15.7 Flashcards
In simple terms, what does the exhaust do?
Guides gases from rear of turbine into atmosphere
The exhaust nozzle does what?
Accelerates exhaust gases which leave the engine
What does the exhaust cone do?
Guides the discharge flow and prevents excessive turbulence of gases
Additionally stops reverse flow
Advantage of common exhaust nozzle?
Reduces high gas velocities of hot gas
Disadvantage of common exhaust nozzles is what?
Increases the weight of the engine
What do mixers do?
Mix hot and cold gas flow to get higher propulsion properties
Disadvantage of mixers?
Add weight
Why must exhaust gases expand completely in exhaust nozzles?
To achieve optimum thrust from a given mass
The exhaust airflow is caused by the pressure ratio between what?
Turbine discharge and ambient temperature
Increasing pressure ratio eventually leads to what?
To a point where it is impossible to get more air through the smallest area of the nozzle
Convergent exhaust nozzles reach max airflow at pressure ratios of what?
Approx 2:1
The choked condition means what?
Means that in the smallest area of the nozzle, exhaust gas velocity equals speed of sound
Convergent divergent nozzles are used for pressure ratios of more than what?
C-D nozzles are only necessary for a/c that fly at what speed?
Faster than speed of sound
Convergent duct is used for what speed?
Sub sonic
Convergent divergent nozzles are used for what speeds?
What is the unit used to express noise?
Effective perceived noise decibel (EPNdB)
Noise is minimised how?
Reducing airflow disruption which causes turbulence
How is reduction of noise achieved?
Optimising numbers of blades and vanes in compressor
Noise absorbent materials
Noise absorbent materials convert sound energy to what?
Heat energy
When air leaves the engine, how does the exit nozzle size correlate to sound?
The larger the exit nozzle the lower the sound