165. Intro to the Endocrine System Flashcards
Major glucocorticoid in humans
Stress response hormone
- physical
- psychological
- physiological
Regulates or supports a variety of important CV, metabolic, immunologic, and homeostatic functions including water balance
Excessive LH/FSH secretion d/t tumor
No clinical syndrome. Present with mass effects or as incidental findings.
Gonadotroph adenoma
Excessive TSH secretion
Weight loss, weakness, tremulousness, sleepless
Posterior pituitary disease
Decreased ADH secretion
Causes failure of kidney to reabsorb water and therefore to concentrate urine with resultant increased urine volume and thirst
Diabetes insipidus
Two hormones secreted by the posterior pituitary
Vasopressin (ADH)
Type of tumor that is commonly found in patients who are oversecreting calcitonin
Medullary thyroid cancer
3 chemical classes of hormones
Polypeptides - water soluble (most common)
Steroids - lipid soluble
Decrease in ACTH secretion
Fatigue, dizziness, weight loss
Adrenal insufficiency
Endocrine cells in other organs
Usually d/t a benign adenoma making excess hormones
Carcinomas are rare
Hormone Excess Syndrome
Produce thyroglobulin, the precursor of thyroid hormone (thyroxine)
Follicle cells
Major mineralocorticoid in humans
- secreted by adrenal cortex in response to a decline in either blood volume or BP
- Prompts distal and collecting tubules in kidney to reabsorb more sodium
Regulate sodium balance
- mainly supplied by the Renin-Angiotensin System but also a minor contribution form the adrenal glands
Decrease in prolactin secretion
Inability to lactate after delivery a baby
Prolactin deficiency
Connected to the hypothalamus by hypothalamic-pituitary portal vessels
- share hormones
Produces 6 peptide hormones
- prolactin
- growth hormone
- LH
Anterior pituitary
Decrease in GH secretion
Growth failure, fatigue, decreased muscle, increased fat, decreased bone, heart risk
GH Deficiency
Part of autonomic nervous system
Secretes EPI and NE
Adrenal medulla
Excessive prolactin secretion
Symptoms include galactorrhea, amenorrhea, infertility, decreased libido, ED
Tumor in adrenal medulla that may oversecrete NE and EPI causing HTN
Decrease in TSH secretion
Fatigue, weight gain, constipation, dry skin, sleepiness
Derived from cholesterol and differ only in the ring structure and side chains attached to it
Lipid soluble
Steroid hormones
6 peptide hormones made by anterior pituitary
Growth hormone
Increases blood calcium concentration
- stimulates osteoclasts to release more calcium from bone
- decreases excretion of calcium from kidneys
- activates Vit D which stimulates the uptake of calcium from the intestine
Pituitary gland Pineal gland Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Adrenal: 2 glands - cortex - medulla
Purely endocrine glands
Excessive GH secretion
Gigantism, facial changes, enlarged hands and feet
Produce PTH in parathyroids
Chief cells
Secretes lipid-based steroid hormones called corticosteroids
- mineralocorticoids - Aldosterone
- glucocorticoids - cortisol
- androgens
Adrenal cortex
Can be d/t:
- Surgical removal of the gland
- Autoimmune destruction of a gland
- Congenital defects of glandular development
- Congenital mutations of the genes for the hormone or enzymes involved in hormone synthesis
Hormone Deficiency Syndromes
Imbedded or behind in thyroid gland
Regulate blood calcium levels
Secrete PTH
Parathyroid glands
Most common type of hormone
Often produced as larger molecular weight precursors that are proteolytically cleaved to the active form of the hormone
Water soluble
Peptide/protein hormones
Excessive ACTH secretion
Centripetal obesity, purple stretch marks, think skin, bruising, diabetes, HTN
Cushing’s Disease
2 hormones produced by thyroid gland
Thyroid hormone
Increases the basal metabolic rate
Affects many target cells throughout the body:
- protein synthesis
- bone growth
- neuronal maturation
- cell differentiation
Effects of thyroid hormone
Posterior pituitary disease
Increased kidney water retention resulting in excessive dilution of blood solutes (hyponatremia) and even water intoxication
Increased vasopressin secretion
Derived from the amino acid tyrosine
Thyroid hormones and catecholamines
Amine hormones
Decrease in FSH/LH secretion
Amenorrhea, infertility, decreased libido, ED