16. Foot (No OIAN) Flashcards
What can cause a calcaneal bone spur?
The arch of the foot sags and the calcaneus slides in a bursa that is just underneath the Plantar Aponeurosis. This can cause inflammation of that bursa, which can then lead to overgrowth of bone and a bone spur
What nerve innervates the two muscles on the dorsum of the foot?
The lateral branch of the deep fibular nerve
What are the two main nerves of the sole of the foot?
Medial and lateral plantar nerves
What does the medial plantar artery do?
Gives rise to two Plantar Metatarsal and Plantar Digital Arteries
What are the four places weight is transferred on the foot during walking?
Tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal
Head of the first metatarsal
Distal phalanx of the great toe
Which branch of the lateral plantar nerve is involved in cutaneous (sensory) innervation, and which branch is involved in motor innervation?
The superficial branch does the cutaneous innervation
The deep branch does muscular (motor) innervation
What are the branches of dorsalis pedis?
Lateral tarsal artery
Arcuate artery
Deep plantar artery
What is the action of the extensor digitorum brevis?
Extends digits 2, 3, and 4 in the foot
Does not extend digiti minimi
Where is the ideal site of amputation of the foot, allowing the patient to still heel strike, and not lose the height of the limb?
The transverse tarsometatarsal joint
What unique feature can be found in the medial and lateral head of the flexor hallucis brevis?
Sesamoid bones that create a protective tunnel for the flexor hallucis longus tendon
The flexor digitorum longus tendon runs through a split in the insertion of what muscle’s tendon?
Flexor digitorum brevis
What is hammer toe?
Hyperextension of the Proximal Phalanx at the Metatarsophalangeal Joint, with plantarflexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint, and extension of the distal interphalangeal joint
What can happen to cause Hallux Valgus?
If you displace the Great Toe too far laterally, the Tendon of the Flexor Hallucis Longus can slip out of the groove created by the sesamoid bones of the Flexor Hallucis Brevis, causing the Great Toe to stay laterally displaced.
What nerve runs with dorsalis pedis?
Medial branch of the deep fibular nerve
What muscle integrates with the oblique head of the adductor hallucis?
Lateral head of flexor hallucis brevis
What is the function of the plantar aponeurosis?
The Plantar Aponeurosis has five slips which run concurrently with the tendinous sheaths of the foot and helps them slide fluidly
The Plantar Aponeurosis is also a critically important passive support for the arches of the foot
What muscle of the foot does not have an analogue in the hand?
Quadratus plantae
What is the primary artery to the plantar foot?
Posterior tibial artery
Which arch of the foot comes in closest contact with the ground?
The lateral arch
What does the arcuate artery do?
Gives rise to the 2nd through 5th metatarsal arteries
What nerve does the lateral tarsal artery run with?
Lateral branch of the deep fibular nerve
What part of the skin of the foot is innervated by the superficial branch of the lateral plantar nerve?
The skin around and including the fifth digit of the foot
What does the deep plantar artery do?
Joins the lateral plantar artery to form the plantar arterial arch
Gives rise to the first metatarsal artery
What is a corn of the foot?
Inflamed calluses on the medial aspect of the Metatarsophalangeal Joint.
How many DABs and PADs in the foot?
4 Dabs
3 Pads
What gives rise to the medial and lateral plantar nerves?
Tibial nerve
What is a bunion?
Inflammation of a bursa just over the medial aspect of the Metatarsophalangeal Joint.
What four muscles are innervated by the Medial Plantar Nerve?
Flexor digitorum brevis
Flexor hallucis brevis
Abductor hallucis
Medial one lumbrical
What part of the skin of the foot is innervated by the medial plantar nerve?
Plantar foot except the fifth digit
What are the main branches of the posterior tibial artery in the plantar aspect of the foot?
Where does it split?
Medial and lateral plantar arteries
Deep to abductor hallucis on the medial foot
(after Tom Dick AN Harry)
What is the primary artery to the dorsum of the foot?
The anterior tibial artery
What is claw toe?
Hyperextension of the Metatarsophalangeal joint as in Hammer Toe, but with flexion of both Interphalangeal Joints
What are the two muscles on the dorsum of the foot?
Extensor Hallucis Brevis
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
What is mallet toe?
Flexion at the Distal Interphalangeal Joint
Where does the anterior tibial artery become dorsalis pedis?
When the lateral malleolar artery splits off
What does the lateral plantar artery do?
Gives rise to the 3rd through 6th Plantar Metatarsal and Plantar Digital Arteries
Terminates in an anastomosis with the deep plantar artery from the dorsalis pedis forming the plantar arterial arch