1. MHT Flashcards
What are symptoms of menopause (body is not making enough estrogen)?
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Vaginal dryness/painful intercourse/sexual DYS
- Sleep problems
- Mood/cognitive problems
- Urinary incontinence
During menopause, ________ and __________ are also affected.
- Bones (osteopenia, -porosis, fractures)
What is the primary therapy for menopausal symptoms?
Tx for menopause in:
- Women with intact uterus
- Women without an intact uterus
- WITH uterus: estrogen + progestin
- WITHOUT uterus: estrogen
Why must a woman with an intact uterus be treated with [estrogen + progestin]?
- Estrogen alone will cause endometrial proliferation, which can lead to hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma.
- Progestin’s oppose effects of estrogen’s.
What are the 4 estrogens available for use in menopausal hormone therapy?
1) Estradiol
2) Conjugated estrogens (CE)
3) Esterified estrogens (EE)
4) Estropipate: Crystallized estrone solubilized w/ sulfate and then stabilized w/ piperazne
What are the 3 progestin drugs available for menopausal hormone therapy?
- 1) Medroxyprogesterone (MPA alone or with CE)
- 2) Methyltestosterone (alone or with EE)
- 3) Progesterone (alone)
MOA of Estrogen?
- Estrogen binds to a/B- estrogen receptors on the cell membrane.
- Transferred to nucleus => increased gene and protein expression
- Physiological response.
Estrogen causes a ↓ production/activity of?
- Cholesterol (TC/LDL-C)
- Anti-thrombin III
- Osteoclast activity (bone turnover)
Estrogen causes a ↑ production/activity of?
- TAG’s and HDL-C
- Clotting factors
- Platelet aggregation
- Na+ and fluid retention
- Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG)
We do NOT want to give Estrogen to who?
Those at-risk of clotting.
List 7 potential AE’s associated with a combo of estrogen + progestin used for treatment of postmenopausal women with a uterus.
- Breast cancer
- Dementia (aged 65 y/o +)
- GB disease
- Stroke
- Venous thromboembolism
- Urinary incontinence ***
List 3 potential benefits associated with a combo of estrogen + progestin used for treatment of postmenopausal women.
- Improvement of diabetes
- Less incidence of all fractures
- Less incidence of colorectal cancer
List 5 potential AE’s associated with estrogen used for treatment of postmenopausal women.
- Dementia (aged 65 y/o +)
- GB disease
- Stroke
- Venous thromboembolism
- Urinary incontinence
List 3 potential benefits associated with estrogen thrapy used for treatment of postmenopausal women.
- ↓ incidence of breast cancer (invasive)
- ↓ incidence of all fractures
- Improvement of diabetes