16. Development Of The Head And Neck 2 Flashcards
What bone does the pituitary gland sit in?
Sphenoid bone.
What is the function of the posterior pituitary and anterior pituitary?
Posterior - neuroendocrine.
Anterior - endocrine.
What is the embryological origin of the anterior pituitary?
Rathke’s pouch - ectoderm.
What is the embryological origin of the posterior pituitary and stalk?
Infundibulum - neurectoderm.
How does the infundibulum develop?
Downward outgrowth of the forebrain towards the roof of the pharynx.
How does rathke’s pouch develop?
Out-pouching of ectoderm of the stomatodeum, making an evagination of the roof of the oropharynx. Draws dorsally towards the developing forebrain.
What structure ensures the tongue is highly mobile?
Lingual frenulum.
What structure separates the tongue into an anterior oral portion and a posterior pharyngeal portion?
Sulcus terminalis.
When does primordial of the tongue begin to appear in an embryo?
Appear at about the same time as the palate begins to form.
What parts of the first 4 pharyngeal arches form the tongue?
2 lateral lingual swellings from Ph Arch 1.
3 median lingual swellings - tuberculum impar from Ph Arch 1, cupola from Ph Arch 2, 3 & 4, epiglottal swelling from Ph Arch 4.
How does the tongue develop from the pharyngeal arches?
Lateral lingual swelling over-grow the tuberculin impar, and the 3rd arch component of the cupola over-grows the second arch component. Extensive degeneration occurs, freeing the tongue from the floor of the oral cavity, to form the lingual frenulum.
From what pharyngeal arches is the mucosa of the anterior 2/3s of the tongue derived? What is the general sensory innervation of this part of the tongue?
Ph Arches 1 & 3.
CN V and IX.
From what pharyngeal arches is the mucosa of the posterior 1/3 of the tongue derived? What is the general sensory and special sensory innervation of this part of the tongue?
Ph Arch 3 & 4.
CN IX and X.
How do taste buds develop in the tongue and what is the special sensory innervation of them?
Taste buds develop in papillae.
What is the general sensory innervation of each of the pharyngeal arches?
Ph Arch 1 - CN V.
Ph Arch 2 - CN VII.
Ph Arch 3 - CN IX.
Ph Arch 4 - CN X.
What general sensory nerve innervates the chorda tympani, and where does this pass through?
Branch of CN VII which is a nerve of the Ph Arch 2, but this passes into the first arch, therefore it also passes through the middle ear.
Where do the muscles of the tongue develop from, and therefore what is the motor innervation?
Both the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue develop from the myogenic precursors that migrate into the developing tongue.
The primordium of the thyroid gland appears in the floor of the pharynx, between the tuberculin impar and the cupola. How does the thyroid gland descent to be in front of the trachea?
The point of origin from the descent of the thyroid is later marked by the foramen cecum. The thyroid bifurcates and descends as a bi-lobed diverticulum connected by the isthmus.
How does the thyroid gland remain connected to the tongue during its descent? What defect does this lead to in approximately 50% of the population?
By the thyroglossal duct.
Pyramidal lobe.
What 2 thyroid abnormalities can occur during its decent?
Thyroglossal cysts (not midline) and fistulae. Ectopic thyroid tissue.