17. Benign and Malignant Condition of the Vulva/Vagina Flashcards
Ambigous genitalia of the vulva can present with what on PE?
- Clitormegaly/ clitoral agenesis
- Bifed clitoris
- Midline fusion of the labiascrotal folds
- Cloaca = no separation between the vagina and bladder
With ambiogus genitalia, careful examination is required: ____, ____, ____, ____
- PE
- Hormonal studies
- US
- Karyotyping
What is the difference between how female pseudohermaphroditism and male PH is caused?
- Femal PseudoHerm = masculinization in utero of the female fetus due to hormonal problems: congenital adrenal hyperplasia, ingestion of exogenous hormones, androgen-secreting rumors
- Male = mocasism and occurs with different degrees of virulization and mullerian development
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (46 XY)
- What is it?
- Is most commonly inherited how?
- Results in what?
- Genetic deficiency in androgen receptors
- X-linked recessive
- External female genitals: undescended testes, Mullerian inhibiting substances causes lack of mullerian duct development (no uterus or fallopian tubes)
What is Fox-Fordyce disease?
severe, itchy, raised yellow cysts in the axilla and labia majora and minor due to from keratin-plugged apocrine glands => inflammation.
What is the most common type of genital cyst?
Epidermal inclusion cyst = mobile, non-painful, spherical, and slow growing cyst that form when hair follicle is obstructed, causing the deeper part to swell to accomodate desquamted cells
Sebaceous cysts of the vulva are most commonly found where and contain what?
- Small, smooth, nodular mass found on the inner surface of labia minora and majora
- Contain a cheesy sebaceous material
What is the most common benign solid tumor of the vulva; what are its growth characteristics?
- Fibromas
- Slow growing, most range from 1-10cm => but can become gigantic (250 lbs!!!!)
What is at the rare conditions that occurs when 1 or more of the minor vestibular glands becomes infected?
Vulvar vestibulitis (vestibular adenitis) => Small (1-4mm) red dots on the vulva that are tender.
When does vulvar vestibullitis (adenitis) come to attention?
- Pain during sex (dypareunia)
- Vulvar pain
- Treatment: topical estrogen/hydrocortison or surgery
What is a urethral caruncle?
What causes it in children/post-menopausal women?
- Small, beefy, red outgrowth at the distal edge of the urethra.
- Children = spontaneous prolapse of the urethral epithelium
- Post-menopausal women = contraction of the hypoestrogenic vaginal epithelium => everts urethral epithelium
What is the treatment for labial agglutination?
Estrogen cream and massage to separate the labia majora
Vuvlvar hematomas (bruising) most often arise following what; how are they managed?
- Arise following trauma i.e., bike injuries (straddle injury), birth trauma or sexual assault
- Close observation and occasional surgical exploration may be warranted
Atrophic vaginitis: what is it, is due to what; treated how?
- Minora regress, majora shrinks, no rugae on vagina, closed vagina
- DT: loss of estrogen
- Treatment: topical estrogen and oral estrogen to prevent recurrance
Linchen Simplex Chronicus
- What is it?
- Symptoms?
- Biopsy:
- Treatment
- Thick epithelium (white/red thick epithelium) due to prolonged scratching
- Pruritis = itching
- Hyperkeratosis, acanthosis + elongated rete ridges, dense inflammatory infiltrate (lymphocytes) in superficial dermis
- Steroid ointments and anti-itch agents
Linchen Sclerosis
- MC occurs:
- Symptoms?
- Complications:
- Biopsy:
- Treatment
- MC occurs: VULVA in MENOPAUSAL women
- Symptoms: Pruritis, dysparenuria, burning pain
- Complication: can progress to SQCC of the vulva
- Biopsy: Hyperkeratosis + Thin epithethlium + hyaline zone in superficial dermis d/t edema and degeneration of collagen + inflamm cells in BM
- Treatment: Clobetasol
What findings do you see in linchen sclerosis?
- Thin, white, skin that looks like parchment paper
- Figure 8/ key-hole vagina: Loss of labia minor, regression of majora, constriction of hole, clitoris can become inverted/trapped
What is seen with lichen planus and what are the sx’s?
- Purplish, polygonal papules that look erosive
- Sx’s: vulvar burning, severe insertional dyspareunia
- Tx: topical and systemic steroids
What is vulvar-vaginal-gingival syndrome?
When linchen planus involves the vulva, vagina and mouth
What does a imperforate hymen look like if detected after birth vs after period?
- After birth = bulging membrane in opening of vagina that blocks mucus
- After period = thin, blue structure that blocks period blood.
Transverse vaginal septums are most commonly found where in the vagina and may only become apparent when?
- Upper and middle 1/3 of the vagina
- May only become apparent when sex is impeded bc a small sinus tract or perforation will allow period flow
Midline longitudinal vaginal septum creates what?
Double vagina