16-17 Virus: Genes and Genomes Flashcards
What did Hershey and Chase experiment revealed?
2 bacteriophages
Protein labeled with radioactive sulfur
DNA labeled with radioactive phosphor
only for DNA labeled bacteriophages the radioactivity was predominantly in cell pellett and radioactivity detected in next generation
so DNA is the carrier of genetic information
4 types of polymerases
DNA synthesis
3’-5’ exonuclease
transcription RNA Polymerase II
multisubunit enzymes 8-14 subunits
RT for Retroviruses, Retroposons
RNaseH to digest away RNA from DNA template
RNA synthesis
Viruses only, every RNA Virus
Difference between DNA and RNA Polymerase
DNA Polymerases with proofreading so one mutation/10^9
RNA Polymerase no proofreading so one mutation/10^4
How do RNA polymerases are specific for RNA or DNA ?
e.g. RdRp of Poliovirus has GDD catalytic triade with D238 that binds OH of ribose and not H of deoxyribose, is involved in Mg2+ and RNA synthesis
one aa for specificity
What information is encoded in viral genome?
Whats not encoded?
Gene products
Regulatory signals
Replication of viral genome
Replication cycle timing
Modulation of host defense
Spreading to ther cells and host
Secondary structure important
What’s not encoded?
no genes for proteins involved in energy prodction and membrae synthesis
No genes for complete protein synthesis machinery, but some RNAs and proteins involved in translation may be present
Genome size bp
RNA Virus
largest virus for humans
Human 10^9
Plants 10^10
Fungi 10^7
Bacteria 10^6
dsDNA Viruses 10^5
RNA Viruaes 10^4
ssDNA smaller than RNA Viruses
Viroids 10^3
largest for humans: Poxvirus 5x10^5
largest in general: Pandoravirus 2x10^6
Genome structure of Viruses
Other characteristics
Biggest difference between DNA virus and eukaryotic genome?
linear, circular, ss, ds
same but no ds circular RNA
other characteristics
+/- strand only important for RNA Viruses
ambisense strand (genes on + and - strand)
attached proteins
cross linked ends of dsDNA
DNA with covalently attached RNA
Biggest difference between DNA virus and eukaryotic genome?
Eukaryotic: Chromosomes with Nucleosomes/Histones, highly packed
DNA Synthesis in general
Which direction?
Bond formation?
Starting sequence?
Ori in different species
All enzymes
Which direction?
always 5’->3’ direction for each strand
leading strand continusly by DpDp III
lagging strand in small sequences by DdDp I
Bond formation?
Formation of phosphodiester bond from 3’OH of nucleotide with 5’OH from phosphor
Starting sequence?
Starts at ori sequence in genome building replication fork
Helicases unwind DNA complex
ssDNA binding proteins stabilize the replication fork
leading strand continously by DdDp III
lagging strand uses random 120 nucleotide RNA primers, produces okazaki fragments and these fragments + primers being removed and okazaki fragment ligation
multiple in eukaryotes, single in prokaryotes, also in DNA Viruses and for Plasmids
All enzymes
DNA Primase
DNA Polymerase 1 und 3
Ss DNA binding proteins
Okazaki fragments, RNA primer and DNA ligase
DNA Viruses
Where does replication occur?
Where does replication occur?
mostly nucleus of host cell except for Poxviruses
DNA Viruses
Symmetry of capsid
enveloped or naked?
Genome architecture
Balctimore class
dsDNA genomes
mRNA production
replication dependent on….
Polioma, Papiloma; Adeno, Hepndna, Herpes, Irido and Pox
mRNA production
only possible with dsDNA, uses -strand DNA copied by DdRp to form +strand mRNA (coding strand)
replication dependent on….
-mostly enters host nucleus (except Polio)
-cell cycle dependent
-some require host cell polymerases, some have their own like Adeno, Herpesvirus, HepDNA and Poxvirus
Circular dsDNA Viruses
How does replication inititation work, mechanism based on one example, viral protein characteristics/domains
other examples of viral proteins doing the same?
Polyoma (SV40)
Hepadna (gapped)
How does replication happen, mechanism based on one example
SV40 has a protein called large T antigen that can recognize the oriR:
LT antigen: hexamer that binds DNA with A/T rich region follwed by specific sequence to initiate DNA synthesis
also inactivates tummor supression proteins like p53 to enter S phase promoting DNA synthesisx
Helicase: unwind DNA
central: patch, that binds refulatory region
3rd domain: interaction with host cell proteins
twelve copies (2x6) assemble to form tube, hole is just big enough to encircle DNA double helix
other examples of viral proteins doing the same?
Papillomavirus E1
Adenovirus Rep68 (linear)
Herpesvirus UL9 (linear)
Further mechanism
Rolling circle:
Elongation with bidirectional replication, then 2 full dsDNAs present, but catenated, after synthesis topoisomerase allows seperation
Linear dsDNA Viruses
What’s a problem regarding replication and how is it solved ? Give examples
Adeno, Herpes, Irido, Pox
What’s a problem regarding replication and how is it solved ?
5end problem, lagging strand how to connect okazaki fragments (last RNA primer)
Self Priming Circulazation: Host DNA Ligase 4 leads to circulazation, then like dsDNA, after finishing
e.g. Herpes
Self priming partial circulazation (terminal loops) form covalently joint ends; oriR near end to synthesize new 5’-3’ strand, DNA is complementary to itself xo forms hairpin structure, full replication, then again closed genome
e.g. Poxvirus
Protein Priming:
own Polymerase where protein serves as 3’ end for synthesis, pTP (terminal protein) binds to each end to displace the non synthesized strand
e.g. Adenovirus
Gapped double stranded DNA Viruses
Family and example
Baltimore class
General mechanism
What serves as a template for DNA genome production?
Hepadna, HBV
-DNA with complete genome and +DNA incomplete, RNA primer von +DNA strand
Baltimore class
gapped dsDNA subsequently filled to form covalently closed circle DNA called cccDNA that serves as template for mRNA and subgenomic RNA production
gapped dsDNA has protein on one 5’end and RNA primer on other end, only -DNA is fully complete
Infection and DNA repair to form cccDNA
Pregenomic RNA synthesis
Assembly of core and first primer shift to form replication complex, own polymerase
Reverse Transcriptase forms -DNA
RNAse H digests pg RNA
DNA synthesis from -DNA via RNA primer
What serves as a template for DNA genome production?
subgenomic +RNA (produced out od cccDNA) serves as template for Reverse Transcriptase to form DNA genome using -DNA to form gapped dsDNA
Single stranded DNA Viruses
Baltimore class
circular or linear?
basic problem
Baltimore class
circular or linear?
linear: Parvo B19 parvovirus (5th disease)
Filling the gap, Dispalcement synthesis, rearrangement, displacement synthesis, enlargement of concatemer, then site specific cleavage
circular: Circo: TT virus (ubiquitous guman virus)
dsDNA synthesis by host DdDp
Viral replication protein creates Nick
rolling circle to produce ssDNA that can
or used to produce another dsDNA
Basic problem
RNA only be made from dsDNA template, so first you need DNA synthesis, mostly DdDp from host needed
replicate in nucleus
RNA Polymerases
3 types and characteristics
RNA Polymerase 1
rRNA (60% of cellular RNA)
RNA Polymerase 2
mRNA (processing, CAP, polyA, splicing)
RNA Polymerase 3
RNA Synthesis
Nucleus: RNA polymerase recognizes the recognition site to bind to promoter, seperation of DNA into single strand for start of template strand (non coding) in 3’ to 5’ direction (at 3’end), so mRNA is +strand
pre-mRNA nucleotides paired wirth complementary based of template strand using uracil instead of thymine (5’->3’ direction for mRNA, 3’->5’ for template strand)
terminator signals RNA Polymerase to stop and release from DNA, after seperation DNA comes back together, pre-mRNA released
RNA Synthesis
Initiation more in detail
Tata Box bound by TFIID/Tata binding protein
RNA Polymerase 2 complex binds to Initiator sequence
Part of the complex:
Transcription factors
Tata box binding protein
enhencer binding proteins (region far away)
silencer binding proteins
also DNA bending proteins that can bend DNA to make distal region able to be bound by enhencer proteins + complex
RNA Polymerase binds
DNA opens up
Initiation complex at 3’end of non coding strand
RNA Processing
3 steps and some characteristics
exons/introns and nothing at 3’ and 5’ end
- 5’ capping
- 3’ polyA
- Splicing
also 2 untranslated regions
cap: metylated guanine added to 5’ end by 5’5’ phosphodiester linkage, m7G by transferase, addional bases can be methylated
polyA: Enzyme complex that put A at 3’ end
Virus encode polyA in genome
Splicing: Introns cut out and Exons ligated together; Introns form laraiat complex through snRNPs
mRNA rules
requires dsDNA template
ribosome ready
synthesis in 5’->3’
pol 2 binds 3’ of non coding end
there is no -strand RNA in eukaryotes, only in viruses
there is no large dsRNA (except secondary structures)
Untranslated regions and their characteristics
50-70 nt, often secondary structures that must be unwound to allow passage of ribosome and influences translation efficiency
can regulate translation initiation, translation efficiency, mRNA stability
polyA tail which is necessary for efficient translation and stability (half life longer if long polyA)
Viral Initiation and examples
Difference between eukaryotic and bacterial/virus mRNA and advantage for virus
ribosome with initiation , elongation and termination factors
PolyA binding protein
5’ cap binding elongation factors
other factors
before AUG start, 48S initiation complex primed via cap/protein or IRES, then elongation by 60S rRNA, termination at stop codon
Viral Initiation and examples
Cap dependent: HIV, Influenza
Protein dependent (VPg): Norwalk Virus
Internal ribosome entry site dependent: Poliovirus
secondary structure that can start internal translation, often multiple IRES to make multiple genes
Difference between eukaryotic and bacterial/virus mRNA
bacteria: multiple ORF to produce more proteins on one mRNA (polycistronic)
there are proteins that can bind to stop codon to inhibit fall off or IRES possible
advantage: similar number of proteins which is good for virus assembly
RNA genomes
4 types and examples
rules for RNA Viruses
what about ambisense?
ssRNA (+)
Picorna, Calici, Flavi, Toga, Corona
genome that is translation ready but needs -RNA as a copy template to produce more +RNA for genome synthesis
ssRNA (+) DNA intermediate
ssRNA is template for -DNA intermediate by RT, then dsDNA in host genome (Provirus) that will be used as a template to get more +RNA for tranlation and genome
ssRNA (-)
Orthomyxo, Filo and Arenaviruses, Bunya, Paramyxo, Rhabdo
not translation ready, so RdRp from virus particle needed to produce +ssRNA that can be used for translation or -ssRNA for genome
Reo- and Birnaviruses
make +ssRNA for translation and genome
always RdRp, -ssRNA even needs to transport it within particle to produce +ssRNA
genome must be synthesized end to end with no loss of nucleotide sequence
Always transcription into +ssRNA necessary
dsRNA linear
ssRNA linear or circular
what about ambisense?
does exist: Coding genes on both strands
dsRNA genomes
facts and examples
facts and examples
often segmented
Reovirus like Rotavirus have 1-12 segments, large (often polymerase, medium and small sequences)
Birnavirus have 2 segments
not translatable by ribosomes
Difference between +RNA and -RNA regarding virus genome structure
is naked with secondary structure formation
No RdRp in capsid
not that stable
Helicase: unwinding
is ribonuceloprotein associated because it needs to protect from host, these complex prevent basepairing
RdRp in capsid
stable against RNases
not infectious
RNA Viruses characteristics (picture)
Genomic architechture
+ssRNA genome
problem and how to solve with (example)
RNA synthesis and protein synthesis at same template, so regulation of transciption and translation is necessary
Poliovirus protein synthesis at ribosomes, RNA synthesis at membrane vesicles, so space seperation, membrane vesicles also to protect from host
Togavirus can also produce RNA subgenomes for mRNA synthesis, especially for proteins that virus needs a lot
also advantage to regulate protein synthesis, more subgenomic sequences = more protein
2 types
What’s the rule of 6?
What’s special about Influenza virus and -ssRNA viruses regarding mRNAs?
polycistronic ssRNA with certain sequences in gene that are termination sequence, also nucleoproteins can inhibit some of these sequences tp form full length strand
e.g. VSV
seperation depending on how much nucleoprotein bound to -ssRNA, if a lot template used for genome replication
Rule of 6
e.g Paramyxovirus
number of nucleotides always multiple of 6 because during replication, these viruses are dependent on nucleoprotein molecules that each bind to 6 nucleotides
e.g Influenza replicates in nucleus (splicing of some RNA synthesis products)
each segment has own polymerase bound to it
What’s special about Influenza virus and -ssRNA viruses regarding mRNAs?**
Cap snatching, steal cap from host mRNA and out it on their own mRNA for efficient translation
Ambisense RNA Viruses
e.g. Bunya and Arenaviruses
use both strands for translation
What’s special about Retroviruses?
ssRNA (+) DNA intermediate
ssRNA is template for -DNA intermediate by RT, then dsDNA in host genome (Provirus) that will be used as a template to get more +RNA for tranlation and genome
also they contain 2 copies of RNA genome with polyA and cap but it will never be translated
ssRNA bound to nucleocapsid proteins, late assembly protein and enzymes like Integrase and RT in particle
Reverse Transcriptase
Polymerase domain that produces cDNA from RNA
Nuclease (RNaseH) domain that cleaves RNA in hybrid
Polymerase Domain that produces dsDNA from cDNA
ssRNA into ds cDNA
David Baltimore
What did he discover?
RdRp in VSV
Reverse Transcriptase of Retrovirus
Baltimore system of virus classification
Development of infectious recombinant clonme of RNA virus
DNA Family Virus and an example
Parvovirus: B19 causing 5th disease
Circovirus: TTV and TTV like mini virus, chronic but no disease
Polyomavirus: Merkel Cell PyV: cancer, BK virus
Papillomavirus: can cause cancer
Adenovirus: flu like symptoms
Hepadnavirus: HBV
Herpesvirus: HSV1,2 and Herpes zoster
Irido: Fish natural host, Mimivirus biggest virus
Poxvirus: Smallpox by Variola major/minor, Vaccina Virus
Polyadenylation of RNA Viruses
can be encoded on viral genome and not non-template dependent like for eukrayotes, only polyA singnals encoded
+RNA: encoded by viral genome as polyA tract
-RNA: poly-U tract
sometimes: reiterative copying of short U sequence in template strand e.g. VSV