blood pressure, temperature, and metabolism
(The Hypothalamo-Pituitary Connection)
(Pituitary gland)
- lies where relative to brain?
- Formed by how many parts?
3-4. What are these two parts?
- lies beneath the brain
- 2 parts
- the neurohypophysis
- adenohypophysis (glandular component derived from oral epithelium)
(Hypothalamo-Pituitary Connection)
- The hypothalamus controls the endocrine system via how many different routes?
- Directly by the secretion of what into what via what?
- Indirectly by secretion of what into what?
- two
- secretion of neuroendocrine products into the general circulation via the vasculature of the posterior pituitary gland (ADH and oxycotin)
- secretion of releasing factors into local hypophyseal portal venous plexus
(venous plexus - a vascular plexus that carries these releasing factors from the base of the hypothalamus (an area known as the eminence) to the anterior pituitary)
The hypothalamus thus controls anterior pituitary hormone synthesis and release via the transport of these releasing factors to the adenohypophysis
(just read that)….
(Hypothalamic Function)
(the hypothalamus)
- controls the release of at least how many major hormones by the hypophysis?
2-6. involved in what 5 things?
- 8
- temp regulation
- control of food and water intake
- sexual behavior and regulation
- control of daily cycles in physiological state and behavior
- mediation of emotional repsonses
(Hypothalamic Function)
(Direct effects on the Endocrine System)
- Secretion of what and what into circulation?
- oxycotin and vasopressin
(Hypothalamic Function)
(Direct effects on the Endocrine System)
- produced by neurons in what nuclei of what?
- acts on what to stimulate myometrial contractions and do what?
- thus oxytocin or derivatives can be used to induce what?
- Activates what reflex in response to suckling? includes the contraction of the what cell type in mammary glands?
- acts on what (and what) to enhance bonding between a male and female once they have mated and between a mother and her newborn
- paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus
- uterine smooth muscle; accelerate parturition
- parturition
- milk letdown reflex; myoepithelaial
- amygdala (and nucleus accumbens)
(Hypothalamic Function)
(Direct effects on the Endocrine System)
(Vasopressin (ADH))
- produced by neurons in the what?
- increase water reabsorption where? via what? thus this does what?
- Capillary density of the supraoptic nucleus is higher or lower than any other part of the brain? increases in what stimulate release of ADH?
- supraoptic nucleus
- in the kidneys; collecting ducts and convoluted tubules; decreases urine production and conserves body water
- higher; blood osmolarity
(Hypothalamic Function)
(Direct effects on the Endocrine System)
(Vasopressin (ADH))
(Disease State)
- a disorder of water balance in which there is a loss of control of water excretion due to a failure of production, transport, or release of what into the blood stream from the what?
- trauma or disease of what or what?
- Commonly assocaited with tumors of the what which compress the what?
- Imagery of the pituitary with positive finding of a tumor
- water deprivation test - what does this look for?
- what or what?
- oral or subcutaneous injection of what?
- ADH; neurohypophysis; Diabetes Insipidus
- pituitary or hypothalamus
- adenohypophysis; neurohypophysis
- if animal is unable to produce more concentrated urine as water intake is restricted
- surgery or intranasal
- desmopressin
(Indirect Effects on the Endocrine System)
- Production and release of what which either stimulate or inhibit the release of hormones from what?
- hypothalamic releasing factors; anterior pituitary gland
(Indirect Effects on the Endocrine System)
(Disease Stae)
- often accompanies tumors of teh adenohypophysis, which produce excess adrenocorticotropic hormone. one of the most common diseases of middle-aged and older dogs
2-5. There are four- name them!
- surgery to remove pituitary tumor; radiation to control growth
- Medication (examples?) does what?
- hyperadrenocorticoidism (Cushing’s disease)
- extremely hungry (80-95% of dogs show this)
- poor hair coat (esp on sides)
- obesity - bloated abdomen (increase in fat and liver size) and potbelly (90-95% have this)
- muscle weakness - lethargy and lameness (excess cortisol causes protein breakdown)
- lysodren or mitotane - destroys cortisol producing cells in adrenal cortex
(Hypothalamic Function)
(Control of the Autonomic Nervous System)
- The hypothalmus projects to what nuclei
- and thus can control what?
(There appears to be a segretation of function as follows)
- Stimulation of rostral hypothalamus elicits what?
- Stimulation of caudal hypothalamus?
(Disease State)
- alterations in cardiovascular function in cattle have been observed in cattle with what?
- parasympathetic vagal nuclei and preganglionic sympathetic nuclei
- autonomic function (heart rate, vasoconstriction, digestion, sweating)
- parasympathetic responses (eg slowed heart rate)
- sympathetic responses (increased heart rate, etc)
- abcesses of the hypothalamus (slowing of heart rate)
(Hypothalamic Function)
(temperature regulation)
(Rostral Hypothalamus)
- Heat loss or heat conservation center?
- warm blood, antipyretic substances or impulses from heat receptors cause what? which serve to do what? lesions cause what in dogs and other species?
(Caudal Hypothalamus)
- heat loss or heat conservation center?
- cool blood, pyrogenic substances or input from cold receptors causes what? serve to do what?
- lesions result in what?
- cattle with abscesses of the pituitary gland that effect the hypothalamus are often what?
- heat loss center
- panting, vasodilation and sweating; reduce body temp; hypothermia
- heat conservation center
- shivering and vasoconstriction; increase body temp
- hypothermia and disturbances in sweating mechanisms
- hypothermic
(Hypothalamic Function)
(regulation of food and water intake)
- does the hypothalamus control body weight and appetite as well as water intake?
- lesions of the hypothalamus often cause what?
- yes
- abnormal eating and drinking behavior