17 - Environmental / OB / Geriatric Emergencies Flashcards
What are two of the body’s natural protective mechanisms against heat loss?
List two of the five methods of losing body heat. (List all 5 for extra credit)
The narrowest portion of the uterus is called:
List the vessels within the umbilical cord and their function:
Umbilical vein: delivers oxygen from the placenta to the fetus
Umbilical arteries: removes deoxygenated blood from the fetus to the placenta
List three physiological changes that occur in a woman during pregnancy.
Increased hormone levels to support fetal development
Size of uterus increases and the amount of fluid it contains
As uterus grows it compresses the diaphragm resulting in a reduced tidal volume for each breath, thus, the respiratory rate increases
Increase demand for oxygen
Blood volume increases by as much as 50%
The speed of clotting increases to protect against excessive bleeding
Heart rate increases up to 20%
The third stage of labor begins with ______ and ends with ______.
the delivery of the fetus
delivery of the placenta
A patient found sitting on a park bench, on a cold breezy night is losing body heat through what method(s)?
Rough handling of a moderate to severe hypothermic patient may cause what to occur?
Cardiac arrest
A dark green material in the amniotic fluid is called: The presence of this green material indicates:
Meconium (Fetal stool)
The presence of meconium can indicate newborn distress (1254)
When assessing a patient who has been scuba diving, what is a general rule to distinguish between whether the patient is suffering from an air embolism or decompression sickness?
The S/S of an air embolism appears faster than the S/S of decompression sickness, which could take longer to see
Often the first sign of heat stroke is:
Confusion or change in behavior
You are assessing a female patient who states that she has missed her menstrual cycle and is complaining of sudden, stabbing pain in her lower abdomen. The patient states she has a history of PID. The S/S are most likely being caused by:
Ectopic pregnancy (1249)
You are assessing a construction worker with ALOC and nausea. Coworkers state that the patient has been working outside in the sun all afternoon. The shirt is wet, skin is moist and warm, HR is 120 and weak. List all appropriate assessments and treatments for this patient.
Heat exhaustion
Move to cool area or shade
Remove clothing
Give oxygen
Check glucose levels
I’ve pack to abdomen of needed
Drink water
Rapid transport
You are assessing a pregnant patient who has blood present between her legs and on the bed. The patient’s skin is pale and cool, she is agitated and tells you that she’s been diagnosed with placenta previa. Describe what this condition is. What is the treatment for this patient?
Placenta previa: the placenta attached low in the uterus and partially or completely covers the cervix or opening of the uterus.
Treatment: Offer sterile dry pad for blood, keep warm, offer O2 if needed, rapid transport
A heat emergency patient who is complaining of weakness and is sweating excessively may experience what imbalance in their body?
Loss of electrolytes and fluids leading to dehydration
You are treating a patient who was scuba diving several hours ago. The patient participated in multiple dives within a short period of time. She is complaining of severe ABD and joint pain. What is your working diagnosis?
Decompression sickness (“The Bends”)
While assessing a pregnant patient you note that her BP is 244/128. As you are loading the patient into the ambulance she begins to seize. This condition may be the cause of what life-threatening condition?
The MOST effective treatment for the above patient should include:
Lay patient on her left side to prevent Supine Hypertensive Syndrome
Maintain airway, administer supplemental oxygen
Call for ALS intercept
Rapid transport
While treating an unconscious diving/submersion patient, how should the patient be removed from the water?
A diving patient should be secured to the back board while in the water prior to moving.
The rash associated with Lyme disease has what type of pattern? How is Lyme disease contracted?
Tick bites
Bull’s eye rash
You are treating an altered pregnant woman who is in her second trimester. The patient is awake and alert but does not remember what day it is. She tells you that she has been taking insulin since she became pregnant. What is your working diagnosis?
Gestational diabetes
What is the MOST effective treatment for a Gestational Diabetic patient in the above scenario?
Same treatment you give any patient to any patient who has diabetes. Check blood glucose levels (1247)
What is the purpose of the APGAR score and when should it be calculated? What is a perfect score?
Purpose: To verify any potential complications after delivery of the fetus are present.
Timing: Performed on a baby twice, once at one minute and again at five minutes after birth.
Perfect score is 10
What does the “E” represent in the GEMS diamond? Give an example of how the EMT can utilize the “E” in the GEMS diamond, while assessing an elderly patient.
Checking the conditions the patient lives in to raise the index of suspicion to other health problems or abuse
Once the infant’s head has been delivered, describe how you would suction the infant’s airway.
Suction the mouth and oropharynx gently with a bulb syringe to clear any amniotic fluid and ease the infants inhalation of air exchange (1260-1261)
An infant is considered to be premature if it weighs _______ or is born before ______.
Less than 5 lbs
Before 36 weeks
NOTE: Full term 7 lbs / 39-40 weeks
What does the “E” represent in the GEMS diamond? Give an example of how the EMT can utilize the “E” in the GEMS diamond, while assessing an elderly patient.
Checking the conditions the patient lives in to raise the index of suspicion to other health problems or abuse
Geriatric Patients
Environmental Assessment
Medical Assessment
Social Assessment
What are two potential negative effects of polypharmacy?
Forgetting which medications to take or possibly already took (Overdose / Underdose)
Long-term becoming used to the meds sensitivity
The umbilical cord contains three vessels. List the vessels and describe their functions.
Two arteries and one vein
The umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the heart of the fetus, and the umbilical arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the heart of the fetus to the placenta. (1245)
The second stage of labor begins with _________ and ends with _________.
The fetus entering the birth canal
Delivery of the newborn (1256)
When should c-spine precautions begin, on an unconscious patient that is still in the water?
While the patient is still in the water
A pregnant patient is ℅ a headache and sees spots. Your exam reveals swelling in the hands and feet, and HTN. These S/S are MOST commonly seen in what condition?
Preeclampsia (1248)
Where is the best place to assess the patients heat loss.
Away from further exposure to the cold temperature / environment
A patient found unconscious on the ground of a large, walk-in freezer is losing body heat through what method(s)?
Laying a patient supine, in her third trimester, could cause what complication?
Supine hypotensive syndrome
Caused by compression of the superior vena cava by the pregnant uterus when a patient lies supine, reducing the amount of blood that is returned to the heart. (1248)
You arrive on the scene, post delivery of a newborn to find the infant hyperventilating. You notice a foul-smelling green material in the amniotic fluid. What is this material and what does its presence indicate?
Meconium (Fetal stool)
The presence of meconium can indicate newborn distress (1254)
You respond to an outdoor area that has a homeless encampment. Your patient is altered, cool to the touch, with a slow and weak pulse. What is the treatment for this patient?
Warm the patient
Assisted ventilations
Get blood glucose
Rapid transport
You are assessing a female patient who has missed her menstrual cycle and is complaining of sudden, stabbing ABD pain in her lower abdomen. There is blood present in her undergarments, and she appears to be anxious with pale skin. What is your working diagnosis? What is the MOST appropriate treatment for this patient?
Spotaneous abortion
Treat for shock (Supine, oxygen, blanket, elevate extremities, rapid transport)
Use sterile dressings to pad bleeding
One of the first signs of heat stroke is:
Confusion or change in behavior
A construction worker ℅ dizziness and nausea. Coworkers state he has been working in the sun all afternoon. The patient was moved inside where the A/C is on. The patient’s short is wet, skin is moist and warm, HR is 120 and he is shivering. What is the treatment for this patient?
Remove clothing
Allow to cool down
Ice pack if needed
Drink water
You are treating an altered pregnant woman who is in her third trimester. The patient is awake and alert but does not remember what day it is. Her partner tells you that the patient was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. What is the treatment for this patient?
The same treatment for any patient who has diabetes (1247)
Profuse sweating in patients will result in changes of the body’s:
loss of electrolytes and fluids causing dehydration
What are two diseases that can be contracted from a tick?
Lyme disease
Rocky mountain fever
What is nuchal cord? If this condition is present, outline the appropriate treatment for this emergency.
Umbilical cord wrapped around the newborns neck on delivery
Don’t push baby back into the vagina, don’t overstretch the imbilical cord, manuever the baby safely while trying to untangle the head
What is the purpose of the APGAR score and when should it be calculated? What is the perfect score?
To verify if complications after delivery of the fetus are present. Check the first minute and the fifth minute after delivery.
Perfect score is 10