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AQA Physics Year 1
> 16.2 Trigonometry > Flashcards
16.2 Trigonometry Flashcards
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AQA Physics Year 1
(86 decks)
1.1 Inside the atom
1.2 Stable and unstable nuclei
1.3 Photons
1.4 Particles and antiparticles
1.5 Particle interactons
2.1 The particle zoo
2.2 Particle sorting
2.3 Leptons at work
2.4 Quarks and antiquarks
2.5 Conversation rules
3.1 The photoelectric effect
3.2 More about photoelectricity
3.3 Collisions of electrons with atoms
3.4 Energy levels in atoms
3.5 Energy levels and spectra
3.6 Wave-particle duality
4.1 Waves and vibrations
4.2 Measuring waves
4.3 Wave properties 1
4.4 Wave properties 2
4.5 Stationary and progressive waves
4.6 More about stationary waves on strings
4.7 Using an oscilloscope
5.1 Refraction of light
5.2 More about refraction
5.3 Total internal reflection
5.4 Double slit interference
5.5 More about interference
5.6 Diffraction
5.7 The diffraction grating
6.1 Vectors and scalars
6.2 Balanced forces
6.3 The principle of moments
6.4 More on moments
6.5 Stability
6.6 Equilibrium rules
6.7 Statics calculations
7.1 Speed and velocity
7.2 Acceleration
7.3 Motion along a straight line at constant acceleration
7.4 Free fall
7.5 Motion graphs
7.6 More calculations on motion along a straight line
7.7 Projectile motion 1
7.8 Projectile motion 2
8.1 Force and acceleration
8.2 Using F = ma
8.3 Terminal speed
8.4 On the road
8.5 Vehicle safety
9.1 Momentum and impulse
9.2 Impact forces
9.3 Conservation of momentum
9.4 Elastic and inelastic collisions
9.5 Explosions
10.1 Work and energy
10.2 Kinetic energy and potential energy
10.3 Power
10.4 Energy and efficiency
11.1 Density
11.2 Springs
11.3 Deformation of solids
11.4 More about stress and strain
12.1 Current and charge
12.2 Potential difference and power
12.3 Resistance
12.4 Components and their characteristics
13.1 Circuit rules
13.2 More about resistance
13.3 Electromotive force and internal resistance
13.4 More about circuit calculations
13.5 The potential divider
Skills in AS physics
14.1 Moving on from GCSE
14.2 Making careful measurements
14.3 Everyday physics instruments
14.4 Analysis and evalution
15.1 Assessment outline
15.2 Direct assessment
15.3 Indirect assessment
16.1 Data handling
16.2 Trigonometry
16.3 More about algebra
16.4 Straight line graphs
16.5 More on graphs
16.6 Graphs,gradients, and areas